>forces you to use two factor authentication. Must disable two factor authentication to upgrade
Forces you how? For what?
>Some versions delete your files when you merge folders
We just talked about this. See the previous comments.
>Software only works if OS less than 6 years old
Yeah the new software begins to not work when the hardware is 3 versions behind
I'll give you this one as a legitimate point
>The new version of the disk utility
Saying something doesn't make it true
>throttles based on faulty sensors that it won't tell you it has
Throttles what? The speed?
What are sensors? It senses you have weaker hardware than you actually have?
If you think Windows is exempt from shitty driver interaction and creating issues with the hardware you're out to lunch
>terminal stays open when you type exit and hit enter
No it doesn't. You ran into a bug.
>command line utilities are dated
"Command line utilities" meaning the terminal application?
Yeah so is every Linux distribution. They give you a standard terminal app without a whole lot of bells and whistles
Also, Windows' command line utilities are straight out of 1982. It's absolutely laughable
I'm not wasting time going over the rest of that. But thanks for actually trying to put together some kind of rebuttal.
This is a laundry list of intangible issues and personal preferences that can maybe kind of be construed as personal gripes with Apple and what they represent.
Under no circumstance does that make MacOS even remotely in the same ballpark as Windows. There's just no comparison. Windows is so bad I can't even really do it justice, it's an infinitely detailed hellish landscape of shoddy, irrelevant and tacky ideas just barely strung together to create an operating system that works on the most fundamental level enough of to justify being a working product.