Post your pc setup, and other anons guess your age, if you're a virgin or not, and occupation.
Pc setup guess
Part 2 of setup.
45, virgin, toilet store clerk
Part 1.
Part 2, right behind the desk.
25-30, some shitty entry level office job, you make about 30k, you live with parents or family and blow everything on toys and tech and have no assets plus you dont own your car outright.
either just moved into his first/new place, so 18/19 virgin working at tescos
or fucking retarded when it comes to space management, so any age nonvirgin working as a 'valued' employee, but no leadership/management
that's not a monitor...
that's a theatre!
and get that smug smile off yer face lol
40 year old virgin
I think your camera needs glasses.
this is my setup
suppose ial play
those low cost speakers, that sticker, you have no class and thus no gf
Lol, he doesnt recognize 1200 usd I-love speakers, they offer supreme quality you pleb.
That clean minimalism, that respectful tribute sticker, you have class and thus a beautiful gf
I found the speakers in the dumpster.
That impressive thriftiness, that admirable eco-friendliness, you have ethical prowess and thus a beautiful gf
lolol this picture is timeless
>tfw look like edgelord but actually normie
I just have a regular wooden chair because I am afraid if I get one of those computer chairs the thing on the bottom is going to break and the tube will shoot up into my anus and destroy my BP.
Didn't you guys know about the pressurized air jew in computer chairs?
Unless your chair was created in China (where consumer protection laws are virtually nonexistent) the odds are quite rare that you'll experience that horrible anal-penetrating fate. I believe most chairs have a panel to shield from that ever happening.
The pictures I saw of the ones who were on the bad end of those quite rare odds was enough to convince me to keep my grandpa's old chair
Your grandfather's dying wish was for your buttcheeks to be fully comforted. Get a new chair my friend. Sincerely, someone who isn't a doctor specializing in anal surgery and thus wouldn't profit immensely from an "accident" to happen.
Gramps never met me. In fact, I was thinking of getting a new chair, because this one got a hole in it recently, but I am never going to use that BP destroyer shit.
>blood everywhere
Thank user, now I have a new fear.
are those cabinets from ikea?
Billy + Morliden doors, yes. I didn't install the handles, added spacers to where the brackets meet the shelves, and installed weather stripping to seal the display case away from dust.
>Rate me plebs.
Why do people set up computers in their bedroom? Are you losers living with your parents, or what?
The modem and router is in my room so keep it there
>Are you losers living with your parents, or what?
>Asks the loser who's spending way more on rent and bills than really necessary.
For the $300 my parents ask per month from me for rent (it's actually $200, but I told them I'd be more than happy to do $300 and they begrudgingly agreed), it's a hell of a lot nicer than the shit i'd get for paying $300 a week at a shitty apartment infested with roaches.
My parents are really happy and thankful that of the four kids they had, I was the one that got a bachelor's degree (in Computer Engineering no less) and works for a contractor for a NASA center. They want me to stay around, and they felt the house was a lot more empty after my brother initially moved out and my younger sister got married.
The day I move out is the day I pay full, in cash, for a nice new home for me and my pets. Until then, my bank account grows and grows.
Have fun with whatever shithole you live in after your parents abandoned you on the street at 18 for being a worthless shit.
When you talk to girls and they ask about your living situation, do you tell them that you have two roommates and that they're a "nice older couple that make me food sometimes"?
>When you talk to girls and they ask about your living situation, do you tell them that you have two roommates and that they're a "nice older couple that make me food sometimes"?
>b-b-b-but how do-dodo you approach wimmenz
Simple, because my living situation is a fuck load nice than your rat infested attic and you're a lot fucking poorer than I am, too.
It's not hard to get pussy even if you live with your parents. Take them out downtown for a nice dinner and stay at a nice hotel for the night and they'll fuck raw. Even with the extra expense of a hotel every once and a while, I'm STILL banking a lot more cash than your stupid ass.
I own a 1950 square foot house bud.
I live with parents and I save $70,000 usd a year. I own 2 apartments and I'm on track to retire by 40-50. Living with parents is a good idea.
>moving goal posts
>b-b-b-but how do-dodo you approach wimmenz
>b-b-b-but I g-g-got a big house, user, not poor I swear.
Fuck off, retard.
I liek you
I just asked if that's the joke you make when girls ask, because I know a guy who literally says exactly that and it's a funny joke. It was your decision to sperg out about it and be defensive. It was your decision to take it as an insult. It seems like you might not be as okay with living with your parents as you say.
>I just asked if that's the joke you make when girls ask...
>B-bb-but i was just pretending to be ironic.
>Are you losers living with your parents, or what?
1) How stupid do you take me to begin with a post that's intended to insult and bait people who live with family, and then pass it off as "yo dawg it was a joke, why you insulted, that means you're secretly not happy living with your parents :^)"? Do you really not realize how stupid you are?
2) Why are you supposedly "friends" with a loser that has such low self-esteem to begin conversation with someone they like with self pity and "joking" that they live with their parents?
Literally fuck off.
Nah, that wasn't me. Surprisingly, there are more people on Sup Forums than you and this one "Anonymous" fellow.
>2) Why are you supposedly "friends" with a loser that has such low self-esteem to begin conversation with someone they like with self pity and "joking" that they live with their parents?
Only losers enjoy self deprecating humor now? You need to take a serious look at how mad you're getting and consider that you might have a little congnitive dissonance going on about living with your parents.
>kid who doesn't know how to produce yet buys cheap audio equipment bec of youtube music
>BLACKED curtains
Virgin 200%
>You're mad therefore you don't enjoy living with your family.
Again, how retarded are you?
Well considering that the setup looks to be right in front of a very wide window that would otherwise leak in very bright light during the day, past window blinds, I'd probably be buying thick black curtains to black out the room, too.
I prefer running all my screens at a consistent 120 cdm in a somewhat dim room. 120 cdm against a bright white light emitting behind your monitor makes the monitor look real dark by comparison.
Yea, getting mad and frustrated at strangers on the internet who may or may not agree with decisions you've made, based on incomplete information about your life and are making a passing joke that you decide to be overly defensive about is no cause for any kind of concern - totally normal behavior for a person who is 100% okay with the subject matter. I guess I'm the retarded one.
>I guess I'm the retarded one.
Ah, good, so you finally understand your true nature. I was actually this close to giving up on (You).
Looks peaceful. A little too boring for me but I can dig it. I wish I had room to have my own office.
posted from earlier threada
I sometimes think of having a setup like this. Something super clean, but I just have too many little knick knacks I like. The Godzilla is a nice touch though.
Not a virgin. But yeah kinda on point with the music lol. I'm learning.
>trying this hard online
you dont have to try to look cool and super intelligent for us user, just be yourself
a screenshot just to prevent your coping mechanisms kicking in lel
>tfw you get made fun of by 5 different people
you take your girlfriend to a hotel every time you want to have sex? i'd rather live in a crappy one bedroom apartment and be able to just have sex whenever i want
waste of quints
>i'd rather live in a crappy one bedroom apartment and be able to just have sex whenever i want
>... and be able to just have sex whenever i want
Be honest user, with that kind of attitude, you weren't getting any to begin with. At that point you're just living in a crappy one bedroom apartment to wallow in your own loneliness and self-shame.
>you rn
Do you really have nothing better to do than to try to eke out whatever reply you can get from me?
Sounds like you're pretty lonely if you're really at this low of a point that you're depending on more (You)s to have anyone at all to talk to at this time of night.
One day, you too, will have a girlfriend.
>still trying
the ship has passed user, wish you better luck next time ;)
>posts pic of memefan
>hanging virgin light
>color white meme because subbed to futurology subreddit
Early 20's and hasn't lived on their own without a handout. Technically not a virgin since they finger banged their cousin (in their mind). Doesn't work more than part time as they're a student.
My lord that looks depressing.
How do you not kill yourself in that room?
Here's another (You). Bon Voyage.
A man of patrician taste, mid 30's, but is set on life and knows where he's going.
Thats really great
But those anime stuff..hell no
But overall great setup man
How many laptops do u have?
fuck (you)
Why so upset user?
no way man, that's obviously a Lich.
Check my power outlets.
22, virgin, live in parents 2nd home alone and don't have a job. Also I have only been to reddit once and don't have an account. Good guess, though.
I'll bite
I have just one 6 year old dell xps 15 with a xiaomi earphones plugged in. that's it.
Nothing wrong with trying to make some music. user, just make sure you learn a little bit if theory before you start.
living with parents, no job or gf
makes respectable money and lives comfortably but is lonely
low income, wastes it all. You think youre popular and funny but everyone talks behind your back
A misunderstood genius
You probably have friends and has gone through multiple gfs: a huge normie. Most people are your friends because youre already popular, and you have nobody youre close with
Good job, probably as a sysadmin. a little different than others but an enjoyable person to be with
"""music producer""" college student, thinks rgb looks cool
probably not your main machine but if it is you try too hard
Somebody who has reached enlightenment status
Somebody who did a lot of cleaning before taking the picture
Somebody living very comfortably
fuck off back to r*ddit
>canadian feels meme
>hurrr it's alaska
A big guy
30's, unemployed, antisocial and lives with family. Got pity sex once in high school.
>Somebody who did a lot of cleaning before taking the picture
be gentle senpai
>"I make youtube videos..."
>Virgin possibility.
mid 20s, no gf but plenty "gf" if u get me, nonvirgin, probably a student
nice number
Fell for the bait
I want to play, but I don't have a pic. Please accept my green text and use your imagination.
>$100 Wal-Mart kitchen table set currently being used as desk (in my kitchen)
>$120 AOC 23" IPS monitor
>$20 backlit membrane keyboard from Amazon
>$10 wireless gaymen mouse from Amazon
>R5 1600 mATX build in $60 Corsair case on floor under table
Just a laptop I use in my bed
I like his channel though, relaxing as hell to watch. He only uses old shitbooks, he says new mac prices are ridicoulous.
>possibly virgin
>occupation is customer service hotline for apple
>watches lesbian porn most of the time when home
>social life is mostly just chatting with co workers during breaks