Ryzen Sales/Marketshare Thread

Since I've been called a shill simply for posting sales stats from cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/

I have NOT included any intel figures except for the g4560(it was either that or the 1400 alone).

As I said, YES, Ryzen sales are going somewhat well
YES, Amd's marketshare is somewhat expaning.

BUT the Q1 marketshare comparison posted around is deceptive, because it reflects the initial launch hype figures more than anything.

As you can see now in Q2 the sales are going flat if not declining.

And yes, intel is still outselling 4x or 5x across the whole lineup and segments and it's not my fault.

Pls comment.

Follows the detailed pics from OP:





It will be interesting to see what R3 will do in this segment desu

What is this?
Some kind of level headed discussion with intellectual honesty?

Fuck that, RIP AMD

yea.. nobody gonna reply ik

>Sup Forums circa 2011+6
>expecting well reasoned and intelligent replies
i shiggy diggy

Oh look, it's the (((Userbenchmark))) guy posting his Intel marketing material again. Did you crop the site name out because everybody knows what a joke it is at this point?

Either way it's an improvement over bulldozer the last couple of years.

Then we have OEMs like Dell and HP and Lenovo not having much selection outside of the performance brands. The fact that all these sales are for boxed processors is immense.

At least he didn't name the files "amd=dead", "amd=joke" this time.

Anyway, sales for Ryzen will continue to increase as they haven't even released their full product stack yet (R3, TR, RM, etc.), and Zen is far superior to Lulldozer.

Yeah I'd like to see how sales change once there are more OEM prebuilts with Ryzen Mobile and Ryzen 3, Raven Ridge budget options, etc.

I mention the website in the OP guys.

Here's something to cheer you up(pic related).

1600 is doing extremely well.

This is a good reflection of high/mid end desktop CPUs. Most people with low end or laptop CPUs probably don't bother running benchmarking software on them.

this is not /biz/ gtfo with your shilling to justify the stocks you purchased

the marketshare that matters is server oriented

I think it reflect gaymens more than anything
Only reason people do this is for brag

You're being called a shill because you have no reason as a non-shill to be posting business data. Unless you're an employee, this is meaningless to you.

Wow, you got BTFO so hard, earlier, you decided to make a whole thread?

I work for an ISP and we are replacing all of the intel servers with Ryzen for the lower power usage and massive improvements over intel

Shill all you want it will start climbing towards the end of the year

You guys are being disingenuous.
Of course Ryzen and Amd doing well is relevant, as it means support for your cpu and or spillover to the gpu division etc.

This kinda talk is very common on Sup Forums.

Hell there's been a bunch of AMD stock chatter all over the place in the last month or so.

This isn't even about the marketshare per se, and nobody mentioned stocks.

AMD is huge right now, normies are even writing stock articles about them, and it's in the top 10 all time most traded stocks of all time on Robinhood

It's pointless to post these figures when UserBench uses a voluntary user base that runs it's benchmarks to calculate it's market share figures and that inherent selection bias skews any meaningful result you can gather which effectively making it null and void from a statistical point of view.

I rather trust Valve on it's Steam Hardware Survey because despite having the same voluntary survey bias, it has a larger user base which covers a bigger population and reduces other types of uncertainty and statistical errors. Unfortunate it can't be trusted either despite that.