Solus vs void vs gentoo

solus vs void vs gentoo
which do I install for my x220

op here I also am gonna be using i3


Solus has good i3 support. It works fine enough on my x220. Most packages I need are there.

Solus is the best

Always kali
you wanna be a 1337 h4ckur right?



Has solus left meme status? Is it actually usable as a daily driver distro?

Go with Solus OP
It's such a nice and sleek distro
It fulfills all my needs and i had no issues so far
Also the main developer dropped his job and dedicates his whole time now to the project
I'm really looking forward to the future of Solus

The only correct answer is OpenSUSE.

Install Source Mage if you think you're worthy.



Install it today.

>Source Mage

Dead has fuck, last release from 2015 and you need to chroot to install, stop this meme

Running Void on my x230. It's great

I'm running Void on my X220 and it's great, everything is comically fast.

OP here. I think I'll be doing Void Linux except I have a few install questions. How could I get i3 up and running and how can I remove that disgusting login manager? I don't know why but I love the terminal login.

Newest stable grimoire is from 2017 my dude

why even use linux
inb4 "muh spyssss"
i dont give a fuck
i dont have anything super important and lets be real none of you do

windows is so much easier
everything works on windows
you don't have to be a pretentious cunt when explaining why your computer looks weird
you can get people to do things on your computer if you are afk on windows normies will have no idea how to linux

you guys are literally all just retarded nerds

go to bait somewhere else

I hope you get ransomware

i dont care
my files aren't that important ill just get a new hard drive lol

or just unplug my computer lol