This is the future you chose

This is the future you chose.

Other urls found in this thread: selection

Good. The faster the NEET revolution arrives, the better.

Indeed I did, sweetie. And I want a light coke, ok?

>more automated mcdonalds kiosks
Thank fuck, one less idiot fucking up your order

At least a robot won't forget the fucking honey mustard dip all the time

Robots can't steal my job. They can't use my work force if I have no job, and I can't buy their shit if I'm not paid.

go back to Sup Forums

Which is great. Wage slavery is a cancer for humanity. The only tricky part is adjusting the economy and ending the "MUH JOBS ARE GOOD" brainwashing.

God damn right it is

Based McDonalds kiosk in my neighborhood. No more talking to black trannys that work there who eagerly ask "anything elseeee?". The future is good.

Robots master race?

Imageboards will soon no longer need human posters, you're being made irrelevant mr anonymous shitposter.

It feels like at least 25% of the posters are bots either way. Maybe it started long ago?

came here to post this

people with jobs that can be easily replaced by machines right now shouldn't exist

People reposting generals and threads with this / symbols are the bots.
Take my filter.

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/LInux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Its time for full communism.

the carrier one is politically relevant, the rest is the natural course of automation becoming increasingly cheap.

even as someone who is pro capitalism, i believe we're at a turning point where automation is going to be cheaper than employing shitloads of people with no skill worthwhile to pay for by society. eventually leading to universal basic income.

the alternative is eugenics, which essentially anyone sane is against.

kys retard

>eventually leading to universal basic income.
that will not happen, it implies a lot of things that will fail on a long term period
eugenics seems more realistic, which may fail at the start but if it gets through it will succeed, possibly permanently

A 5% employment rate simply means there are hundreds of thousands of people who don't deserve the job they have.

>universal basic income
more like universal basic genocide

Whats the problem with communism if everything is done by robots.

user, what job do you have that can't be replaced?

>tfw you work in automation
Warms my heart to low-skilled workers put out of a job ;)

Free them from wasting their time and our productivity, you mean?

Low IQ people need something to occupy their time too

So you create welfare leeches

>600 layoffs
man that sounds like a real cherry pick, thats not a lot of layoffs

reinforcement learning

They are going to review content passively. Kinect and Amazon are going there already. Entertainment isn't going to die ever but now content creators have a bigger audience with more time at their hands, and all of their reactions to content will be recorded by big data, helping to produce better stuff.

Eventually they will beg to do jobs and will get better education.

>tfw you're gonna be the one programming the robots to replace normies and cause societal upheaval

Feels great man

>tfw you'll have your tax raised to afford all the people living on welfare

I'll gladly take a slight raise in taxes if it's coupled with the people paying them getting bigger shares of a massively increased GDP.

Money is worthless inherently anyway, taxes is just buying the peace to allow for more progress at that point.

You think there'll be a slight raise in tax to literally fund a good chunk of the population?

>>not using the gif version
git gud

You underestimate how much wealth is produced my man.

A slight increase in current worldwide corporate tax would generate enough money to fund your wildest dreams of welfare.

But that's not gonna happen, Nash equilibriums are like that. The only way the wealthy can accept more taxes is if they abuse the system so much that it hurts them. Which will eventually happen if we continue with the automation.

Do you have any idea how much money is wasted to pay people to do something? The fucking military is building tanks for the keks. A lot of bureaucracy will disappear too, millions are wasted to check if people are sick enough and the likes. The increased productivity will create much, much more wealth too. Closing the taxholes alone would easy finance a NEET utopia.

What do you think people will do with their basic income?

>Closing the taxholes alone would easy finance a NEET utopia.
This. If everybody actually honestly paid the current tax rates without playing States against each other there wouldn't be any debt whatsoever.

This is the single dumbest thing I've read since my finals ended.

The fat fishes would rather kill you before giving you a penny.
After the robots I expect a giant revolution and the outcome will be either a gommunist utopia where you're free to do anything you want and get free money or a 1984 state where corporations control everything and only keep a small elite of humans deemed "helpful" alive and execute the others.

The elites are people too, and even the most horrible people in history usually convinced themselves that they acted for the greater good, that's going to be pretty tricky with global genocide that attempts to go full 1984 would cause.. Besides, there isn't one unified agenda. Do you really think guys like the Koch brothers and most Silicone Valley entrepreneurs could see an eye for eye for a grand plan?

The biggest danger probably comes from the luddites who want their jobs back since they are afraid to become useless.

Except this is good, and you're a fucking luddite?

despite whatever shitty meme you believe from clickbait news articles, machines can only currently replace jobs that anyone can do. ie minimum wage sweatshop work. You never see anyone pining for the "good ol' days" of working in a mill or sweatshop because those jobs were shitty.

If you can be replaced by a machine, you should be and then encouraged to kill yourself because you are just worthless surplus population wasting resources. In 50 years when there isn't enough space or food to possibly feed anyone, we'll live in a golden era of eugenics when soppy disney stories of everyone trying to make some cripple feel like he's relevant are over as people at large realize that we don't have time to worry about shitty minimum wage "jobs"

>The elites are people too
This is where you're wrong

you really shouldnt post this

Well, can't say I know any billionaires personally but all the multimillionaires I do know are pretty humane. Do they shed their skin once their bank accounts hits a certain number?

>Eventually they will beg to do jobs and will get better education.

ya this seems to actually happen, at least some of the time


>50 years
>we'll live in a golden era of eugenics
Slow the fuck down, nigga. Couple decades ago we still believed in junk DNA. Today we can't even effectively deal with cancer or most mental illnesses. Hell, we can't even make a compact smartphone with a respectable battery life. No one sane will attempt eugenics beyond a very, very basic scale anywhere in our lifetimes.

>implying making something more expensive doesn't make the market look for ways to safe costs
Do you really believe there wouldn't be an e-car revolution if we taxed old cars like crazy?

Shit's closer than it seems. selection

You can do it by preventing degenerates from reproducing. helping retards make more retards is going to seriously lose its attractiveness once everyone realizes they have to sacrifice even more for it

>still taking IQ scores seriously and equalling it with intelligence

Selling that idea to the masses won't work and will cause more harm than the retards ever could. Decent economical conditions will lower birth rates already, together with availability of education things will be fine. Specially when more countries adapt a non idiotic system. Couple dumb people left can serve as empathy reminders. Besides, we'd never have people like Hawking if we went full retard on eugenics with our shitty understanding of it all.

I think you understood the comic backwards. What it says is that the market DOES look for ways to save costs. The joke is that the protester makes the connection in one case (carbon credits), but not in the other (minimum wage).

Computers can't draw porn themselves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It is only a matter of time until neural networks can do it. The next Gelbooru won't search for images by tags, it will generate them.

In the first page it makes perfect sense. There is no conflicting stance. The point of 15$ min wages is to make work worth it for the few people who can get a job, not mass employment. Having one person earning 15 bucks and paying their taxes makes much more sense than having 15 people who waste their time and potential productivity to earn 1$ each and needing government assistance afterwards. Walmart costs the state more money now than it'd be if they fired most of their workforce and paid the ones left living wages.

That's fantastic.
Is there even a reason to git gud at drawing anymore ?

Redpanels is fucking cuckservative cancer.

They're pic related.

that's the thing, when neural networks replace human creativity what good are humans?

Yes. First, this type of image synthesis is at least another decade away. Second, the raw images won't be as good or as sexy as hand drawn ones for a even longer. Skilled artists/Photoshop jockeys could start with automatically generated images and improve them tremendously. Third, to create original new art styles or types of images to use as input for the networks.

At that point we'd be a species that makes the current humans look like we see apes now.

There is no such thing, but we shouldn't hinder our technological advances just to keep people with menial jobs employed.

Are you this bad at cutting the articles properly together?