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Technology #611
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Why do people use utorrent?
I can understand the highway signs captcha, but I can't stand this vehicles captcha
A friend of mine purchased a S7 edge off a cracked out gook for $70 usd. IMEI is blacklisted. What do?
So, is this a good choice, or just another honeypot?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why is autism so common in the tech community?
So like is Gentoo actually good or is that just a really stale meme?
Just realized I am desperately in need of a computer upgrade (currently running a Phenom II X4 965)
Yfw Fiji all over again, only worse this time
Post ratios
Sup Forums talks about Sup Forums
Wait, i am out of the loop with torrenting and shit, wasn't this site supposed to be dead and buried?
Welcome to the age of botnet. Software developed in windows are *literal* spyware
Post your sexiest ITX cases
Ryzen shine ',:^)
Anyone know what cover this is - what type of material?
/wt/ watch thread
His software is more closed than his mum's legs
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
IPad vs Android: Longevity
Sup losers. like my new SSD? sad you dont have one?
Ok nerds...
Why doesn't windows have any decent music players?
What does Sup Forums think of spotify?
Why is Ubuntu such a bad distro of Linux with GNU added?
What the's best compiler/editor to learn C on?
How can I remain completely invisible on the Internet. I want to leave no trace
Is the playstore useless?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Are tiling window managers a meme? Do I need to use one to be productive...
For what tasks does Sup Forums still prefer pen and paper?
Which linux distro do autistic people use?
How fucked am I? Should I just nuke it and reinstall?
Is MadVR a meme?
There are """people""" on Sup Forums who put their tower on their desk
So I have a mATX Z170 board when Skylake was just out
Is there a decent alternative to the macbook air?
Don't mind me, just ste-pirating this pizza
Get a real job
Are these the ultimate eating technology?
Are 3D printers good enough to make plastic garbage to sell to manchildren on the manchildren boards?
All right, I finally made a switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10
And this is our son, he's quite good with computers
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: /cyb/punk battlestation edition
How's dorm internet in your experience?
/bst/ - BattleStation Thread
This is the end. My only friend, the end
Why should I use this instead of skype?
PC Building
On a crowded train
Google is ruining youtube
Matrix Thread
Debian or Ubuntu
Whatsapp is nothing but a simple instant messaging tool and got sold for several billion dollars
Firefox is garba-
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Its going to be shit won't it?
How many cores is enough?
Why would anyone use an operations system that stores your password in plaintext like linux?
Portable gayming
Bonded internet
Gpd pocket
What do you guys think of Yamaha audio equipment? Just noticed this gem on their website:
What did he mean by this?
Vega flawed
My sister is a typical normie when it comes to tech, and is fucking horrible at taking care of her computers...
You all complain about Microsoft and yet they've created the best mouse to ever come into existence
Now that the dust has settled
Do you consider websites to be software?
When will ARM enter the desktop processor market?
Been trying to play Paragon on my laptop but keep running into to a message that says cant run because I don't have...
Why does this even exist? Who needs this? You can barely play games at 60fps with a 1080ti and 4k...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Vue vs React vs Angular
What music player does Sup Forums recomend?
Hey Sup Forums. I work in Silicon Valley as a software eng for some of the biggest tech companies...
I want go buy X61t because it's small and dirt cheap? Do you know any better 12 inch laptop for a good price...
What's the thinkpad of phones?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tfw ONEPLUSFIVE phones are doomed to boot loop
Why is
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Light powerful software
What distro are you running and why isn't it pic related?
Need some processor advice
(((Intel))) is at it again
Has anyone here augmented their teeth? We use them daily
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What the actual fuck is this?
Which OS (Linux, BSD or other) is the most secure out of the box?
Am I falling for the meme with this?
Let's talk VPNs
Dumbing down of GNOME Shell UX
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Give ONE reason for having SSD (not even talking about HDDs...
Daily reminder that if you use FOSS...
The future of IT
What's your favorite video card?
Reading this
Before the end of this year a 35" HDR 200hz VA panel gsync 3440x1440 res ultrawide monitor will be released
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Piracy Solution
I really want to change to loonix, but there are no games
Pay the jew or poo in cpu
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What are some viable options for building tiny PCs?
I am going to be taking computer science in university this year. Is there any way i can give myself a headstart?
What OS you anons use and why?
Google bus
Is vulkan picking up speed?
Tfw the only solution to all my dev problems is to embrace enginedev
Sup Forums talks Sup Forums
Sup Sup Forums
Air Purifiers are technology
Tell me why iOS is better than Android
Why are you using an outdated UI g?
Why aren't you mining?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Hi one of my 2 GPU fan just fall detached to the floor and it is not working good and do too much noise...
Ok Sup Forums, how the fuck can I switch from GTK file picker to KDE file picker
Systemd grants root privileges to user accounts that start with a number
This will never not be funny
His terminal will never look that good
The perfect OS does not exis-
So i have an extra psp and its motheboard is dead
It's 2017. Why the fuck can't it play MKV files natively?
ITT: Technology that is perfect and cannot be improved
Installed Hackintosh
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
That's it, I just deleted firefox and I'm not going to embrace the botnet...
Why does Sup Forums hate gaming and technology related to gaming?
I always fucking told you that Red Hat and Debian are not safe
Vega FE as fast as a GTX1070
What did mcdonalds mean by this?
Have you guys ever though about turning a bus into your personal tech-limo?
/mpv/ - The FOSS Video Player:
How are Dell Latitudes?
Linux Memes
Is it worth buying sound card nowadays? Or motherboards finally caught up with sound cards?
Windows 10 is perfectly fine now
What does Sup Forums think of Macs?
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - SIGGRAPH Launch Confirmed Again Edition
What's your favorite monospace font?
I know this will sound very cringey to many of you but what skills and knowledge do you think a very good...
How the FUCK do I buy a power supply for a Belgium style plug?
Whatever happen to portable TVs?
Thoughts on the Rossmann?
So the Vega results are in and its shit, its performance is between 1080 and 1070
Daily reminder : Open source/free software is communism
ITX builds are a scam, they have much shorter lives than normal PCs
What laptop are you using? Say something nice about it
Which is the better DE?
/wt/ watch thread
Screenfetch/Neofetch Thread
Old Software you still use
How do you fix this?
Is he and his husbando our guys, Sup Forums?
Let's see what /g codes together
Ok I have MacOS. What's next?
Is this real? They have an FB page, and are advertising heavily
Which thumb do you use for spacebar>?
Post a picture of your desktop in this exact moment without changing it
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tfw they died so we could play snake and send nudes
Female programmers are all fat and ugl-
/mpv/ tech support
Hey guys, I want to expose a pastor in my area who's been sending lewd pics to women online...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
Recaptcha now makes you wait 5 seconds to "new cars must be selected as well"
Information highway
How do you feel about RISC-V?
So i've recently installed linux 17.04 onto a would be windows computer...
Professional Programmer
Verizon shill thread - ask away
Life after firefox
I dont get it
ITT: We act like Indians on Stack Overflow
ITT: gimmicks you actually liked
Help a retarded new programmer out
Why doesn't someone make an app that connects people that are looking to buy/sell small amount...
So I need a new phone. My old phone is the galaxy note 3
Tails Boot Key
Look at this cute little guy
What are expensive headphones good for? I have Sennheiser HD 558s...
Linux reaches an all time high desktop market share of 2.36% according to
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Windows 10
What is her end game?
Redpill me on FreeBSD please
When will this meme die?
What are some pretty, aesthetic pc cases? Not rgb-black-edgy-pro-gaming-fury bullshit cases
3DS hacking
What's the best price/storage ratio for HDDs nowadays?
/dpt/ - Daily Perentie Thread
EBook Readers
So a little while ago...
IPad 120hz
Kill the fucking Captchas
A ban record dating back to 2013 suddenly appears on my ban page
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/wdg/ Web Development General
Its been 4 years since he started working at Oculus and still...nothing...Not even a peep of brilliance Hell...
C++ exam subject
Installing macOS high sierra as we speak
Be me
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Found a computer
Which service should i sync my all the personal photos on my phone with? google photos or onedrive?
You can't pretend forever
If you run Firefox, do this in about:config
Previous thread:>>61165523
Old Dumbphones you possesed
Battlestation thread /bst/
/pmp/ Portable Media Players
This faggot is such a cringy fuck
"I PMed you the fix"
Windows 10
Are there any decent gaming laptop out there that does not make me look like a 9 yo kid with autism?
Appointment with the diversity officer on Monday
When you cant stop spending money to shill
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Am lazy fuck, don't wanna build PC
Is ergonomy just a meme?
/dpt/ - Daily Perentie Thread
Budget Wireless Router or Extender?
You can only post here if your CPU isn't compromised by intel M.E or it's AMD equivalent
Sup Forums tells me to install firefox
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Someone trying to sabotage me
What's calle's end-game?
Will Ryzen get a budget cpu?
How can one mis(/ab)use google drive or other cloud services?
Previous thread: >>61112469 →
When i3s are beating AMD flagships I think it may be time to stop
Biz Tech
I have to move and can't take my current computer with me
Ninja nvidia gtx 650
He fell for the ssd meme
Does Linux have something similar to pic related?
Try to type with all 10 fingers
Used linux for the first time, really had fun..looking forward to learn more
Desktop threat
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacements General
Try to post on 4chins
AMD takes more market from Intel
Apartments in Melbourne over million dollars with nbn (fibre / VDSL for faggot foreigners)
Windows' virtual memory (pagefile)
I'm bored with webdev, linux sysadmin and mid-tier applications like C# ones...
Why do only dumb people use yahoo answers?
So i need a new wifi adapter because my old one has ping problems and from possible 4mb/s i get only around 700kb/s
Is there any reason i shouldnt use atom
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why do pajeets love Windows so much?
What went wrong?
Why AMD can pick back this man and just kick Raja ass out??
What is the Sup Forums approved alarm clock?
Good Laptop
Can I make a cloud gaming computer on AWS?
Why does Sup Forums hate systemd?
I don't even understand why linux is a thing
Digging around in an old "junk" box from my attic and i found an unopened 56K USB modem i forgot i had
TCP/IP protocol
Business Antivirus/firewall discussion
Windows 10 LTSB Cortana
Ryzen on notebook
Help/comment my build and help me pick gpu
Is there a free alternative for android?
Do you guys update your bios? I always forgot to do it and only remember when i change my motherboard
Transparent animated gif issue with PS cc2017
How do we fight racism on this board...
Why don't you use what the greybeards use?
Void thread
July 01, 2017
Why don't you use Linux at work?
I recently upgraded my PC. Before on my old setup, I was having trouble running some games (Arma 3...
LMAO OnePlus customers get fucked
Post god-tier hardware
Retards not realizing he is talking about floors that will produce energy
Best looking terminal emulator?
I've got a conspiracy theory, and I am not too sure about how realistic it is so hear me out
WTF is this microsoft
Is technology going to eslave us someday?
Studied everyday for 4 months
What does Sup Forums think of the Budgie desktop environment? I just tried it out and it's pretty fantastic...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Lol it's impossible to actually turn off cortana in windows 10
Sup Forumsore Thread
Monitor arms
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Hiro allows one meta thread per board
Download library off git
You have just finished installing your favorite linux distro. What do you install?
Google’s New Diversity Chief to Tackle Slow Pace of Change
If you are so great with technology, then why haven't you invented anything to help people?
Technology that Americans can't understand
Is there a good japanese GNU/Linux distro?
/mkg/ Mechanical Keyboard General - Meme Edition
/mpv/ - because it's the Sup Forumsreatest media player
I fell for the think meme
Sticker bread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wt/ Watch Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What's the most autistic software ever made?
Show me your desktop, Sup Forums
AMD announces Capsaicin Siggraph with no word about RX Vega
Would Sup Forums survive?
When the fuck is Vega coming out for consumers
VLC is crap
Screenfetch/Neofetch Thread
Is AMD kill?
Waterfox CPU Usage Bug
Why do you hate me?
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Tfw fell for the cs meme
Mom keeps filling her computer with viruses that i waste my time deleting every 3 months or whenever i come home from...
What would you do Sup Forums?
Arch = poop
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Do you think Microsoft will ever again release an operating system that doesn't spy on the user? You know...
Is this good?
What's a good ergonomic chair that's not too expensive and comfy?
Why do people charge exorbitant amounts for old Macs and Macbook Pros on Craigslist...
Name a worse suite of software than this
Please wait for Navi
Mfw people actually use "MUH PRIVACY" as an argument for switching to Linux
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
I mean.. they had the balls to remove the 3.5 headphones jack, why not the front facing camera...
I've read that 32 bit will be obsolete by 2038. 128 bit os when?
Do you own a fan controller?
Tell me how to get passed the fucking iPhone lock screen
Tell me, why haven't you installed gentoo yet?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What distro are you using right now, Sup Forums?
OFFICIAL VEGA REVIEW >le vega is a workstation card
Is finder the gold standard for file managers?
Durrr look at me I'm a dumb fucking winjeet and I put spaces in my filenames
How true is this
Shitposting aside...
Noob thread
Which linux distro do shy nerdy girls use?
This is Microsoft's state-of-the-art UI design. You may not like it, but this is what peak design looks like
List your
Are Optical Discs Obsolete?
/rg/ - Routers General (?)
IPhone 5S:
Is Ubuntu Kylin the new official Linux desktop?
There are people on Sup Forums right now who can't Fizz Buzz
Tech that is A E S T H E T I C
Anybody know what this is? Found it at a concert and it caught my attention
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I want Windows users to leave this board
ICloud Unlock
Temple OS
Bezel-less phone
What does Sup Forums think about Nixie Pixel?
Why does the 7700K destroy Ryzen so badly in real world performance...
"Hi Raja, welcome! The food will be ready in just a moment! So please, make yourself at home!"
Christmas 2015
Why does Sup Forums hate this again?
Pronouncing GUI as gooey
Would you Sup Forums?
KMail Bug Sent Encrypted Emails in Plain-Text — for 4 years
I started work at a new company a month ago...
Cucks still use WinRAR
What is the difference between a good and a bad programmer?
"Don't mind me, I just using Ublock Origin"
Do you have OCD Sup Forums?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Seriously - What's wrong with Firefox?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How wordfags can even compete?
How do i fix a stripped screw???
Daily reminder that Linux gaming is basically Tux Racer and most Windows games made prior to 1998
Business IT Fuckups
Top tier components
Has this place always been like this? Linux vs Windows?
Do you have a good monitor, Sup Forums?
Os released in 2001 is better than all Linux distros
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Not being racist, but why are most CEOs of the top tech companies Indian?
How do I decrypt my phone
Found my old eMac. Runs fine, but browsers such as Safari and Chrome aren't supported because of how old it is...
I want to learn programming. Is Python a good choice for a newbie?
Installing windows me, ama
Press "F" to fire Raja
Should I buy a Bluetooth keyboard for my phone?
Is this the largest scam in the history of human kind...
Is Computer Science a good degree to get at uni? Is there a better tech degree I should be pursuing instead?
I switched from Windows to Linux and im already having difficulties
Memes aside, why are there still people who recommend Ubuntu over Mint?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - iPhone 8 edition
Foobar2000 has virus
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
C++ General
Say it with me: 1070 level performance
Best sennheisers?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Since C is officially dead, what is Sup Forums's new choice of language?
Why do hackers NEVER do something charitable like hack a bank and spread the money to the people...
What does Sup Forums think of ReactOS
Are you ready to kode with Klossy?
Tfw gookmoot tries to infect you
ITT favorite fictitious hacker
BSD thread
Sup Forums being so poor that you can't afford a superior computer
Put tape on laptop camera out of habit
Nvidia had to install a hardware sc for the first time after the series 7xx and here the results on volta
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why white trash love Apple products and Windows 10?
That feel when linux desktop may never happen
You made 8 personally identifying posts on reddit 5 years ago but never set up an email to reset your password
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Fedex pilots schedule sniping
What tiling window manager does Sup Forums use?
Remember when operating systems were comfy?
Home Media Server
/w4v/ - Daily Wait for Vega Thread - Frontier is Here Edition
OnePlus 5
Sofas ≠ Couches. Learn the Difference
Seriously, if you think 8gb ram is enough you are the problem with society
Are software patents a Jewish invention?
My old phone was stolen, I need a cheap replacement, I'm between the Moto G4 Play, Moto E4 and Nextbin Robin...
Left is the only sane choice
Would you believe me if I told you that Apple remotely sends commands to older versions of their hardware...
When will it be viable for women to be replaced by robots?
The iPhone is the new welfare queen Cadillac
What's the thinkpad T420 of linux distros?
How to remotely track texts and calls on ios
/pcbg/ PC Building General
AMD Accidentally Reveals Ryzen 3 1200 and 1300 Processors, FINISHED&BANKRUPT
Do you support the right to repair Sup Forums...
What linux distro do you use Sup Forums?
Constant shilling aside, is it worth trying?
Whats a good Thinkpad t420? Looking for one under $200 with i5,i7 500+gb of hdd, 8 or more ram. Would like a webcam
Idiots tell me about (their understanding of) net neutrality
What is it about C that makes everyone say it's the best language?
Windows 10 .iso is too big for a DVD
TFW fell for the cs meme
I'd like to make an online game in the style of the early pokemon games using javascript
Thank you miners
Looking for camera
Don't mind me, i'm just stea-... using adblock
Battery dent
Git Repos
/ptg/ - Public Tracker General
The best flip phone ever. If you had one of these growing up, your childhood was awesome
Daily Screenfetch Thread
I bid you farewell pajeets for ai know you cannot pay your INTERNET TAX
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Are you so seriously autistic that you're unable of understanding good design, Sup Forums?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Are glasses technology?
/cyb/ + /sec/ general: cyberpunk and cybersecurity: ghost in the shell edition:
Which is better?
Screenfetch Bread
What's the best Desktop Environment?
/dpt/ Daily Programming thread
Louis Rossmann
Why do people buy laptops they cannot disassemble and service?
Does a full storage device weigh more than an empty one?
I really enjoyed this LinusTechTips video. Old people really are bad with technology! haha
Emacs vs Vim
Why does Sup Forums dislike iPhones?
This kills the mac user
"Today, Google is still 31 percent female and 2 percent black, but it’s now 4 percent Hispanic...
There's a parallel world where everyone uses Lisp and Emacs
At what age did you grow up out of the Linux Desktop meme?
You all remember it as a little kid or ignorant tween. Your pulse quickening, your adrenaline pumping, your terror...
Which programming languages should a competent programmer know?
Speccy Thread
Google plans to include ads on VR
Tell me Sup Forums, what company makes the best aftermarket GPUs?
IPad Pro vs PC
Wind Energy Has Officially Become Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels
Not sure if this is the right place to post this. It I think my wife is cheating...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Look up guide on how to do something
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Another systemd vulnerability
God comes down
Irritating and inane tech words and phrases that really piss you off. I'll start:
Why do some people insist on not putting their smartphone in a case?
FTP Thread
Who else agrees, that debian is the best distro?
Okay, I am done with new eggs... I bought 3 gtx 1070s to set up my first mining rig...
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Are $300 earbuds worth the extra cost?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Screenfetch thread
Name one real reason to use Linux
This be the best version of the windows right the fuck here
Perl 6 needs to be hyped more. It has optional static types and multiple dispatch
How can I unlock neighborhoods' wifi?
Why does Google hate white people
What browser do you use, Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
Honestly what reason is there to use a DE other than KDE
Anyone here use ProtonMail & ProtonVPN? I will be traveling back and forth from the US and China...
Ryzen pro
Happy Birthday to the revolutionary iPhone
Why aren't you using mpc-hc?
The OS the POTUS used for the last 8 years, and the one the current one uses
What is THE Sup Forums-approved local password manager?
What are the best media players to watch anime on, Sup Forums?
Last night when I got bored of shitposting I started browsing wiki.installgentoo...
/mkg/ - Great Yellow Donkey Edition
11 reasons why linux sucks
/C General/
Tfw the only practical way to backup photos taken with my phone are giving all my private life to Google or MS
Still the King
Can someone tell me the value of this resistance?
What is the superior compression algorithm?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
What does Sup Forums think about Plan 9?
Looking for a lightweight system to run FreeBSD (Because fuck systemd). Are Thinkpads well supported, eg...
What do you do with your hardware when you're not playing games?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Essential Edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will internal sound cards ever make a comeback?
See Plus Plus Plus Plus
Be me
The X299 VRM Disaster
I just noticed that my Xubuntu install is possibly phoning home to Google
Made with Child Labour
Controller thread
Why haven't you switched to Ryzen already?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Samsung Dex
ITT: Normie and/or elder things
What the fuck is all the fuss about nVidia and ATi/AMD?
Look into buying a Ryzen 5 because Pajeet ayymd shills on Sup Forums say it is great value for money
Is the idea of a cyberpunk future really possible?
Is my privacy protected now?
The iPhone is the new welfare queen Cadillac
This is the world's smallest computer Sup Forums
Lol ubuntu
First, Ryzen failed
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Clover on iOS
What would be the best way to view Sup Forums while driving a car?
Why haven't you hackintoshed yet, Sup Forums?
Freelancer sites sucks...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Nearly One in Four Windows Users Surveyed Plan to Switch to Mac Within Next Six Months
What's the most normalfag programming language?
Who here /good processor but shitty graphics card/?
What's the best laptop for $250 or less Sup Forums?
My local library got upgraded and has a few 3D printers in there. Give me some ideas, Sup Forums
Replace your computer with a tablet
What is Sup Forums's favorite GUI text editor?
Post actual legitimate good reasons why you still use Microsoft Windows, I'll wait
So is this shit spyware or what, does it do anything weird?
Is Louis Rossmann the Scotty Kilmer of Sup Forums?
Just got out of jail, how many new technologies did I miss in last 10 years?
"This won't be the same as programming. Are you sure you know how to do this?"
Last 4 digits are now your CPU's clock speeds
Intel leaks their first consumer GPU
Virus/Ransomware General
What happened to us, anons?
Fuck this browser. Seriously I've had to kill it too many times because it's murdering my CPU at over 100% usage...
Breaks into your room
He's fired, right?
What's the programming language equivalent of this image?
Since people say that you can make a babby computer out of it...
How do you guys stress test your CPU overclocks?
Is this book good for starters?
Whoever the fuck did this i fucking love you
Just came in the mail. 500 gig nvme. Jelly?
Am I in the wrong Class?
What's your thoughts on Virtual Reality headsets?
JavaScript as a first programming language
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Thinking of switching to Linux. Can anyone here recommend me a solid and easy to use XFCE distro...
Vega Frontier in game mode performs like 1080
He doesn't use GNOME
Good job Microsoft you killed Skype. I was forced to update today and I'll never use it again...
FE Vega Benchmarker Guy Thread
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Electron Sucks
X299 confirmed housefires
>local gym just installed fingerprint machines
Is Debian just for servers...
Ryzen Sales/Marketshare Thread
Is this a meme, I've tried flux and literally doesn't do anything for me...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
2-in-1 laptops worth it?
High end motherboards are now coming with embedded wifi chips
Watching AMDrones in full damage control after the botched Vega launch
He doesn't use KDE/Plasma
Daily Incremental Backups
New exploit in Windows Defender allows attackers to infect your computer just by viewing a file
How does it feel knowing that there will never be a year of the linux desktop...
Just got hit from this piece of shit. Any advice on how to get it out from my system?
Distro for a workstation
Ariane Flight VA238
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Just keep waiting
Search bar
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
AMD EMOTIONAL SUPPORT HOTLINE- Get in here fellow AMDBros!!! :(
New Material Design Based Sup Forums
When she finds out you're a RAMLET
Creating outdoor computing/ wifi spaces
Bst thread
/wt/ watch thread
Advocates privacy and freedom
Looking to update in general
Which of these two should I get?
/wdg/ Web Development General
Find a flaw
Gah your tab just crashed
Miners are cancer, should I get a 1060 or 1070?
Nearly July
What fucking distro should I get? Arch? Void? What?
When will you stop buying games that ABUSE women?
Friend wants me to build him a pc
So Sup Forums are C and Java meme languages or are they worth learning?
What is the best way too cool down my pc?
VEGA 3DMARK Benchmarks - literally the 1080 graphic score
Anybody knows what TTS is this? voice? software/website?
I fucking hate Google, so god damn much
Be me, long term chrome user
You may only post in this thread if you got fucked by miners (pic related)
Since 32 bit software is slowly being faded out and multilib that supports both 32 and 64 bit will die with it...
Is it pronounced "Oo-Boon-Too" or "Oo-Bun-Too"?
Using YouTube in the year 2017
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why do programmers use Mac?
Claims to be tech literate
I fucking hate this icon...
My girlfriend wants a new laptop. She has sent me the pictured abortion
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm tired of Qbittorrent using +40 GB Private Bytes when i close it, what are some good alternatives?
VEGA 1ST GAME BENCHMARK - Performance between 1070 and 1080 in ‘gaming mode’
Which is the best one?
Ransom ware Help thread
FTP Thread
ITT: your hopes for the future of Sup Forums
This fake italian manlet doing Pajeet-level board repairs can install Gentoo without reading the wiki
So " Crit TV " is going to back to Tek syndicate basically because they're not making enough money to satisfy Logan's...
When I use Windows, I've got more eye fatigue than when I'm on Linux. Do you have the same problem?
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Tracking someone
Future of Sup Forums
Roll for your summer project(s)
First Synthesizer
Thoughts on noctua coolers?
How do I best stick ethernet to the walls?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Never Settle™ Edition
Take it to /biz/, but we all know ITS OVER INTEL IS FINISHED
/pcbg/ PC Building General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Legacy captcha finally removed
Ok people
ITT screenshot of linux working
A unstoppable digital virus is infecting the world
Use laptop running Manjaro for work
Britain's Newest Warship Runs Windows XP
B-benchmarks are fake news
When the fuck are there going to be CPU's that are actually better for gaming...
Been seeing a lot of "Hackintosh" talk on Sup Forums. I just want to clarify something...
Who /unironically wants ransomware to wipe out all computers/ here?
What's Sup Forums choice of beverage while programming/coding/hacking?
Why are iPhone apps so big? Aren't they all 64bit now?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tfw back in the 90s if you were an autistic computer programmer you could get rich
Stallman says: don't have children!
Dual Booting
:^) What is this smiley called? :^)
I am about to buy this
Should I get a Raspberry Pi or Arduino?
My power is out Sup Forums, what do I do? I'm scared!
In 2000 years they will consider our time to be like the stone ages in terms of technology
Tries to escape the botnet
Fans thread
Sticker thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So how's macOS in security compared to Windows 10?
What does Sup Forums think about Elementary OS?
Why is it so comfy?
It might just be the case that 8GB of RAM is what Android needs to feel super fast and fluid
Hello everyone...
Ignoring cost, if you had to chose S8+ or Pixel, what would you use?
ITT: We post our phone screens and others guess what kind of person we are, I'll start
Screenfetch Bread
I want to create a portal of real estate like zillow
Aside from apparently being a bitch to program for...
How does Sup Forums deal with new hard drives?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which is the best GUI editor?
There's no streaming site that allows you to stream movies and series to watch with your friends
So, are anti-malware "real time protection" technologies at least halfway effective...
Is discord botnet?
What does Trump plan on doing to fix this?
Just had a job interview at a startup, the guy was laughing and smiling with me. I think it went alright...
$17.39 $17.39 $17.39 $17.39 $17.39 $17.39 $17.39
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
ITT we rank motherboard brands
Why is Apple so racist?
/sqt - Stupid Questions Thread
Megadownloader doesn't work anymore
/tpg/ - Thinkpad General
What's wrong with him?
AdoredTV's Skylake-X in depth review
Just sold my R9 295X2 on Ebay that I got used at 360€ since september... for the price of 800€
Do you ever wonder where technology is heading?
Unregistered HyperCam 2
/mpv/ - because it's foss
Show off your desktop
I'm sick of this
Sexy Tech
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Sup Forums, by work phone has fucked up and I need it order myself a new one
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
/pcbg/ PC Building General
C is deprecated
Solus vs void vs gentoo
Hello Sup Forumsentoomen, will it be worth the money for me to upgrade my AMD 8350 to a Ryzen 1700x?
Update windows
I work in Apple Customer Support.. I also avidly read this board...
Thanks microsoft
Windows users - Why have you not switched to Linux yet?
Don't mind me, I am just applying official updates for my 4 year old phone
I love when progammers leave politics ideoldies away to do a decent job!
What are some cool things Sup Forums has done with their Raspberry Pi's? Any major issues you encountered
You have 10 seconds to explain to me why you are still using a browser that stopped being good a decade ago
When learning a programming language for the first time...
Computer locked
Ryzen fucking sucks
Why does it take forever for linux distros to start up? fedora in particular takes forever to start...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...