Anyone have access to a supercomputer so you can get me a tripcode that spells "Anonymous"?

Anyone have access to a supercomputer so you can get me a tripcode that spells "Anonymous"?

Other urls found in this thread:

Get one of this for your home, 100TFlops 2U.

Yeah I got access to one, what do I need to do to get the trip code

Run this on it:

What about meriken's tripcode engine, I thought that was the best right now.

eh, maybe. I just know that uses both cpu and gpu.

okay it is going, will update when I find the trip code

Nice, thanks m8


wait testing again

Got it, was ezpz, only went through 500b codes

What's the trip?

Think you can get "Anonymous" with exact correct case?

incorrect capitalization faggot

nope lol, will be impossible


well I would like to see you do better.

Code is #U`識繒SY

What's the specs on the machine you used to mine that tripcode brother?

what is this shit

something with copying those unicode is wrong :(


84,656 cores (Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge 2.6 GHz, Broadwell 2.6 GHz) in 4416 compute nodes

120 NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPUs in 30 nodes and 8 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs in 2 nodes

32 Intel Xeon Phi (64 core Knights Landing, 1.3 GHz) in 32 compute nodes

300 Terabytes of main memory

Hybrid FDR/EDR Mellanox Infiniband full fat tree interconnect (up to 100 Gb/sec)

8 Petabytes of high-performance operational storage capacity

What's the hash rate like?



Are you an admin? Researcher? I'm guessing you didn't just buy that time because that would be pretty expensive.

>objective is to do X
>someone says: easy, and does Y
>gets criticism on the fact that they didn't do X


why is it always wrong for me? using MTY_CL ;_;

Postgrad student doing work with concurrency. Doing some cool low level CPU scheduler work at the moment.

And buying the time wouldn't be too expensive, probably like $20 maximum, worse case scenario to find a tripcode like this one. Would have cost me $5 on an uncontracted rate.

oh prolly had the wrong encoding. testing. reading the readme works sometimes :^)

OP is a faggot


your a faggot

You should get the code for BE/4wes0mE

>Literally using a fucking 84K core Xeon supercomputer to make novelty tripcodes on a taiwanese midget porn telnet server

What's with all the god tier threads tonight?

Can u get me Midori

It should be much more easy than anonymouse.


My uni has a 24-core (3.6 GHZ) server with 100GB of ram that I have access to. Always wanted to run a tripcode miner on it. We might have a supercomputer too, but I can't ssh into it.

What's dat?

a glorified heater

Every rack is one. What was that?

I wonder how much a full tripcode match would cost on AWS. Spot instances would probably be ok.




Testing non-secure trip this time (whoops)

wait are you guys serious? do you really need a supercomputer for that shit? but why? I thought you guys were roleplaying I mean even overchan has an option for that

Lets see if it works

It takes a lot of power or time to generate a trip you want.

A bunch of Radeon Instinct (read: AMD Tesla) cards in a tiny rack


>>>/Amazon AWS/

Regular tripcodes are strings run through a known hashing function. Obviously, if you want to get a specific hash, you need to brute force a hash collision. For any reasonable amount of time, this requires feeding binary data to the hash function massively in parallel. The binary data which hashes to the desired output is output as a UTF-8 string.

As you can see, that one user used 84K cores, 128 GPUs, and 32 CPU coprocessors to get "AnOnYMous2" in less than an hour.
For anyone that didn't have access to a fucking supercomputing cluster that would have taken them months.

Of course, a kind soul could also brute force all of the hashes over a long period of time and create a searchable collision database.

Secure tripcodes are much the same, except the input is modified using a secret called a salt. Breaking secure tripcodes means brute forcing both the input AND the salt, and is impossible without a lot of time effort, or hacking Sup Forums's servers. Supposing you DID manage to figure out the salt, all Hiroshima would have to do is change the salt and patch the attack vector.

Also, salts can be different for each input. They can be generated on demand and stored into a database. It's unlikely that Sup Forums does this for its secure tripcodes though. Why go through the effort?

the salt is your unique advertising ID Sup Forums secretly tracks each user with

Anyone got any idea how many MTrips/s can RX 500s or GTX 10 series cards pull?


Got a couple here:
#鵰・鴨10N >>> !Midori/iQg
#鵰・奥T1ュ >>> !OJveMIDORI
Should I do this?

If you have the resources why not

That would be great, that would automatically filter you.

>AMD Tesla

and that's how you show everyone here you're functionally retarded

Isn't salt supposedly be public, but different for each hash? I thought its main purpose was to defeat rainbow table attacks.

holy fucking shit

to have this power at my disposal just once

Why would it be impossible to get the trip in correct case when you knocked it out so fast with caps mixed in?

I'll paypal you $20 for a "Boxxy" trip

or "snugglyhugs"

Maybe because Sup Forums specifically disallows "Anonymous" as a trip


>compile and install merikens trip explorer
>command not found

how doyou know if someone has a secure or insecure tripcode?

>objective is to do x
>someone does x, and demonstrates how

fucking hiroshimoot, the last character in that post was U+2717

makes sense

that means Sup Forums would have had to crack the trip then ban it though, and why would they care, even you had the trip it's in a different font and displayed after a ! so what advantage do you really get by having it other than showing off

dont mind me testing

Can you get me some fuck Apple thing?

Rainbow tables are an attack against salted hashes.
Salts -are- public, especially in challenge-response authentication schemes

Sup Forums does not have to crack the collision--they only have to check against the resultant hash.

He doesn't want to spend money.


>I wonder how much a full tripcode match would cost on AWS. Spot instances would probably be ok.

Renting an hour on the specs the guy in this thread quoted is not possible on AWS

renting the highest speced machine you can get on AWS and renting the hours it would take to do this would cost hundreds of dollars minimum

>You should get the code for BE/4wes0mE
was that snacks or moots trip or something

That's the worst tripfaggot on Sup Forums's trip

t. security illiterate
>How passwords work

>Rainbow tables are an attack against salted hashes.
Uh, no?

>Should I do this?
I don't think even you have the cycles for that

What else is a pre-generated list of all combinations of salts, inputs, and the resultant hash if not a rainbow table?

>pre-generated list of all combinations of salts
Which is infeasible if the salts are large enough (as they should be).

rainbow tables are an attack relying on precomputed hashes.
Salt is the defense against rainbow tables.
If you can have a precomputed table with all or even a large percent of all combinations of salts and passwords, your salts are shit

Seems my education has holes. Rainbow tables technically apply to both, but most often to unsalted hashes.

Anyway, the reason we use salted hashes in our secure tripcodes is because tripfag autism and precisely these threads.

go read more pages on the wiki newfag

p sure it's a joke. Why would moot or snacks have a trip?

"p" sure its not because both had trips.

!Midori.ARo #/BF[5~/T7b (2F 42 46 5B 35 7E 2F 54 37 62)
!MidorisLkg #-3H\s=k4_k (2D 33 48 5C 73 3D 6B 34 5F 6B)
!MidoricTwY #^r??qOT@=z (5E 72 3F 3F 71 4F 54 40 3D 7A)
!MidorijGeo #~i/.fN*aGJ (7E 69 2F 2E 66 4E 2A 61 47 4A)
!MidoriPpqw #F;5Sc}B-Q. (46 3B 35 53 63 7D 42 2D 51 2E)
!Midori/KeQ #[J?|uy]I!V (5B 4A 3F 7C 75 79 5D 49 21 56)
!Midorig.cY #VBY{bHYFQt (56 42 59 7B 62 48 59 46 51 74)
!MidoriCBFM #wtj-hg^miE (77 74 6A 2D 68 67 5E 6D 69 45)
!MidoripLFQ #.mQo0UnPOl (2E 6D 51 6F 30 55 6E 50 4F 6C)
!Midoril4B2 #Ap[1.]*T_Z (41 70 5B 31 2E 5D 2A 54 5F 5A)
!MidoriwJV. #(yiTW$V\3H (28 79 69 54 57 24 56 5C 33 48)
!MidoriSwfY #Tw/h|ZL*)f (54 77 2F 68 7C 5A 4C 2A 29 66)

>t. midori trips that will never individually identify someone

it's sad, i like !Midori cute brown fucking machine

not him, can i ask for one with lynette in it, ans if possible email it to me so its not public? [email protected] thanks

#7ェヲ.謂逆 >> !Boxxymaid2

dw about paypal

im not running my video card full tilt for 2 hours to find that

6 digit trips i can do in a few minutes, 7 digits too much



Nice one.

ok fair enough, maybe bishop then?

>[email protected]
sent 4

Fucking nice

thanks, ooc why do this though?