/mpv/ - mpv video plater general:

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User Scripts(including opengl shaders):


Vulkan(Linux only for now):

Test vulkan and post logs if it give you any kind of problems.

Other urls found in this thread:


*video player
I fuck it up

Any new shaders since KrigBilateral/SSIMSuperRes?


fxaa.glsl, enhance-jinc.glsl.

Where is enhance-jinc.glsl?
I thought he abandoned because current ewa_lanczos is almost perfect!



cool, now i can use garbage AA on my animes AND my games

Where's enhance-jinc?
Or the user was just shitposting?


Fix for this - set all 3 localities to 4.0.

Why are you even trying to achieve that shitty upscaled? He is an idiot.
He got ass-blasted in Sup Forums on how bad the upscale looks.

For kicks.

how do i get over this 16 hook limit?

stop using placebo meme shaders

But I don't want to use bilinear.



I have ASUS VG248QE and running Windows 10 with AMD GPU, using ICC profile from here pcmonitors.info/reviews/asus-vg248qe/

I should be using icc-profile-auto, right

Stop shitposting this, that line is used to specified how many threads do you want to use to decode the video.
If you have an i5 you can set it up to 4
If you an i7= 8
If you have a 1700/1800x you can use 16
It also has nothing to do with the hook limit.


wm4: I was going to but he started encrypting his shaders to prevent me from snooping around
and I don't have the tools to break it

madVR won, mpv can't and won't keep up. all hail our closed source overloads, open source can't compete.

JEEB: I actually did some black box analysis of the encrypted file
it was pretty hilariously bad

And yet he couldn't extract/learn/decrypt anything.

asked it yesterday, can mpv use wasapi or not?

>Windows 10 with AMD GPU
you should be using madvr.
this rice shit is for linux, just use best performing solution at your circumstance

Stay mad madvr fag.

>I will use a bicycle to transport logs instead of getting a truck

i'm still waiting on that wasapi question, it's irrelevant for linux but for windows it sounds much better.

>Sup Forums
>having a taste

/wsg/ taste is better than Sup Forums, heck even Sup Forums has better taste

Sure thing madvrfag.
Go check your eyes first.

I just got a "new" GPU as a gift.
GTX 1060.

I want a pretty picture, good config bros?

Trying to get FXAA.glsl to work here, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. What am I doing wrong?


adaptive-sharpen and SSimSuperRes work fine, but enabling FXAA doesn't seem to make any difference. I've already tried changing the FXAA options to the strongest settings, still no difference.


Read the manual, you dumb fuck. Wasapi is the default on windows.

Haasn is such a little rascal. :D

Do those tools to break it even exist?
I know installing a single shit on gentoo is a pure shit but that can't be this, is he still an opensource fag?



Getting some tearing. It looks pretty good though.

Picture is really crispy.

I've got a Ryzen 5, not that that should make much difference

He ridicules the DRM attempts but in the end he is actually unable to break it (otherwise he would've done it long ago instead of just writing what he did).
He claims he'd have to run it on windows and that's below him. But on windows it would be easy as hell!!11 Yeah, of course...
And now they probably proceed pretending the results of these scalers are bad just so they can continue to pretend "we could, but we don't want".

Can't stand people like that.
At least be honest and admit when you are defeated.

got this error with vulkan

libva info: VA-API version 0.40.0
libva info: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/dri/i965_drv_video.so
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_0_40
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
AO: [pulse] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float
[ffmpeg] AVHWFramesContext: Failed to create surface: 10 (attribute not supported).
[ffmpeg] AVHWFramesContext: Unable to allocate a surface from internal buffer pool.
Failed to allocate hw frames.
VO: [vulkan] 1920x1080 yuv420p
[vo/vulkan] Starting a reconfiguration!
[vo/vulkan] Doing a non-bogus resize (0x0) -> (640x360)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

disabling hwdec gets rid of the error but still segfaults

AO: [pulse] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float
VO: [vulkan] 1920x1080 yuv420p
[vo/vulkan] Starting a reconfiguration!
[vo/vulkan] Doing a non-bogus resize (0x0) -> (640x360)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

definitely nothing wrong here, nope

This might be because using FXAA on video is retarded placebo. Next time please don't fall for memes.

So does FXAA work for you?

I've tried FXAA with the attached image, which is heavily aliased. Still no effect here. Huh?

Because it doesn't work with png images you fucking idiot

Thanks for the kind words. Why does it not work with PNG images? Makes no sense to me.

Anyway, how can I make it work? Convert the image to JPG? But that would lose quality. Convert to BMP?

>But that would lose quality.
I don't see any difference

resbond :'-D blease

Can you upload a short sample of the file somewhere?

of what file

The one which makes vo_vulkan crash

every file

Playing: test.mp4
(+) Video --vid=1 (*) (h264 446x226 25.000fps)
[vo/vulkan/wayland] failed to connect to a wayland server: check if a wayland compositor is running
[vo/vulkan] Requesting extensions:
[vo/vulkan] VK_KHR_surface
[vo/vulkan] VK_KHR_xlib_surface
WARNING: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
[vo/vulkan] GPU listing:
[vo/vulkan] 0: Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile (integrated)
[vo/vulkan] Using device: Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile
[vo/vulkan] Alignments:
[vo/vulkan] optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment: 128
[vo/vulkan] optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment: 128
[vo/vulkan] minMemoryMapAlignment: 4096
[vo/vulkan] Best device memory (heap 0, size 1610612736 bytes) flags:
[vo/vulkan] Best queue family (0) flags:
[vo/vulkan] Requesting device extensions:
[vo/vulkan] VK_KHR_swapchain
[vo/vulkan] Using the Xlib backend
[vo/vulkan] Supported present modes:
[vo/vulkan] Using mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR
[Autoprofiles] Applying profile 480p
VO: [vulkan] 446x226 yuv420p
[vo/vulkan] Starting a reconfiguration!
[vo/vulkan] Doing a non-bogus resize (0x0) -> (640x324)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

this is the whole output

Ok, with the JPG image FXAA.glsl does make a difference: It turns the whole image solid blue. Still can't make FXAA.glsl work correctly.

Sure. If it's configured in Windows, mpv will pick it up.

Though, be careful of using profiles you didn't generate yourself. Even two panels manufactured in the same batch can have wildly different colour reproduction. If video looks (subjectively) better with that colour profile, feel free to continue using it, but there is no guarantee of accuracy unless it was generated specifically for your monitor.

Maybe angle bug, try different opengl-backend.

Good thinking, that did the trick - thanks! :)

original untouched 1080p Blu-Ray framegrab:

original untouched 4K UHD Blu-Ray framegrab:

EWA LanczosSharp + SSimSuperRes:

FXAA + EWA LanczosSharp + SSimSuperRes:

EWA LanczosSharp + SSimSuperRes + FXAA:

NGU Sharp:

Seems to me that running FXAA before upscaling actually harms more than it helps. Not sure if I like the result of running FXAA after upscaling (and SSimSuperRes). It might reduce aliasing ever so slightly, but it's not a dramatic improvement, and I'm not sure if it might not sometimes soften the image.

Why are you testing anti-aliaser that was made for artificial content on a movie?

FXAA is for things like aliased video game graphics, not films

You're probably right. At least the results confirm what you're saying. But I thought I would give FXAA a try for the Passengers screenshots, because last time I posted the Passengers comparison, people complained that the 1080p Blu-Ray framegrab would have too much aliasing and that NGU would cheat by having an anti-aliasing filter built in.

This make everything look like shit.

Any way to stream/mirror x11 server to mpv?

something like;
ffmpeg -s 1920x1080 -r 60 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -f pulse -i default -c:v libx264 -crf 15 -preset veryfast -g 60 -c:a flac -f mpegts udp://localhost:8188
mpv udp://localhost:8188

oh, this isn't very low latency, you'd need different settings if you were trying to stream a live video game or something

Oh thanks, yeah has a 7 second latency for me, need to fiddle a bit with it

major factors are;
a. the encoder settings, in my example, i set the GOP to 60 frames, which at 60fps means up to 1 second of latency, you can cut it to 1 frame or use "-tune zerolatency" with x264 to cut that down, though keep in mind the result with be I-frame-only, which will greatly increase bandwidth requirements
b. minimize mpv's cache size, of course, the more cache you use, the further behind the video will be

>I-frame-only, which will greatly increase bandwidth requirements
oh, an upshot to this is that it will also reduce cpu requirements, as it also means things like motion compensation isn't performed

Thanks reading some articles on this

it makes games look like shit too, fxaa is worthless trash

I want to try mpv which config should I use?


Only this.


None, use superior software

I don't care about oil painting stuff.

>A cycle-values screenshot-template "%F - [%P]" "vlcsnap-%tY-%tm-%td-%tHh%tMm%tSs%wT%03n"

Devs, pls add support for more hooks!

Ask on IRC.

to incite responses like yours

Shilling my scripts because it's been a while:


Of course they do, you cannot reliably encypt something if it has be decrypted on your attacker's computer to function.

Is there a way to select the next subtitles when using --sub-auto=all and switching to the next video file?

Retard mode keybinds plz

why use this instead of potplayer?

True. But why try to reverse engineer Madvr at all? Why not spend the time instead to create a new upscaling algorithm which beats the hell out of NGU? Maybe igv could use one of the many github upscaling projects (e.g. Neural Enhance?) as a starting point, do his usual magic to them to make them even better, and job well done. No?

Would creating a superior new algorithm not be a much better way of shutting Madvr fags up than trying to copy a Madvr algorithm?

It's all a bunch of separate scripts, it's not like you need all bindings at once.

I never seen this Pikachu.

How do i replicate what was posted

You need to copy.lua and encode.lua to your mpv scripts directory. If you're on linux that would be ~/.config/mpv/scripts/

In ~/.config/mpv/input.conf you need to following lines:
# crop.lua
c script-message-to crop start-crop
d vf del -1

# encode.lua
e script-message-to encode set_timestamp encode_webm

Then you need a file ~/.config/mpv/lua-settings/encode_webm
codec=-an -sn -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 1000k

Now you should be able to press c to crop the video, and press e twice to create the webm.

If you don't know much about mpv, the setup is a bit more complex that I would like it to be but it's hard to make it much simpler. Maybe I should just put default bindings after all.

does anyone have experience with using mpv with KDE 5? There's something totally fucked up going on with the compositor because mpv stutters hardcore with it on. The only way I can get smooth playback is with the barest minimum desktop environment without a compositor in which case I get tons of tearing. I tried the option to let mpv bypass the compositor but then it totally made my whole DE unresponsive after closing the video. What else can I do?

Get rid of KDE? Judging by what you're saying it's obviously garbage. Are you on wayland or not?

Close, but fails the challenge due to aliasing/noise in the eyes.

no I tried wayland and it wasn't any better. I've tried other DE besides KDE and have the same problem. The only thing that works is something like openbox with nothing else but I'd rather not go back to that. I want some sort of compositor to prevent tearing which is why I tried gnome and kde. Also tried compton+openbox and wasn't any good.

>Why haasn is active while madshi seems to be gone?
>Why madshi is active while haasn seems to be gone?
It looks like they/he play a curious game.

Fuck off foozoor.

Haasn had pretty much one productive phase where he put out stuff like ewa. After than that he never did something substantial ever again. Started some stuff but didn't finish it.
Currently he's at all bark no bite level.

Stop replying to yourself you fucking mongoloid. Nobody is interested in your celebrity worship.

How do we get Shiandow on our side bros?

Make a decent windows version without angle.

haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn
haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn
haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn
haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn
haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn
haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn haasn