she sure enjoyed that sip
>2D women
Give me what she's drinking.
>tfw no STEM gf
dont talk to me until i've had my coffee
Sauce ?
literally looks like 10 year old me with makeup
I want to have sex with 10 year old you with makeup.
resident evil vendetta
one of the most over-the-top but also one of the best re movie
you will have much fun watching it but only if you don't take it too seriously, I sure did
>idiots cannot even deliver the joke right
You cannot see words and level of liquid inside at the same time.
This shit would only work with transparent cup.
>hutt burt over a flimsy joke
>make 3d waifu
>give her severe down syndrome
why japan, please, just make a cute sexbot and I'll remortgage the house
Alright joke, but terrible delivery.
>it's temperature sensitive ink that is only visible at room temperature