Macfags BTFO
Macfags BTFO
>mAcfAgS bTfO
Sup Forums is 18+
Sup Forums iS 18+
This thread is good.
Still mad?
tHis THreAd iS GoOd.
>NSW Police force
>NsW pOlIcE fOrCe
I still don'y get this normie meme
go back to plebbit. You don't get the basics either, faggot
>go back to plebbit. You don't get the basics either, faggot
shitty spongebob memes belong with the rest of the trash on FB, YT, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
In all seriousness, you're fucking retarded if you ever took apple seriously. They have fruit laptops almost nobody uses based on UNIX yet still manage to fuck it up and leave it full of vulnerabilities and 0-day exploits.
Fuck off normalfag
ThinkPads are garbage, they are for virgin poorfags who can't afford Macs.
Macs are for literal faggots with aids.
If IIRC macs are banned on the international space station. Guess what they use instead? I'll GI e you a hint: their batteries don't detonate after the CPU sustains permanent thermal damage from dogshit cooling.
this retarded meme is a ban on sight on most other boards
this is funny to me because this is one of those memes you don't get if you don't use social media which is the epitome of Sup Forums and this redditor/facebook user has just told someone to go back to red dit
i don't actually get the meme at all but i don't use social media either
fuck off to twitter
If only the same was done to pepe
>ban for posting pepe
>on a pepe website
yeah this seems alright
Anime website
That changed with the new admin.
The old one was a weeb. The new admin is just a stupid gook, so no more anime allowed on here.
Are thinkfags literal elementary school boys? Everytime the subject of MacBooks comes up, someone brings up the space station.
Hai fran I want to fuck you
Born an anime website and will die an anime website. Besides, reddit and other normalfags has ruined pepe and absolutely nothing will undo it.
I run a shit ton of twitter bots and I don't even know this meme, but I see it everywhere
But reddit and other normalfags have ruined anime too and absolutely nothing will undo that either
The worst part is this shit isn't even new, I remember typing like this like 20 years ago thinking I was so clever.
Holy shit what a bunch of parrots
We need to get them to make asses out of themselves.
But we've got to stop being right all the fucking time.
Without the face it makes no sense if you typed like that.
fucking normies
I change my mind, the worst part of this is people actually think like you.
So are you calling yourself a retard or what?
Can someone explain this joke before the thread gets banned? Is it just
>lol look at the funny text
>expecting me to read that weeb apologist tripe
go watch spongebob
It's funny text with a reaction image, indicating the purpose of making the text funny.
Nothing clever or unique here, just yet another iteration of the same shit. But for the kids pushing this "meme", it's probably their first real encounter with this style of posting, and since it's simple and easy to make, almost literally just repeating what's being said, even lesser memers can do it well.
It's actually a pretty good example of a meme in the more classical sense, but a good example of a shit meme in the more recent sense.
>Being wrong in every conceivable way - The image
I'm willing to bet whoever made that condescending essay hasn't the slightest fucking clue about what SA is or what 2ch thinks about our anime "community"
You have very severe autism
That right there is the meat of the anime "issue".
How many images of the same character need to be posted by a single person until it's considered avataring?
What if it's all images of the same anime? How many are needed then?
Pure anime doesn't spill over to other boards any more than pure [subject] spills over into other boards. No one in Sup Forums talks about the ending of inuyasha or one piece or whatever. They don't talk about Sup Forums. They use Sup Forums. There's a fundamental difference here that people either ignore or lump together as the same issue.
But how much does one need to purposefully post with a subject matter, on a board that isn't about said subject, until they're considered using that subject as an identifier?
Now of course this pertains to more than just anime posting, but the general theory remains the same.