/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

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fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


How do you guys feel about manjaro and linux mint? Any positive/negative experiences? Also, it says on the wiki that linux mint website isn't safe, so where would I go download that?

So I have this script to take screenshots via keybinding

DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%N)
case $1 in
$(scrot -s $DATE'.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/Screenshots/')
$(scrot $DATE'.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/Screenshots/')

But for some reason, whenever I call the script from my i3 config like this,

bindsym Shift+Print exec --no-startup-id ~/Scripts/screenshot.sh -s

It just wouldn't using scrot -s for some reason. But whenever I remove the -s from the command being executed from the script itself, it takes a screenshot. I don't understand why scrot -s won't run from a hotkey.

how can I purge everything related to pulse audio? debian based distro

Uninstal it and all its deps


Also, make sure you rm -rf /tmp/ since it will store files there I believe then reboot.

When using this script it fails to locate the input file.In this case "input.mkv".Running the command manually works.Where am i going wrong?

for file in *
vspipe --arg "in_filename=$file" --arg display_fps=60 --y4m motioninterpolation.vpy -|ffmpeg -i - -crf 11 "$file"-60

I have Ubuntu 17.04. I updated it when I installed it.
I'm trying to install SLASH'EM.
I get this error from gdeb when trying to install:
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: xlibs (>=4.0.1-11)

I'm guessing I need xlibs at a version of equal ot newer thant that. But how do I get it?

Try putting the command in $( ... ) since you're using double quotes.

Search for it first

apt-cache search xlib dev
aptitude search xlib dev

Then if you find it, install it via apt or aptitude.

The vspipe?

for file in *
$(vspipe --arg "in_filename=$file" --arg display_fps=60 --y4m motioninterpolation.vpy -|ffmpeg -i - -crf 11 "$file"-60)

I'm not that good with bash yet, but if that doesn't work out, try playing around with the quotes and look up arrays.

Maybe something like "in_filename="$file ? Not sure.

Actually shit, try this cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-loop-over-file/

>how can I purge everything related to pulse audio? debian based distro
What's wrong with pulse?

The for loop works fine,its just something with vspipe not finding the file.I can use identical for loops with other programs and they work.I've never use vspipe before this

Maybe it changes directory before doing stuff or some shit.

>going to shitty downstream distributions

You are beyond help.

/tmp should ge cleared after every reboot so he doesn't have to remove anything if he reboots

Manjaro is /fglt/ approved because it has non-systemd option

Is -march=native the same as -march=x86-64 if I compile on a Intel i5 520M?
Is there something else I can add to produce "optimized" binaries?

>g approved
You spineless utter retard. Who even says that it's approved? Who is fglt? I understand that you're an idiot, but even an idiot would know that there are multiple people who post here.
There's no need to address why Manjaro and other shitty downstream distributions are idiotic. Neither is there a need to address the fact that you most likely don't even know what systemd is, but you hate it because it's cool and it makes you appear smart and edgy.

Blow it out your ass


I also did gcc -march=native -E -v - &1 | grep cc1 and turns out native autodetects it properly. For my i5 520M it's "westmere" as mentioned on that page.

Do you need a boot manager for UEFI installs?

So, i used windows on my home server for a long long time and never had any issues, but i got the linux itch in my head, so i tried to install it on my server instead and i loved it, it's so well designed and using the shell is so much fun.

But lo and behold, after using it for mere two months i today noticed the server wasn't working. After attempting to boot it all i'm getting is
>kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)
I haven't even touched that server in over a month, it just broke on its own. All i use it for is to run samba and apache.
I mean i heard stories that linux is unreliable and breaks all the time but i though they were memes and you have to fuck up for it to break.
Will this happen often? Because if yes, i will have to go reluctantly back to windows

>you most likely don't even know what systemd is
it's got a 99.999999999% chance of having an NSA backdoor and that's all anyone needs to know.

Literally, someone could know nothing else about it and that would be enough to avoid like the plague.

According to your logic any free software can, including your kernel.
Just as I assumed, you have no real knowledge but you're parrotting memes you found here and elsewhere.

since alsa is no more in firefox
>Play YouTube videos (or audio) with 2 (ok maybe 3) clicks?
useful if you don't have/want pulse

apt autoremove pulse or something
man apt

one is a hobbyist project used by kids the other is ubuntu with another de

I'm not the guy you were originally responding to in the previous post.

I'm just telling you that software that was made with the help of the NSA, like systemd, is most likely compromised in some form or fashion, and that is enough reason to avoid it. If you avoid windows for it being aidsware, then it is logical to want to avoid systemd. That's all I'm saying.

Hell, I don't even have VLC installed on my rig anymore. No botnet for me ok.

It wasn't made by the NSA. It was made by people employed by Red Hat, amongst others. Red Hat also contributes to the Linux kernel, yet you use it. More so: the NSA developed SELinux, but you ignore that. Most likely because you're an idiot who has not even basic superficial knowledge or because you're not capable of logical thinking.

tl;dr: you're a retarded hypocrite meme and myth spreader

It's never happened to me before, when I wasn't fucking with partitions and whatnot. It looks like for your grub works fine but your initramfs is broken ;(. Don't know what system you are in but you probably need to boot into a live disk to fix it. You might be able to tell grub to skip the initramfs but I don't know how. Are you sure you didn't have auto updates on or something?

I sure would mount -a her.
Then I'd yes in her face.

I run apt upgrade once in a while, but surely that couldn't brake it? If updating the system broke it that would be a pretty huge drawback, considering that windows can run auto updates for years and years and never break

Yeah, don't assume maliciousness when the most likely explanation is a sever case of Dunning–Kruger.

It sure isn't usual for it to break on updates, but there is no other time the initmramfs gets updated. Unless there is filesystem corruption. Then again, windows well for some people but breaks for others too!

clearly you're not an Arch user

I'm using ubuntu server, i wanted a system that is linux but at the same time easy to use

ok my bad. NSA assisted in the creation of SELinux and systemd is on the "NSA approved" list of software.

That makes me feel so much more comfortable. I'm glad the NSA is keeping a look out for the little man. I'll be sure to go out and get my free copy of windows 10 tomorrow.

>It looks like for your grub works fine but your initramfs is broken

boot up an older kernel from the grub list

if it succeeds, run
update-initramfs -u -k all

Stop using the Linux kernel you retarded hypocrite or stop posting your conspiracy theories. Alternatively continue being the laughing stock for normal people that aren't retards.

How do you remove old kernels? I have like 30 of them i only want the lastest one

Ubuntu is the distro that's capable of breaking on it's own. As is everything debian based.

I've had Arch break on me once, the combination of no pulseaudio and having steam open for a week straight filled my tempfs, I ran a system update, mkinitcpio didn't have room to build the initramfs and failed, I was a retard faggot and rebooted.
Fixing is as easy as booting off a USB, chroot and mkinitcpio, but the thumbstick I had with me on that day had a debian installer on it which doesn't let you do such things.
Was entirely my fault though.

>useful if you don't have/want pulse
Install apulse and run firefox with that. I literally just did this.

Updates on not-rolling distros are huge though. I've had so many broken updates on debian based systems I'm going to purge those systems from my house when their support runs out.

I was dealing with this issue all day.

What FS were you using?

I switched to ext3 from ext4 and that seemed to resolve the issue.

>Stop using the Linux kernel you retarded hypocrite
Can I be a special snowflake like Debian and remove the icky parts I don't like instead?

>stop posting your conspiracy theories
Seriously. All I said was that avoidance of the software due to probable backdoors(NSA APPROVED) was a sane decision. That's not a conspiracy theory. If I were to say the NSA was working on a way to give everyone Martian Herpes via a kernel update, that would be a conspiracy theory. If I were to say SELinux was mining buttcoin with everyone's RAM while asleep, that would be a conspiracy theory.

I think it was ext 4, i used the default settings in the installation

You cannot remove every part contributed by Red Hat and have a working kernel. Keep living your hypocrite life, idiot.

>99.999999999% chance of having an NSA backdoor
No such certainty. It is only certain that it has an unknown, non-zero probability of having an NSA backdoor and that probability increases over time.

You can also, as you were doing, make educated guesses about the current probabilty of NSA backdoor in systemd and other pieces of software, based on factors like level of NSA involvement, complexity of code, and potential benefits of the backdoor.

If we are having an argument, and you stop replying to me, then I win by default.

This. Is it some systemd deal all over again?

>99.999999999% chance of having an NSA backdoor
How? Isn't it free software?

>How? Isn't it free software?
People don't necessarily audit every line of every commit of every free software project, and even when code is reviewed or audited subtle bugs (whether intentionally introduced or not) can go unnoticed, especially for large projects with hard-to-read code. Heartbleed was right there in everyone's face for years before anyone (or anyone not malicious) noticed it.

This issue that I am having may sound strange but surely there is someone ITT that has experienced it, and knows a fix. I will try and explain the issue as best I can because I have scoured the internet looking for a solution, but to no avail have i found anything.

When I have xfce-power-manager enabled and I use the brightness increase button on my laptop (T420) the brightness flickers quickly to max, then increases a little bit each time I hit the button. Inversely when I hit the brightness decrease button the brightness goes all the way dark and then decreases each time.

i recorded a video of the problem


>Please note: common gentoo-netiquette says you should not sync more
than once a day. Users who abuse the rsync.gentoo.org rotation
may be added to a temporary ban list.

Haha go fuck yourselves, I'll sync as much as I please.

That applies to any piece of software then. Why is systemd then 99.9999% with a backdoor and everything else is perfectly fine?

Systemd is complicated and has the lowest possible access to a system.

I think people spreading the "systemd is the nsa botnet" conspiracy theories are actually systemd supporters; it just makes people shaking their heads and they continue using systemd,

No one said such thing, but see Indeed, any piece of software can hide such vulnerabilities, but they don't all have the same probabilities of doing so. Systemd happens to have a lot of things going for it:

- big, complex project (more room to hide vulnerabilities)
- hard to read code (easier to hide bugs, easier to have them pass as honest mistakes - indeed useful bugs may even be introduced as honest mistakes by well-meaning contributors to begin with)
- deals with lots of basic system functions (access to juicy parts of the system without the need for further exploits)
- lots of political pressure for major distributions to switch to it (wether that pressure comes from the NSA or not is irrelevant - the end result is more people running the software)

Systemd is the kind of software the NSA would have a high incentive to plant backdoors in, and also the kind of software they'd have a good chance of getting away with planting them in.

I think people who devaluate systemd detractors by referring to their arguments as "systemd is nsa botnet" are drooling retards with no clue what they're talking about

So how do you even learn to configure a kernal for gentoo? Just failing at it?


the actual problem with systemd is simple: programs should work with any init system, but systemd isn't only an init, it's growing into a "gnu/linux/systemd" standard
using vague backdoor arguements just makes people laugh

fbi 14743959594240.jpg
using "DejaVu Sans Mono-16", pixelsize=16,67 file=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Invalid argument (not a linux console?)

pls help

Anyone in support of systemd in any way shape or form is a CIA shill advocating for the destruction of privacy, and humanity as a whole.

>not a linux console

How is gnome terminal not a linux console?

What are mirrors or CDNs?

"linux console" is a pretty bad expression
what they actually mean, it's not a virutal terminal (one of the terminals you can reach with CTRL+ALT+F1-F12

>gnome terminal
That's a terminal emulator.

It's the same in those terminals as well, can you suggest some image viewers that would work with emulated terminal?
I read the OP but what do you suggest? Something simple

Try this: nongnu.org/fbi-improved/

Otherwise just use w3m.

This isn't the LaTeX thread, but I figured at least some of you were knowledge enough in it to maybe offer some help.

I am itemizing things (in TexStudio), and currently have:
\item Title: text\\


I would like to have the \item flag appear after each press of the enter key when itemizing; is this possible? I am aware of the CTRL+SHIFT+I shortcut, but it is cumbersome when listing things.


What are those bags on the trees in the back?

Sounds like your HD is malfunctioning

A mirror is something that shows a reflection, often used for vanity.

install terminology
tycat pic.png

Your just want an image viewer on X you can run from the console? Try feh. If you want one for the terminal without X, search for framebuffer viewers.

use w3m
w3m -o ext_image_viewer=0 pepe.jpg

Exactly. Reflection of files in this case and the vanity is being able to sync more than once per day. Why can't gentoo just add them?

Why would I be getting "a start job is running for rebuild dynamic linker cache" on every boot?


Ask systemd

sounds like a bad case of systemd.

Check if the dynamic linker cache is not created in tmpfs or in a location which is wiped every time you reboot.

thoughts on grml?

pls respond

hi user

On what?


pls respond with helpful information. i appreciate the greeting though. hello other user.

Oh I see now. My first impression is that it seems useful.

>23 Jun 2017: New Grml developer: Darshaka Pathirana

This is very problematic...

You can use the bottom of a mug to sharpen a knife, in a pinch.

well known for the best zsh configuration, but never tried it

How? I have a cool Swiss Army Knife but it is very dull. Do I just simply brush the blade across it?

you are not being very helpful in regards to my original question, but I will be sure to remember that tip if I ever go to prison.

you don't happen to know if there are any LaTeX help IRC channels are there?

Yes! There is a latex channel on freenode with quite a few users

The two main sharpening techniques are running the blade across the sharpening surface edge first, as if trying to cut a thin slice off it, and running it backwards, as if spreading cheese. You are advised to look up videos on the subject.

OK cool, thank you for the advice

i do not see any on the installgentoo wiki.

What is the best loonix alternative to windows media center? i want to switch my htpc over to linux but my family uses wmc heavily so i need to replace it
It needs to be able to display a tv guide and record live tv based on what people tick in the tv guide, from two different tv cards