What steps have you taken to optimize your actions for maximum efficiency?

What steps have you taken to optimize your actions for maximum efficiency?

I recently started lifting my toilet seat up before pissing so i can completely avoid having to clean piss from the toilet seat as i used to

I save myself seconds a day which over a life time translates into hours saved

>standing to pee

Pee in the sink. It'll save you even more time.

I try to get in as much exercise as possible because i spend most of my days sitting down staring at my laptop screen.

You are covered in piss splashback.

you are disgusting

I use a bidet instead of toilet paper

Nice try Mom

Thats a fine Idea sir. But I have backpain.

>>standing to pee
Shut the fuck up, Sven.

>not pissing in the sink

piss jugs so I dont have to lift my delicate frame and walk several feet every 20mins or so

I don't know any Sven.

Serious question, is it true that americans don't wash their hand after peeing in winter?


I put a stool in my bathroom so I can squat like a pajeet and shit peacefully

>maximum efficiency?
This is what brainlets worry about all day long

Been doing that since I was five. Everyone (male) does that. Why do you think the seat goes up and down for?

i mean i hope not
i mean not even ameritards can be that disgusting
why winter?

sit down you disgusting person
or do as every not disgusting person does and get yourself a standing toilet

because it's cold so I don't wanna freeze my hands by making them wet.
It's muh dik anyway why would i need to wash my hands?

I always wash my hands but I live in hot as balls Texas so most years we skip winter.
I also wash my hands whenever I masturbate, more to not get any of my devices dirty(er)

How did you know?

I have the webcam on my laptop covered.

>>standing to pee
Any """"""man""""" that sits down to take a piss is a faggots.


Fuck off