FTP Thread

Original thread:
user set up an FTP server: ftp://collectivecomputers.org:21212

Quoting user:
>Set up an FTP Server. Feel free to copy anything from the Plex Media folder, it's read only. Drop your files in the root of the directory or in Usrdata.
>User name: Guest

Other urls found in this thread:

exhentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=0&f_non-h=1&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=0&f_asianporn=0&f_misc=1&f_search=artist:"shunjou shuusuke$" language:English&f_apply=Apply Filter

Is it down?

I was still connected to it a couple of seconds ago, uploading some books.

Check your settings:
server: collectivecomputers.org
username: guest
port: 21212


fucking need to get all that super eurobeat

What directory?

not sure if matters, but it's "Guest" with capital G

wouldn't a Sup Forums tracker be more bandwidth efficient

nth for plex media uploader is a pleb

Anyone got a Windows 7 pro iso?

With crack orc

it’s just the root directory, Filezilla’s quickconnect works perfectly for that, pic related

I just tested, and it doesn’t change anything, thanks for noticing though

I just reposted the server that was posted in the last thread, but true

I have pretty much all Windows version ISOs, but vanilla without crack, I’ll upload one later

How much space is on the server?
OS folder

iirc OP said in the previous thread there is a total of 100GB

Thanks man.
Thanks dude.

Next time add the official IRC. We use the #Sup Forumsftp channel on Rizon.

I’m going to upload some programming books, hopefully there’s still some free space on the server

did anyone upload any doujins?


i was looking for some

the GOG version of Linux games are totally broken on this server and #Sup Forumsftp ones too ( MD5 Checksum error )

Someone could torrent all that wad files please?

where do you get gog checksums?

>still no sucubbus game on the ftp

Are you running an antivirus, OP?

>Linux games

Watch out, is over 400 GB

>(OP) also

>sucubbus game
what game?

If you guys have problems accessing the ftp server, you can use lftp and disable the certificate.
First connect
lftp ftp://[email protected]:21212
then inside lftp type
set ssl:verify-certificate no
and done.

You can add this to ~/.lftprc if you want.

i don't exactly know what game, some user on the last thread wrote this

nvm i'm retarded it's sucubbus prison, going by the post, sorry


Just open the installer on terminal
(for some reason i cant put on code here retarded system thinks is spam)

I'm sorry familia. I said I was going to upload some, but never delivered. I'm sorry. I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed I failed

I'm downloading a lot of stuff, but I have some music queued for upload

Nah, I don't wana, just script dl them

do it

Why not link porn instead desu:
exhentai.org/?f_doujinshi=1&f_manga=1&f_artistcg=1&f_gamecg=1&f_western=0&f_non-h=1&f_imageset=1&f_cosplay=0&f_asianporn=0&f_misc=1&f_search=artist:"shunjou shuusuke$" language:English&f_apply=Apply Filter

upload the good shit then. it doesn't have to be everything.

I'm afraid, user. I don't have anything to mask, no VPN, no onion routing, no anything.

This album is missing the first track

use Tor

set up tor and forward shit through it.

but why would you need that to upload mere doujins?

I've so far uploaded with my home internet and my t-mobile contract internet.
Don't be a faggot

I downloaded 2 gbs of maki last night on my cellular plan
Man up faget

Is it full? I can't upload.
>550 Writing to file failed.

I did the same on my parent's shit internet that only receives 150 kb/s down on good days.

Alright, fine. I'll pick a few tanks or favorites and upload them up. I just tried to upload an image right now and it refuses to comply. I'll try CLI ftp if Filezilla keeps being shit.
>inb4 >Filezilla

I'm using filezilla right now, don't worry about that. I am also having trouble connecting, I hope OP didn't shut us out.

Command: MKD PanicAnon
Response: 450 Internal error creating the directory.
Command: MKD /PanicAnon
Response: 450 Internal error creating the directory.


Pretty slow huh.

Anyways, I've read the previous thread and this was either not discussed or not discussed thoroughly enough. What exactly are the dangers of connecting to a random open FTP server like this on the internet, other than the obvious danger of being possibly linked to questionable files? It's common sense not to run executables you don't trust, but with this is there another way to get malware?

Im gonna set up one on my pi when i get home and see what you fags do with it

the server is stuck with the welcome message. can't access anything

which pi do you have?

the ftp server will hihjack your mind by taking over the refresh rate of your screen to hypnotize you

good luck with that i'm behind 7 makis

need ssh creds

I give up uploading eromango for today. If it's still up tomorrow, then I may try it.

god dammit OP

Might host if this thread's still up

whether or not that ftp server is in langley, virginia

it's not cia, there's no mlp on this server

>ssh creds for ftp
nigga what


How does one technology

>not SSHing the mainframe to the makis and then recalibrating the wps for maximum entropy in your ftp
do you even technology

I'm not getting the welcome message or the file list on filezilla. is the server fucked?
what are you even saying?

I'm glad you like it user, it was kinda hard to find.

I’m also getting that, I guess we finished filling it, there were only 100GB available for this server

>I'm not getting the welcome message or the file list on filezilla. is the server fucked?
I don’t think I ever got any welcome message, though I can’t upload anything anymore, see