Android phones are obsolete the moment you buy them

Even $800 Android phones don't get any updates, don't get new OSes, don't get any security fixes.

Why are Android users such cucks and sheep?

Want some more proof?

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>Even $800 Android phones don't get any updates, don't get new OSes, don't get any security fixes.

Are you retarded?

My Nexus and Pixel literally get updates every month.

just werks for me. it's not for everyone and especially not shill thread posting brainlets like (you).

Own 4 year old droid turbo, I've went from Android 4.0 to 6.0 and I could root it if I wanted..

You need at least a one digit IQ to operate an Android, one more than Apple

I have a Galaxy Note II on nougat stop being a shill

That's the case if you buy a none Google phone you idiot

Wasn't lineage putting out nougat builds a couple weeks ago?

My Oneplus One came with Cyanogenmod 11 (Android 4.4.4), and still manages to support Lineage OS (Android 7), which updates weekly. Seems I can get security fixes just fine.

Everything after 4.4.4 has just been downhill honestly. 5 runs super slow on my nexus 7 and the UI changes just make it look worse every version. In 4.4.4 you can open settings with a swipe and a tap. 5+ and you have to swipe down once, swipe down again to expand the menu then tap a tiny icon you wouldn't notice if you didn't know what to look for. I'm so glad cyanogenmod still supports the good version

We waited forever for those updates too.

I'm still salty that they removed the option to have the phone report itself as a USB mass storage device when plugged in. I think that was somewhere in 4.x

Because I don't give a fuck. I paid $170 for my chinkphone and it works just fine. It can call, message, play music and browse internet. I don't obsess over a fucking phone like some retarded brainlet, there are far more important things life. Unless you have no life, and spend every waking moment shilling your favorite brand on Taiwanese drawings image board

>running Android 6
>listen to music
>a slight wind blows around the microphone part of the headset
>music continues
Fucking google now and speech recog.
I can't even use my phone for listening to music anmore. I CAN'T TURN THAT SHIT OFF!

Q: How do you update an Android phone?
A: You throw it away and buy a new one.

>installed samsung android 7 update
>icon inside a box
>ugly default font

>application manager
>scroll to Google App
>press Disable
Problem solved.

the only point you have is the security fixes

IOS is going down on the bell curve, each update only is getting worse

i love lineage OS also, but it doesn't pass SafetyNet, it has be addressed before some functions that require it become necessary to daily life

>Buying anything else than Nexus phones

You can keep getting security updates for Android for older versions.
Samsung is still releasing security updates for Android 5 for some devices, for example (through carriers, so it depends on your carrier choosing to get and push the update).
Android 6 is still getting regular updates.

You miss out on some new OS features if you don't get official Android version updates, but the vast majority of apps maintain support back to Android 4.4 because it is fairly simple to support multiple versions in Android apps and you still get security updates if you are with one of the major vendors, so Android isn't so bad.

>Chinkphone Master race
MIUI9 with 7.1.2 Nougat should be coming next month. Even if MIUI stops regular updates (very unlikely ) there are official builds of LineageOS to fall back on.

the community fixes this OEM problem themselves
>meanwhile on iPhone

But my Moto G 2014 is running Android 7.1.2????????????

Literally less than %1 share in Android market

Nexus is dead. Pixel is now.

>Pixel is now
Pixel is dead too! kek

>what are custom roms

Nexus is now chinkshit. Last Nexus was 6

why is android picture message such garbage quality? how do i make it better?

>why is android picture message such garbage quality? how do i make it better?
Makes it authentic... coz Android is garbage.

stop buying carrier phones, its your fault if you are this retarded

My S3 is running 7.1 OP, what's your problem?

>Forced to update to latest iOS
>Phone "slows down"
>Buys new iPhone


>buy a phone with linux
>don't update what you want when you want
why is OP so inept

Seriously. They disable the radio so you have to pay for internet radio when you go over.

you literally have no idea what you're talking about

Planned obsolescence my friend.

You're a bandwagoning retard. Do some research before buying an Android, instead of shoving your money at what looks flashy.

My OG Moto G (2013) is running Nougat, I still use the phone as a GPS for my car, and it works flawlessly.

Your own ignorance is the only thing thats wasting your money.

Planned obsolescence is a myth. Shitloads of people still use the iPhone 5S and 6. Last year, the 5S accounted for something like 30+% of all iPhones in active use worldwide.

Also, Apple's been moving to sell refurbished older phones at low prices in the developing world, so they have no interest in gimping the older phones at this point. Maybe planned obsolescence was a good strategy before, but it clashes with their strategy now.

Oh, and iOS doesn't force you to update it.

Radio can suck my swinging, ground-scraping cock. There's more ads than music nowadays. I'd much rather split a streaming music subscription with 4-5 other people for a total of $3/month/person.

The Nexus 6 isn't getting Nougat from the manufacturer. Also, I hope you're not counting third-party ROMs as "updates", because that's highly disingenuous. I once installed ICS on a Droid Incredible. It technically worked, but it was a straight-up dumpster fire.

>through carriers
>through carriers
>through carriers

FUCK this bullshit. I had a Nexus 6 on Verizon, and at one point, every N6 owner on AT&T and T-Mobile was getting an OTA update pushed out to them, but Verizon was holding it back. I had to remove my SIM and factory reset my phone -- thereby concealing from the phone the fact that my carrier was Verizon -- in order to take the update. The fact that Google lets carriers bend them over like this and compromise their users' experience is why I jumped ship and got an iPhone. Every iPhone on every carrier gets the new version of iOS on the same fucking day, every single time, no questions asked. Is that so much to ask, Google?

I have an s7 edge and I don't regret it over the iPhone 6, because seriously that OLED screen compared to the iPhone.

But if Apple can top it it's gg, Android is cancer, I wish I could run iOS with a nice high resolution screen

Why everyone is so hyped every time new iOS or Android gets released?

Literally nothing changes, you just keep using the same browser and same messager.

>Planned obsolescence is a myth.

Dude, even normies fucking agree... And they're tech illiterate.

>iOS doesn't force you to update it

No, no it doesn't... But it annoys the fuck out of you until you do with constant notifications about it.

Have you seen what's going on with iOS 11? It's actually a pretty fucking big deal. We're getting a file manager, better split-screen on the iPad, social features on Apple Music, a new task switcher, a customizable Control Center, an invert-colors feature that *doesn't affect photos*, multi-item drag-and-drop from one app to another, etc.

Drag and drop in particular is a lot cooler than it sounds. Watch the demonstration from the keynote. You can grab something with one hand, and, with the other hand (or your remaining fingers on the first hand, as the case may be), close the app, open another app or the task switcher, and then drop it wherever it was you wanted it. It's some crazy Minority Report bullshit, the way they have it integrated into the historically monotask-oriented UI of iOS. I like.


You're full of shit. 30% of those normies are using an iPhone 5S. 45% of them are using a 5S or a 6.

>it annoys the fuck out of you

For a reason. Updates are important for security. There was one a while back that was literally a Trident hotfix. Do you want people not installing that? Because I don't.

The average intelligence of an Apple user

It actually is mildly interesting that Windows booted after he transplanted his drive into the Mac Mini. Windows (esp. 7 and earlier) has a habit of chimping the fuck out when you change hardware out from under an existing install. It also occurs to me that, in this case, the Mac bootloader is likely completely absent, which could potentially cause exotic consequences on a machine that was never particularly meant to be without it.


Verizon always pulls scammy shit like this, don't use Verizon.

They don't pull it on Apple, because Apple doesn't let them do it. Google shouldn't let them do it either. The adage "you're not the customer, you're the product" has NEVER been truer than it is in the case of the relationship between Google and the cellular carriers.

And it's not just Verizon either. Remember when Google Wallet first started allowing people to pay with NFC? Remember how *multiple* carriers removed the Google Wallet APK from the stock ROMs of all phones that would otherwise have it, because the carriers were invested in a competing technology called CurrentC that was not ready yet, was not slated to be ready for another year or more, and ended up taking so long that it got blown the fuck out by Apple Pay anyway? Yeah. You may not remember, but I do.

Hell, it's not even just *carriers*. Not too long ago, Google finally got their head out of their asses and made a final decision on how they wanted to handle microSD cards. They decided that they'd offer an adoptable-storage system that would let you extend your filesystem onto the SD card. Which was cool, until Samsung and LG decided that "this wasn't how people used SD cards" and unilaterally removed the adoptable storage option from the stock ROMs on that year's flagship phones. That situation, as far as I know, is still unfolding.

tl;dr Fuck Google for being a wet noodle and not enforcing standards. At least Apple has some self-respect regarding their product. They actually make me feel like a customer.

>Radio can suck my swinging, ground-scraping cock. There's more ads than music nowadays

Radio is for news, sports, talk, etc. Of course that shit's all on AM, and no portable device with a built-in radio ever does anything other than FM. (I believe because that's cheaper and simpler to implement)


Shitty syndicated news with unfunny normie hosts and just as much fucking advertising.




NPR, right-wing pundit faggots, and Jesus, all day long.

and yet it still manages to be better than Top 40 trash


You know what else is better than Top 40 trash? The 40,000,000+ songs I get unlimited streaming access to as part of a subscription service that I pay less for monthly than I do for lunch daily. Then there's podcasts, which are basically talk-radio shows that are more than just a vehicle for fuckloads of ads. Podcasts also aren't necessarily subject to FCC regulations and the whims of corporate sponsors, so they can say whatever the fuck they want.

And then there's internet radio, which started all of this. FM-quality internet radio -- let alone AM-quality internet radio -- is so low-bandwidth that you probably use more data by navigating somewhere via GPS than you do listening to the baseball game on the way there.

Radio fucking sucks, bro. It's dead. Get over it.

>we premium now
i miss when nexus phones were ~300$

>Podcasts also aren't necessarily subject to FCC regulations and the whims of corporate sponsors, so they can say whatever the fuck they want.
Read: "They don't have to tell you when they're shilling"

No, retard, I mean that they can say 'fuck' without being fined eleventy gorillion dollars, and they don't have to issue a public apology every time they say something that makes some shit-kicking mongoloid mad, because they aren't being threatened with termination if they don't.

>obsessing over software updates like they ever even add anything worthwhile
You're a funny person if the rate at which you receive arbitrary updates decides which phone you get.

I'm an iOS guy these days, but I can reach back far enough to pull this one out:

Use Android Froyo/Gingerbread for a week. Then use ICS for a week. Then tell me it wasn't important to have that update.

Also, yeah, it's nice to know that I'm probably not going to get my shit pushed in by the next Stagefright or WCry or Heartbleed or Trident that comes along.

My note 2 from 2012 is running android 7.1 just fine, 2gb of ram and 16gb of storage is still usable for the average user, even has enough oomph to play some PS1 emulators well.
On the other end of the spectrum, I've got 2 friends with an iphone 5 and 5s, both running the latest, the 5s is still usable, but a tad slow, the 5 is painful.