Tfw fell for the 16gb of RAM meme

>tfw fell for the 16gb of RAM meme

Other urls found in this thread:"fell for the 16gb of RAM meme"/

get on my level I have 24
8GB host OS + 16GB VM

I know. I wish I had 64 GB instead.

8GB ram and 2GBVM. It sucks

>get on my level I have 24
get on my level

>fell for the meme
It's not a meme it's just future proofing

>tfw still using 4GB of RAM
Well, I'm okay with that

I'm glad I have 64 instead.

Tell that to the people with 32GB of DDR3 sitting in a box somewhere.

16 GB isnt ovserly expensive, theres no real draw back of having more RAM, and its still useful if you wanna leave a lot of programs running at once.

>leave a lot of programs running at once.
more like chromium + about 32MB left for everything else

I miss the 16gb ram spammer desu

This, 8gb to 16 is about the same price as a vidya, and most the time you don't even play the vidyas you buy. At least you'll end up using the extra RAM.

How is it future proofing when their other components will become obsolete before the RAM?

people who play games ∩ people who actually need lots of memory is scarce.

My old rig is that...

Back in the day most games only required 2 - 4gb of RAM but people still yet doubled there RAM , Nowdays some games are asking for a min of 8gb so it'll be a good idea to double up on the RAM. This is only from a gaming stand point.

games are not important.

DDR3 sells for a good price on eBay, so it's their problem for not cashing in. You could easily sell your DDR3 and upgrade to DDR4 whilst barely spending anything in the process before the recent DDR4 price gouging.

16GB is sweetspot

what is that thing in the center that looks like an arch, a new meme or something?

Has this faggot's ban expired?

Intersection symbol retard

My memepad has 4GBs and runs just fine. I just can't browse with lots of tabs opens, but other than that it's fine.

haha get trolled you fucking chimp
i knew what it was all along
fucking gullib womyn

>implying I don't have a 8inch pee pee

>implying Sup Forums bans do anything

I've lost count how many times ive been (((banned))) in the past few days

I haven't seen this thread in a while maybe his wife found a bull

>posting forced memes from your cuckshed

What could be better

What's wrong with that? I also have 16. The price difference between 8 and 16 is 50 bucks or something like that. I feel it's worth it

i currently have 8gb of ram and it's not enough

Intersection of groups. You saw it in school unless you are a drop out or underage. If you are the second case

>you have to be 18 to visit this website

Anyone have the screencap of the bans for posting this?

That has made me produce an audible chuckle

12 GB master race reporting.

(No, not tripple channel. Why do you faggots always ask this?)

It had been almost a year (11 months) since I last visited Sup Forums, now I just checked the catalog and found the same 'ol b8 thread.

Seriously, for how long has this been posted?

he installed the meme

Because if it isn't you're retarded and you're system is slow

>tfw 8gb ramlet and 4 gb vramlet

Hold me, lads

Why this fat neckbear trap atentionwhore is not banned y

Its enough desu

com her fren. don be sad

No, it isn't. 2x2 + 2x4 operates in dual channel just fine.

We agreed in the other thread that Femanon is annoying so if lots of people use the name it's meaningless


How you get so smart and good in math I wonder..."fell for the 16gb of RAM meme"/

You didn't actually figured it out, did you.

>tfw fell for the amd meme

Not before you posted b'ing me tfo!

8gb is ramlet status

>tfw many games put you near 90% usage

get 16 niggers

Does your computer call for more memory when there's more available? I upgraded to 16GB and I go over 8Gb more often than I would've thought. Is part of it just my computer making use of the headroom?

>when you have 11gb of vram
