Google Chrome has suddenly stopped working for me on Windows 10. I have a 64-bit Intel Laptop. Can you Anons help?
Google Chrome has suddenly stopped working for me on Windows 10. I have a 64-bit Intel Laptop. Can you Anons help?
Install gentoo
This is some juicy bait.
This is the first time I ever posted on this board. How is this bait?
>Feminism Is
why is that your username
Install Gentoo and it will fix all your problems including problems you never knew you even had.
mashallah brother
abp is for kaffirs though
My full username is ''Feminisem is Sexism''
Because I think modern day Third Wave Feminism is Cancer.
(^: رمضان مبارك
Ramadan has ended. Kaffir.
>using the backward smiley with a carat nose
What does it do?
Why do you care about 3rd wave feminism? The ME/NA/SEA hasn't even had the 1st wave yet.
>The ME/NA/SEA hasn't even had the 1st wave yet.
I don't live in any of these places.
You can throw Europe in there, it's pretty much the same today
>You can throw Europe in there, it's pretty much the same today
Do you actually believe the shit that comes out of your mouth?
Do you actually believe the shit that comes out of the Koran, Muhammad?
>Do you actually believe the shit that comes out of the Koran, Muhammad?
Way more believable than what you just spouted. No, seriously. Do you actually believe Europe today is the same as all the other places you just mentioned?
Yes, Ibrahim, give Europe back to the wyatt man
Then you are legit Retarded.
Install gentoo
>Install gentoo
Like I said. What does it do?