Sup Forums humor thread.
Found this pic on the fb page of a computer repair service, captioned "fixing a computer"
Sup Forums humor thread.
Found this pic on the fb page of a computer repair service, captioned "fixing a computer"
>properly adjusting his soldering tip while double checking his method online
OP you have to post at least 5 images when making a thread
Add usb mass storage to a mouse is goat
Does pic related work?
>using cheap multimeter
>straight up says bs in cs
>omg why are they asking about fizzbuzz
This is Sup Forums idiot
B.S in design or CS. Reading comprehension, user.
Also what is a B.Sc. in design supposed to be?
now there's a million dollar idea
I think I have that exact one.
Wouldn't stick it in a mains socket though.
Missing leg?
What's wrong with that? If you have non-shitty screen chances are you ain't using the whole width, so it's the best placement.
>stealing content from reddit
lmao even same caption, well done OP
Top on Windows is really the retard option
Im no longer sure what this meme implies.
Your mouse cursor spends 90% of the time in the top half of the screen.
This is like that Minecraft jokebook
That the poster is a homosexual