Don't mind me just blocking your ads!
Don't mind me just blocking your ads!
Other urls found in this thread:
Google chrome blocks ads.
Be my guest.
You are not entitled to a website. If you can't pay for your site yourself, fuck off.
Actually, you're not entitled to USE a website, you retard. If you block ads, then it is YOU who needs to fuck off.
I didn't asked for your ads. So get the fuck outta here with those.
This. My computer, I decide what's going to be on it. Sage and report shills.
Thats not how http works.
Oh man, it feels so good.
>blocking ads is equatable to actual theft
sage in all fields
>you're not entitled to use a website
Well, actually, it's public, if my browser ask for a content it gets a response.
I'd just like the important part of it, cause you know bandwidth usage and usability are important. So I'll just use a filter
If you're in a faulty type of business don't complain, it's part of the game
you wouldnt download a ad
if it's public sure I am ya dingus.
Don't mind me, just blocking your ads.
> world wide web
>put things up on a public access medium
>complain when people don't request data from third parties
What are your ads blocked at Sup Forumsentleman?
Thanks for reminding everyone to blocks ads.
If you do not have an adblocker installed, go get one now! The internet is MUCH NICER when you block ads! Every ad blocked generates a smile on your face, so block ads for a happier life.
Ad blockers have been said to cure cancer too, so blocking ads might help give OP his testicles back.
Mine's at 14%.
The internet is a pull medium, not a push medium. I don't block ads, I merely decline to request them.
Don't have my laptop at the moment, but here's my phone.
>Actually, you're not entitled to USE a website, you retard.
It's almost as if no one is entitled to anything when it comes to the internet, because you are not entering any kind of contractual obligation just by visiting a website.
I meant to say >how many blocked ads since install
Ad blocking is like having a gun, because you can shoot that robber (who would appear in the form of CC info stealing malware) dead before he can even lay his hands on it.
>Don't mind me just serving you adds that violate your privacy.
He's wrong though. When you publish a website you publish that to the public, unless you have require someone to be registered to use it.
You are not entitled to browse the website and the website is not entitled to having you view its ads. How is this in any way controversial or non-obvious? You're fully within your rights to use an ad blocker, and they're fully within their rights to detect this and block you from using it.
>You are not entitled to browse the website
You are, if it is a public site.
Who cares? Percentage is the better measure.
>You are, if it is a public site.
Entitled how? Are you seriously trying to imply that the website owners can't block you from using their website if they detect an ad blocker?
>You are not entitled to browse the website
But that's wrong you fucking faggot. In fact, that's not even in question. When you publish a website it's up to you how you deliver your content. And everyone is entitled to whatever you choose to publish, and furthermore they're entitled to load whatever they want.
It's your responsibility as a publisher to secure shit you don't want to share behind whatever mechanisms you choose to implement.
>It's your responsibility as a publisher to secure shit you don't want to share behind whatever mechanisms you choose to implement.
How does that contradict anything I said, you literal drooling retard? You are not entitled to view the material. They can choose to block you at any time and for any reason.
Site owners are 100% free to do anything they want with their site, exactly like how I am 100% free to do whatever I want with my browser. IQ50 individuals who come to Sup Forums arguing that "adblockers are stealing" do not seem to understand this simple concept.
wanting to measure my epeen because im on 2.8m blocked ads
Exactly. Glad we agree then you vacuous cunt.
>Site owners are 100% free to do anything they want with their site, exactly like how I am 100% free to do whatever I want with my browser.
Okay, and that's literally what my post said. Nobody is entitled to anything on the internet by default except for sending HTTP requests. You can block their ads and they can block you.
It's not my fault that a literal drooling retard like you can't fucking read. Are you even allowed to browse the internet without a guardian, you mental cripple?
No u
>not ublock origin
Blocking ads is in many aspects comparable to leeching torrents without seeding. It's fine if you block ads, but it's a bad etiquette and you shouldn't try to justify yourself.
blocking ADS=piracy=theft
>Blocking ads is in many aspects comparable to leeching torrents without seeding.
Show us the comparison.
What if I copy the ads?
Oh shit nigga
I think the company has to pay you otherwise they would be stealing