ITT: Useless Technology in Existence

ITT: Useless Technology in Existence

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What's this?

Pic related.

It's a vegetable juicer, except it takes pre-juiced vegetables instead of vegetables.

A $300 device for squeezing out juice from a proprietary juice bag.

Oh well, I thought it was another botnet IoT appliance

At least pre packed juice is far better


Too bad no one possesses the forearm strength to squeeze the preprepared juice from the packets to a cup. Good thing i spent $200 on the appliance.

It is an IoT appliance. It costs $400.

You press the phone app and it dispenses juice from a packet. $400.


after i kill myself i hope they can put my body in those packets

Nope, I want to build an OTG house in a few years and a house battery bank is an absolute necessity.


holy shit, i only took a guess at $200


>$30, sorry i mean 29.99 shekles a week for a litre of juice.

Thats a quarter of a gallon.

i have a proper brevile juicer and enjoy going to the market and getting apples pineapple and kale

got into a few years ago.... i save so much money and have never felt better

the (((people))) behind this make me feel fucking sick.... shame on them ... they need to burn

>muh sysvinit
>muh minimalism

You don't need to use your phone to press the juice.
But it does need to be connected to the Internet.

Even better, it costs like $2000 to make.

>Drink 4.5 billion years of perfection

what did they mean by this.

I have a dollar store blender, I use it daily

It means they're selling you something that comes out of the ground for $6 a packet.


>using battery to replace the grid


>i have a proper brevile juicer

or you can just use any blender...

it literally takes 2 minutes to grab fruit/veg from teh fridge, chop them into large pieces, drop everything into a blender then press the blend button.

But people in SF spends $10 on a cheese sandwich so what do i know?

Next time create a juicero general

Cleaning a blender can be a pain.
If you want to do it regularly you don't want it to take as long to clean as it does to make the juice.

Still doesn't justify the $400 juicer or the monthly subscription to juice packets where you still throw away most of the nutrition but it answers the question why people are willing to go for it.

>Cleaning a blender can be a pain.

no it isn't. you just rinse it out 3 times. you rinse the cutting board once. You rinse your knife once then brush it one time with a sponge then wipe down with dry cloth.

it really literally takes 2 minutes I do it every morning.

>drinking juice once a day
Like I said, regularly.
>2 minutes
Like i said, as long to clean as it does to make the juice.

i hope these retard "venture capitalists" lose all their money.

juicero is finding a solution to something where their isn't a problem.

>milking rich idiots

I don't see anything wrong here.

>Like i said, as long to clean as it does to make the juice.

so 4 minutes total

>Like I said, regularly.

daily is pretty regular senpai

$400 squeezing technology, this is Intel levels of jewry

>we work hard. you don't have to.

You forget you need to still to open the fucking package and clean the shit out of it to send back to juicero otherwise you cant pay for more packaged juice

Jesus christ, I thought these people were just trying to jew some money out of idiots.
Turns out they are just completely fucking stupid.
Just look at this

How did they get the idea that this product would ever turn profitable. All that metal, all that CNC machining, such high production standards, for a fucking juice press.

* except for the work you did earning the $400

People actually invested in this product, like 10's of millions of dollars. Lol

whoa there buddy, economics literacy is not allowed in leftist controlled state.

>You forget you need to still to open the fucking package

im talking about using a blender you brainlet

>How did they get the idea that this product would ever turn profitable.

it was doin pretty well before the hand squeeze scandal.

it solves the problem "how do i get juice without having to do any work for it" and people will pay $6 a glass for it.

Given that people regularly pay as much or more for juice/coffee, this doesn't seem so far fetched.

It really was? That sounds unbelievable to me. But then again, consumers are stupid, especially those with too much money.
>Given that people regularly pay as much or more for juice/coffee
Who the fuck pays $5 for 200ml of juice? I consider the innocent juices to be too expensive and they're like 3€ a litre.

>I consider the innocent juices to be too expensive and they're like 3€ a litre.

first of all, this is actually fresh juice, so not comparable to your plebeain bottled shit.

second of all this is a hi-tech magical fresh juice pressing machine with 4 gigaton or whatever pressure.

thirdly people in SF pay $10 for a cheese sandwich at an 'artisan bakery' so $6 for juice is par for the course

fourthly companies buy them and they just put in on the perk account or w/e

People pay $10 for a sandwich in SF because the 300 sq ft shop space costs $10,000/month to rent

>How did they get the idea that this product would ever turn profitable.
Subscription based juice packets.

It literally won't squeeze anything but their juice packets due to the code reader and Internet connection and they can cut you off at any time if they figure out you are subverting the system.

If you spend $400 on the machine you will probably self justify the subscription because otherwise that $400 would be a waste, so they sell you $1 bags of fruity bits for $6 each and after a year or so they make back the cost of the machine.

Well thx for your input

do you think juice shop and grocery stores that sell juiceable materials do not take up any space?

>no jelly fridge
Sup Forums had changed.

>it solves the problem "how do i get juice without having to do any work for it
Yeah, except pre-pressed juice already solves that problem without needing a $400 machine, with literally no downsides.

>first of all, this is actually fresh juice, so not comparable to your plebeain bottled shit.
The fruit in the packs isn't any more fresh than the juice in bottles.


why not just drink fermented cat piss?

it is probably more fresh because bottled juice have shelf-life in months but the juicero pack is weekly

What is that?

>this is actually fresh juice
No it's not. It's just differently bottled. If anything it's a sifted, bottled smoothie.
>hi-tech magical fresh juice pressing machine
yeah it is and it'd be a nice proof of concept, but just look at all that metal and craftsmanship going into a damn juice press.
>thirdly people in SF pay $10 for a cheese sandwich at an 'artisan bakery'
Yeah but people actually do something there. Of course the juicero infrastructure costs money as well, but it should be far less per customer than what a business in the food industry has to raise.
>fourthly companies buy them and they just put in on the perk account or w/e
I'd unironically prefer a little fridge with some bottles of juice and possibly some other shit. It's faster and if I want 400ml of juice I can just take the bottle with me instead of having to leave my place twice.

I know that you're kinda baiting, but I can't see any reason to buy this piece of perfectly engineered junk.

>Subscription based juice packets.
If the Juicero was to become a hit, there'd be cheap knockoffs within a couple of weeks, maybe months. I doubt that the average customer could taste a difference between juicero juice and Aldi storebrand knockoff-shit. Nespresso works so well because their coffee actually tastes different and better from what most people know.
Except for companies buying it, they'd lose the customer market in no time. If the thing was considerably cheaper and the juice cheaper they'd have a chance, but the juice probably has to be so expensive, since I think it's quite possible that they're making a hefty minus on the machine itself.

>No it's not.

yes it is

>but just look at all that metal and craftsmanship

craftmanship? engineers just sent off files and a machine made it. there's no 'craftmanship'. also you are a pleb if you think things are to good for you. just go be a pleb some wher else.

>but it should be far less per customer than what a business in the food industry has to raise.

it's worth what people will pay for it, poorfags like you would not understand

>I'd unironically prefer a little fridge

too bad you're not the one making decisions

> but I can't see any reason to buy this piece of perfectly engineered junk.

that's ok. not everybody can have patrician taste


Terrifyingly large resolution.

"muh sysvinit" is the usual counter-argument of systemd trolls, but it's utterly false.
At the time systemd came to be, only Debian was still using sysvinit (and their scripts were really advanced).
Fedora and Ubuntu already used Upstart, Gentoo ran on OpenRC, Slackware has bsdinit, etc.
So saying it's either systemd or sysvinit is a false dilemma designed to trick people into systemd.


Lies, you could probably use it as torture device.
Rig the barcode scanner and press each finger at time

the juice packets are useless tho

Apple is not a technology by itself. Still, we've got your point.

Packed fruit bits? A blender that you have to buy fruit bits?

why don't you read the thread, tard

Juicers are a waste because you don't get all the nutrients. Get a refurb Vitamix/Blendtec and it comes with new hard and 5/7 year warranty. Much better than a juicer. Bought the Vitamix 5300 for $250.

I meant new jar. Sorry for phone posting.

Go look up the story you lazy faggot

It is WAY worse. Apparently the thing has a QR code scanner and NEEDS to be connected to a smartphone and the Internet.

The QR code scanner is needed to stop you from using third party juice packages and packages which are past their expiration date.

Also the thing once cost $699 and you can literally squeeze the packages you buy faster by hand.

So just buy the bottles with the latest expiration dates, then.

enjoy your 2 month warehouse-aged juice you pleb


Actually they do, and there are plenty of youtube videos of people doing it, women even.

Its not that bad, get a fresh juice with no hassle and time spent cleaning up.

Why didn't they just sell the expensive juice pouches individually so people could squeeze them by hand?

>All Natural, 100% organic, GMO Free!
It would probably be a huge success at some local hipster food market

They need to clean their table, holy shit.

underrated post

It's your monitor that's dirty

>what are power outages
>what is removing the need for UPS
>what is whole home surge protection + constant power

It's white marble...

Then it won't be a hi-tech IoT item.

>>what is removing the need for UPS

by replacing it with another battery? are you a brainlet?

>>what is whole home surge protection + constant power

constant DC power, all 1kwh of it LMAO


>$699 of squeeze technology



such storage

much capacity

Low quality shitpost. Epic spacing. Don't reply to me ever again.

enjoy not having space heating in winter and no A/C in summer you tesla cultist

>muh li-on
>muh solar

>he doesn't charge his batteries with gasoline

I'd like to bring this to your attention boize

>solution to something where their isn't a problem.
must be microsofts doing

>not diesel

confirmed for clueless tesla cultist brainlet

As retarded as it may seem to be, it's actually cool that they've built something from ground up

They just swindled a bunch of stupid investors which is clever but I wouldn't be proud of the product considering how stupid it is

I want to meet the guy that marketed this business plan to all these venture capitalists. $120 million to develop a juicer, guy is probably one of the best salesman on the face of the planet.


what's even more funny, people found out you can squeeze the bag by hand and get about the same amount of juice that the machine make.

I love that guy

Just the right amount of intelligence and insanity

In the future, we won't need juicers.
>Juice is juiced right into your cup.
Just buy your pack and drin-

fuck this gay planet

>tfw only 128.
>Feels bad man, i'm borderline retarded

But casey neistat endorsed the juicero!

what is this?

AvE on Youtube. Look him up.