>this thread again
No, the gif image/video format was named after the jif peanut butter.
kekimus maximus
If it were named after it it'd be .jif. the creators are just retarded and made a naming mistake.
No, the name gif is also an acronym. Not to mention that they wanted to avoid copyright.
top fucking kek
>Did someone say... peanut butter?
i dont get it bls halp
Is calling Hillary a pedofile.
That's the M1 Garand, it makes a ping sound when it runs out of bullets and ejects its clip.
Actually a clip this time.
shut up noguns, that's clearly a clipazine.
Post rare Terrys.
bottomest of keks
I don't get it
WOW! Do you mind if I save this image?
fuck off
For clarity, that means you don't want me to save it?
wrong, it is 100% and truly aryan
save it, it's all yours my friend.
some dumb faggot goes around on b and makes these stupid threads in which he reply's to himself
talking about andy six and his logs. He is just same fagging on the reply's to the .log
>over 3 decades of the PC
>not a single program uses the ending .fuk for its files
What do you expect, it's called PC for a reason
nice tarball
You could be a pioneer, user. Go change the world.
>hey Dave, what was the last FeelUtmostCreative PRO file for our new client on the server that I should do the requested edits in?
>just do the Ass.fuc
>dat filename
thanks for the chuckle user
>exceedingly underrated post
I peed myself a little.
Who is this qt?
I don't get it