BackBlaze loses 17 TB of data

People who use """the cloud""" are the biggest idiots and suckers ever!

and people call me paranoid idiot for not trusting some ominous company to keep my data safe

>redditor calling others idiots


it's a pic from another image board you retard

The cloud is just someone else's computer... which is subject to someone else's mistakes.

windows users are niggers, that's why services like these exist: to provide convenience for idiots

linux users can do a deduplicated / encrypted / incremental cloud backup with one line of Bash

I don't see the problem. So his backup got fucked, and what's your point OP? It's a backup. See r/datahoarders are not idiots. They're well aware of the risks that cloud storage provides, that is why it didn't actually become a problem for him.

Never heard of BackBlaze, sounds like some meme company. In a commercial environment a company like AWS, Rackspace, Google and Microsoft etc. would be held to account by SLAs and legal agreements.

>cloud backup
But who hosts the servers? If you run your own, it's not what's being discussed.

>pay $5 a month
>consume several hundreds of dollars of resources
>get mad when reality happens
Fucking. Moron.

>no refunds
I guess you can say the reddit user got blacked blazed.

Do you even remotely know anything about good backup practices?

You never trust ANYTHING with your data. The most simple rule is the 3 2 1 backup rule.

You have 3 backups total, 2 at your location and 1 off-site.
Why? Because everything can fuck up of course!

The 3 2 1 backup rule could fail of course but you can even add more points of redundancy to your backups. If 1 backup fails you always have 2 more points of restore and if 1 of the 2 also fails you you always have the last one.

Not that it would matter to you since you probably wouldn't even know if one of your backups has failed already seeing your incompetence.

normally I would say fuck off to reddit but /r/datahoarder and /r/homelab are far better than anything Sup Forums has to offer

Reddit in general is better than Sup Forums in general, which is sad.

Any reputable VPS/FTP/S3 provider in your country. You don't even have to care about NSA since there's duplicity with GPG.
No 'backup solution GUI' that ties you to provider X.

The only reason anyone knows about them is because of the hard drive "tests" that they occasionally post on their blog.

>1 off-site
Is this necessary?

If your house/office burns down, what happens, bucko?

Yes of course. Otherwise your data is 1 housefire, earthquake or tsunami away. It takes one thing to wipe out your house to get rid of all your data. And if you think that's not a scenario that will apply to you you can always take into account that there could be a power outage not shutting down all the different storage pools you have with the chance they could corrupt at the same time.

>8 months to upload 17 terabytes.

What the fuck. Get a better connection or don't bother with such massive amounts of data over the net.

For most of the shit people back up, no. For truly important data yes.

I would have bigger problems than some lost gpg keys, passwords, and media.
>And if you think that's not a scenario that will apply to you
Yes, you have a point in terms of ensuring data safety, but statistically, you're much likelier to die in a car accident, etc.

I'm not talking about how shit you are at driving

I'm only sharing one of the most important backup rules here

A quick calculation gave me 5Mbps upload. Jesus christ

what kind of person stores 17 terabytes of data?

The service probably throttles the upload too to prevent people from using what is advertised. I'm guessing this "unfortunate" accident was intended to have people like him move elsewhere.

a porn addict

You have to go back.

>You have to go back.
get off the internet summerfag, go spend some of your youth outside your room

I've probably been on Sup Forums longer than you, cuck.

I'd have at least 30TB if my case supported that many drives. Do you even media?

wrong comment friend

all because we get faggots like you here

Sup Forums is filled with reddit but not just any reddit users, the most cancerous ones

Honestly all the reddit posters are better than the Sup Forums and Sup Forums retards. I'd gladly take people trying to make "clever" comments over idiots who think anything they disagree with is a troll.

except redditors are tolerable compared to the autistic cancer that is /jp/, the summerfags, and the underage Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums posters

Doubt it.

A long history of misuse and devestation in it's wake...

Sure you'd have bigger things to worry about, but why add your data to that list?