Why the fuck is everyone using GNOME?
Why the fuck is everyone using GNOME?
Why do people buy iphones?
Because RAMlets can't grasp the beauty of KDE
oh, I see you're running KDE. I'm actually GNOME myself.
Is it just me who thinks that gnome animations are laggy? Everytime I click the applications menu the animation that follows stutters like crazy. Even KDE has more fluid animations and so do gnome forks.
KDE uses less RAM than GNOME nowadays. This is the power of Javascript.
I'm genuinely curious. Even Ubuntu is switching over from Unity to GNOME, but why GTK instead of Qt? I've never used GNOME so I don't know why it's so popular.
Because bistributors are too stupid to make anything else run out of the box correctly.
So should I just use Gnome or KDE then? RAM isn't an issue, I have 16GB.
because it's the most modern DE, there's no screen tearing... it looks nice without having to configure and rice a million settings...t just werkz right out of the box, and all this along with a pretty sizable amount of other reasons
no one really wants the screen tearing and ugliness every other de has to offer.
so my question is: why are you faggots jumping on a pointless bandwagon to swear against any and all mention of positivity aimed at gnome 3?
Biggest fucking mistake they'll make. They might as well start basing Ubuntu on fedora which they should have done in the first place. KDE is just overall better than GNOME.
Why are they going with gnome then?
Do GNOME shills do it for free?
Because it was the base of Unity and retraining their already not very competent DE developers to change from a GNOME to KDE environment would not be worth it.
yes we do.
My installation has screen tearing. Fuck off.
Because it is installed by default.
I generally prefer LXDE, or dwm if I care to go through the trouble to be a special snowflake.
>not a special snowflake
Just use xfce. It's better in every respect.
It's all about the rice. KDE is simply too ugly to compete and themes can't fix it.
>better in every respect
Not in memory usage and CPU cycles/battery life.
>caring more about 100MB more memory usage instead of 10x more features
Features that I neither need nor care about.
I'd rather have simple software that gets the job done than bloatware rice bullshit.
t. Terminal cuck
best value for the money
half a decade of updates
literal pussy magnet
gee I dunno why
Does GONME have a hard G or a silent G?
GUH-nome or
>best value for money
GUI retard child
It'll be fine. Plugin development for Gnome is through the roof right now due to the shift, and with a couple choice plugins Gnome goes from OK to fantastic.
>best value for the money
are you sure about that?
>half a decade of updates
that's about right, yeah. even more than that, probably. but Apple slows down your phone exponentially with each update to make you buy a new one. and if you don't update, you can't use the app store. kind of an amoral practice.
>literal pussy magnet
literally untrue. most girls over 18 don't give a shit about what phone you use. you've got to get off Sup Forums and go outside sometime. girls are not these cartoonish golddigger caricatures we've created in our minds.
>not openbox
I hope so. Canonical shouldn't have left GNOME in the first place. I mean, I love Unity for it's compact UI but they could've just made plugins to fix GNOME in the first place instead of wasting time with unity. Although I think unifying phones and computers was a good idea they totally flopped. KDE seems to be much closer to that than they ever would be.
t. single virgin white knight
Because the "Linux community" will literally do everything Red Hat and the FSF tell them.
I don't see the beauty in crashing
>[says things that are true]
>y-you're a virgin!!1
>ha...g-got him good...right Sup Forumsros?
I too can admire KDE, I just turn off my monitor to get almost the same experience™.
>Crashing garbage
no thanks
pic unrelated
Ren and stempy still feels really wrong al these years later
>just werks
>forced mouse acceleration, can't fully turn it off, even through xset
>cursor size gets randomly bigger ( some bug with multiple monitors? )
>buttons. switches, sliders, tabs, toolbars, popups everywhere, EVERYWHERE
>the amount of bloat that makes even windows10 look lightweight and shy
work fine for me : ^ )
its like that on x session if you don't have a powerful dedicated GPU
wayland gnome session is butter smooth ( but there is mouse lag ) though, even on intel chips.
overall, gnome team is currently working on performance optimization
>Citation needed.
I run GNOME, but mainly because I'm too lazy to run anything else. That said, it's an unstable and uncustomizable piece of crap (even with the plugins)
Unifying phone/tablet and desktop UIs is a fucking horrible idea. They are not used in the same manner at all. Fuck Unity for this bullshit. Fuck Microsoft (Win8+) for this bullshit and fuck you.
I say "genome"
kde is a mess and xfce has no high dpi scaling so im only left with gnome
I tried Xfce.
I got sick from the screen tearing while scrolling a web page.
Silent like in Gnu ('nu)
Weak bait.
>terrible idea
No, it's not. And it wouldn't be unifying UI as much as the phone itself being compatible with desktop apps and being able to lauch a fully featured desktop when connected to a "hub", like windows does. Except it does so poorly.
The UI really isn't unified at all. It would use a different one for phone/tablet.
Maybe it's part of the transition to using more minimal DEs/windows managers? It hogs memory for sure, but perhaps people who use it aren't that conscientious/caring.
>pussy magnets
i think you are trying to say is: AIDS magnet
how do you fuck chads in the ass?
It has nothing to do with being a retard, there are some people who don't like spending a good deal of their time hacking the OS to work, let alone adding features.
Do you realize what an operating system is? you use it for whatever you work, if you end up spending so much time hacking the OS with absurd commands you will likely forget then you won't get any work done, this is usually how it goes in the real world where you have limited amount of time, get that in your head you stupid neckbeard, Linux is for Chads now.
Gnome is comfy
lost hard
It was basically an adult show toned down for kids, sorta like Rocko's Modern Life.
Using LXDE is a most stupid thing can ever be, it's better to build your own config with OpenBox and tint2 and something like dmenu as a launcher than to use LXDE it will be much lighter and you have more control over it, you can just keep configs from ~/.config folder and copy them after every installation.
If it's hard to make this time investment one, XFCE is better in every way it use nearly the same amount of resourses, consistent in terms of appearance and whisker menu and xfce panel are just great.
>best value for the money
it would be sane to stop reading at this point
>literal pussy magnet
In Mumbai?
> swedish
> master race
I know KDE is supposed to be "better" but, old habits die hard.
KDE is actually bloated garbage, QT is ugly and only good for Window/Mac ports when the UI is custom. XFCE is KDE but good.
GTK3 is garbage too, trying so hard to be Mac Aqua but for tablets but it isn't even GNUStep Cocca API complaint. Fucking retards.
So what do I use then? XFCE? Is that the only sane option these days? What about mate or budgie?
>most girls over 18 don't give a shit
Not on USA. The green bubbles meme is real.
>bees knees
"Tearfree" "true" xconf fix
enable "force full pipeline composition"
Install and configure compton if that isn't good enough. There are a hundred guides about mitigating this issue online.
Because Redhat told me to.
>best value for the money
>half a decade of updates
>literal pussy magnet
your subtle sarcasm hasn't eluded me
My experience with GNU/Linux started with GNOME2, never liked KDE, tried to like it (specially when GNOME3 came out and ubuntu switched to unity), but it's... not minimalist, what one could need from DE? To run GUI software, so I'm on GNOME.
Press type name, run it.
I also use i3, but changed some keybinds on GNOME to match i3 and it's pretty comfy now, although I do like managing multiple windows like i3, that's all GNOME is missing for me.
>any year
I never liked KDE either. It was really unstable and shitty back when I first switched over to Linux. Like yourself, I went with gnome 2 because it had the widest support at the time. I never liked Unity and never really used Ubuntu anyway (I started with Debian and have never seen a need to switch).
Lately I gave the newest version of KDE a spin and it was a completely different experience from what I remember it being. I think it's better than gnome 3 in its current state, but like other anons have already pointed out, once Ubuntu drops Unity, gnome will probably get a lot of upgrades that it's needed for over a decade, so I ended up just sticking with gnome 3.
I might try out i3wm as well. Never really messed with the wm before since I'm not into ricing.
I love threads like this
especially when they play out in real life
>go to linux talk
>time for questioning
>some guy asks about kernel changes
>some other guy complains about drivers being horribly maintained
>some fuck with a pony shirt asks what's the best DE and why it's gnome
you could clearly see, on one end there were the devs and power users who just shook their head or pic related
on the other hand, [the majority] was suddenly riled from their sleep and wanted to throw shit at the pony fucker.
Because Unity is dead.
>idle KDE is usually around 500 MB
>idle GNOME can go well over 1 GB