This is the worst piece of software ever created

This is the worst piece of software ever created.

I challenge you to name another piece of software that shits the bed in so many different ways on so many different fronts that if you tried to list them all you'd go insane.

It's not good or even usable in some intangible way that can be justified by a niche. It's overpriced, bloated, slow, and infects everything it touches.

Windows is terrible.

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Printer Drivers.

Realtek audio

currently installing LTSB 2016 on a pentium D shitbox I got for_free.exe AMA


Looking to replace Windows 10 on my Surface Pro 3. Can anyone suggest me a Linux distro? My always go to is Linux Mint but I always had problems with hibernating and non functioning Bluetooth after wake from hibernate



QuickTime Player

You know so many people have said this over the years you'd think atleast ONE of them would have had some kind of substantial argument

What is bad about MacOS? What do you wish were better?

iTunes, uTorrent, anything running linux at it's core.

I'm tired of this "it's bad because normies like it" meme.

I hope nobody had to deal with this

doesn't correctly uninstall either

it's just unresponsive plastic silver

no real difference to any hobbyist linux distro

Damage control is quick, how much does apple pay you lads?

Of course iToddlers are the ones who had to get buttblasted.

this is what the experience of any macos feels like to a non-mac fan

Linux is even shitter than Windows.

At least Windows doesn't make my screen go black after installing drivers.

Buggy fucking mess. Rather paint to that garbage.

Either you are still living in 2011 or have some really exotic hardware...

>There are people not just reading, but worse, POSTING in this thread right now who think macos is worse than windows.

Is blue really better than black though?

openSUSE is rock solid

Not an argument pajeets

Have you got an argument?

If I'm so obvious it shouldn't be hard for you to justify it


Been using windows all my life but using mac at work for about a year. System search is trash. Otherwise I don't have many other complaints. It's locked up but I don't need too much customization at work honestly. The imac overheats like a bitch though. Also never gives you comprehensive error messages when it crashes. I think it's more the fact that the software is tied to the hardware so tightly that turns off some proffessionals. I like to upgrade my hardware instead of being forced to buy a new system. Macbooks are great though, aside from the price.

>What is bad about MacOS? What do you wish were better?
I will grant you one valid argument.

It's limited to specific hardware.

Windows can be installed on virtually anything and is easy to program for specific uses, like in touch-screen order systems or locker kiosks at theme parks. I like windows because it is flexible and versitle, and bring a huge amount of software to a multitude of systems and implications.

MacOS simply exists for the minority of hipsters and "professionals" who could easily use software that isn't specific to an overpriced brand


Yeah the sentiment people seem to iterate is that "It's easier to use but less useful" but years of owning a Macbook and I can't think of a single disadvantage it has to Windows

The one thing I can think of is that the task manager doesn't show you any background processes, but that might just be because you shouldn't have to change those and Windows lets you as a roundabout patch to other things inevitably fucking up

That's the *one* thing I can think of and it's barely even been an issue

I don't need an argument because I never said anything about macOS. Instead, I implied apple users are childs who will throw a tantrum whenever someone doesn't like their favourite toy. Notice how no one else is crying for arguments on why Windows, Arch, GIMP or any of the other software mentioned is shit.

>t. mactoddler

I didn't throw a tantrum because you didn't have my opinion, I requested a substantial argument of some kind after hearing the same thing brainlessly iterated a previous 10000 times

You also say that like Mac users are constantly doing this. I barely ever see someone argue with people ragging on Apple products and when they do it's usually just vollying back their dumbass neckbeard platitudes.

>Notice how no one else is crying for arguments on why Windows, Arch, GIMP or any of the other software mentioned is shit.
I'd hope they would, because this isn't just le epic internet banter. Some people have actual opinions that aren't dictated by what they can use to make snarky offhanded comments on an anonymous imageboard.

That article is totally backwards, the hardware shit, but the OS is great

That article explains nothing. It just says "the software has gotten worse"

I don't even have an opinion on macOS. My opinion is on macOS users. Now go back and read the thread until you understand it because I'm not about to explain it again, kid.

>t. mactoddlers

I covered that too you blithering retard. It's also horseshit.

Go tend to your fedora collection.

What incredibly weak arguments

I'm not wasting any mental real estate explaining why this is stupid if you can't be bothered to form a rebuttal of some kind instead of just posting something someone else said

>I challenge you to name another piece of software that shits the bed in so many different ways...

Dude. It's a fucking operating system. It deals with literally every single thing that involves you using a computer. You can't compare a photo editing software crashing during a bad render or a spreadsheet crashing during a fluke out of bounds call.

It handles -everything-.

No operating system is perfect. I'll admit that windows is the worst of the 3 mainstream OS but my point is still made. It's unfair to compare it to anything other than another operating system.

Maybe ten years ago, but not really any longer. Especially if you stay the fuck away from shitty inkjets (and you should!), you are fine.

creative drivers
realtek drivers
linux in general
intel gigabit drivers

Then it's the worst operating system ever created.

Still even considering it for what it's worth there's no way to compare it to something else and make Windows look good.

You're just an angry little person. It works for millions upon millions of devices and for a reason, kiddo.

>it's good because people use it
Is that what you're saying?

The only reason anybody would use Windows is because they don't know better or there's no better alternative. Nobody likes Windows and they never did, "kiddo"

>I challenge you to name another piece of software that shits the bed in so many different ways on so many different fronts that if you tried to list them all you'd go insane.

If you don't realize how stupid you sound when rereading your posts, then you likely never will. Sorry for bothering you I guess

It overwrites the file if you click the button that says "This file will be overwritten", peabrain

Do you even look at these before you save them?

The argument isn't that "MacOS delete your files", it's that MacOS doesn't have a feature that makes a window pop up asking if you want to merge two folders if they have the exact same filepath. It will ask you if you want to save both files or over-write one with another.

>isn't buggy
Did you even use it?

>ur dumb
Thank you for that valuable contribution.

Go platicize things with your douche politicing somewhere else, birdbrain.

Merging is now a thing is macOS
Better late than never I guess


Millions of people were Nazis. National Socialism worked for millions of people for a reason kiddo.

forces you to use two factor authentication. Must disable two factor authentication to upgrade
Some versions delete your files when you merge folders
Software only works if OS less than 6 years old
The new version of the disk utility
Printers which claim to support macs but then actually none of the functions work on macs except low resolution printing
updates through app store
throttles based on faulty sensors that it won't tell you it has
terminal stays open when you type exit and hit enter
command line utilities are dated
refusing to turn on at all when disk is full
failing to install with no errorwhen the hard drive cable fails for literally no reason
password can be reset in less than 10 seconds without boot disk on unencrypted disks
refuses to decrypt disk images from failed disks with significant missing data
Browser is part of operating system
OS must be upgraded to fix bugs in printer drivers
arbitrary lines when support is dropped
Itunes is garbage on toast
opening toast files
bizarre behavior when opening apps directly from dmg without installing
lack of support for writing out old system images
Every OS available right now is garbage.

>I barely ever see someone argue with people ragging on Apple products and when they do it's usually just vollying back their dumbass neckbeard platitudes.

This is a form of confirmation bias. It's not possible to say something bad about apple products without at least one person running to their defence, as if apple was somehow a key component of their personalities and self esteem. Someone brought up something that was a valid criticism, and you ignored it and then said their minor criticism was their only valid point. Your phone isn't a religion man, who gives a shit if someone says "Apple products are overpriced shit for trendy morons" unless you identify so strongly with it that you feel personally insulted by it.

Why the fuck are you defending a brand name?

>software only works if OS is less than 6 yo
This is a good thing. I'd scale that up to 4 years. There's nothing worse than over 50% users lagging 6 years behind. If android did this at least it wouldn't have 60% users still on v5 and below.

>I challenge you to name another piece of software that shits the bed in so many different ways on so many different fronts that if you tried to list them all you'd go insane.

Pretty much anything GNU.

I care because they actually believe it.

Someone can be a moron all they like on their own time but they have implications beyond themself. When people constantly iterate the same things over and over for years on end people begin to believe it because nobody else is arguing with it.

Damn I still miss old OS X UI design.

>forces you to use two factor authentication. Must disable two factor authentication to upgrade
Forces you how? For what?

>Some versions delete your files when you merge folders
We just talked about this. See the previous comments.

>Software only works if OS less than 6 years old
Yeah the new software begins to not work when the hardware is 3 versions behind

I'll give you this one as a legitimate point

>The new version of the disk utility
Saying something doesn't make it true

>throttles based on faulty sensors that it won't tell you it has
Throttles what? The speed?

What are sensors? It senses you have weaker hardware than you actually have?

If you think Windows is exempt from shitty driver interaction and creating issues with the hardware you're out to lunch

>terminal stays open when you type exit and hit enter
No it doesn't. You ran into a bug.

>command line utilities are dated
"Command line utilities" meaning the terminal application?

Yeah so is every Linux distribution. They give you a standard terminal app without a whole lot of bells and whistles

Also, Windows' command line utilities are straight out of 1982. It's absolutely laughable

I'm not wasting time going over the rest of that. But thanks for actually trying to put together some kind of rebuttal.

This is a laundry list of intangible issues and personal preferences that can maybe kind of be construed as personal gripes with Apple and what they represent.

Under no circumstance does that make MacOS even remotely in the same ballpark as Windows. There's just no comparison. Windows is so bad I can't even really do it justice, it's an infinitely detailed hellish landscape of shoddy, irrelevant and tacky ideas just barely strung together to create an operating system that works on the most fundamental level enough of to justify being a working product.

>Under no circumstance does that make MacOS even remotely in the same ballpark as Windows. There's just no comparison. Windows is so bad I can't even really do it justice, it's an infinitely detailed hellish landscape of shoddy, irrelevant and tacky ideas just barely strung together to create an operating system that works on the most fundamental level enough of to justify being a working product.

>Cries that no one ever comes up with an argument for why MacOS is shit
>Can't come up with any arguments for why Windows is shit
iToddlers, everyone.

Indian programming at its finest.