Jordan's a Lenovo guy

>Jordan's a Lenovo guy
>takes a crack at Apple users


Are Lenovo laptops the official computer of alt-right bigots?

What timestamp?

Also, you're gay

>this guy mentioned apple so it's Sup Forums!
back to Sup Forums

Fuck off racist.

>back to Sup Forums

go back to le Reddit, you delusional trans


gr8 b8 m8

Loved him even more when I saw it too.

shut up faggot

Nope, that's Sony Vaios

jordan "i make money from insecure beta males that never had a father figure" peterson

Ironic, coming from a nigger

he has interesting ideas


t. some neon-haired faggot who hasn't even seen the Lion King lecture

>even knowing that there's such a thing as a lion king lecture

the series on personality is great

What is postmodernism?
What are some of his postmodern views?

62 genders and other Jewish bullshit

That SJWs are postmodernists in disguise pushing a communist agenda or something like that. I zone out when he starts blabbering.

I didn't know laws prevented things from being stolen, when will I be getting my bike back from jamal?

the whole world is a dichotomy of oppressors and the oppressed and it needs a revolution to overthrow the status quo and build an egalitarian utopia.

holy fuck now this is some good memery

>defending Sam Harris

>not defending a superior intellectual
epyc kek

>Sam Harris

>t. buttblasted fatherless peterturd

not quite. they want to kill all western values, through criticism (aka critical theory) and then replacing those values with marxist thought

>What is postmodernism?
complete bullshit.

post modernism was a mistake.

academia stagnated because of it.

look mom I'm projecting again

>though criticism
if only, they just whine, throw tantrums and cry, basically act like children, until they get their way.

>appreciating a meme === caring about anyone mentioned
ok sweaty

>whine, throw tantrums and cry, basically act like children
that's what they mean by criticism lol



you probably cant even define post modernism

can you?

Can anyone?

it's just a continuation of the moral relativist bullshit that's been going on for years

>UNIRONICALLY uses consumer-line Lenovo shitware that is no better than Acer
>grandstands with it and pulls the words straight out of the most snot-nosed Minecraft-addicted 16 year old's mouth with a "le Apple sux xd, f-fuggken SJWS man" line

We are digging the very bottom of the barrel to try to find some token of legitimacy to our alt-right memery.

don 't think so


>you must define an amourphous blabber exactly to talk about it
this type of argument is post modernism