/pmp/ Portable Media Players

Personal/portable music player thread /pmp/

Useful guide(s)
• Converting an iPod video 5G/5.5G to a rockboxed player with an msata SSD and a 3000 mAh battery nullvoid.station.moe/Freedom-Hardware/Video5G-Rockbox/
• Rockbox 3.14 released, battery life for Sansa clip claims to be doubled for some
• Got any? Want them included in the OP of future /pmp/ threads? Then post them itt!
• We're also in need of possible /pmp/ OP pics, slap some fake album art together in photoshop or alter some album tags (for those on Sansa's) take a good picture of your mediaplayer of choice displaying said /pmp/ album

• user considers buttons on a /pmp/ a must, posts pic of the Xduoo x10 • Zune still holds up but no Japanese character support is a bummer for some • user loves his Sansa Clip+
• Display /pmp/ on your portable music player and get used as a OP pic! user wishes he got a Nano 5g instead of the 4g Previous thread

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fuck, reminds me that my zune 30 needs a win 7 machine to work. stuck in the firmware screen.
at least my HD still works.

Benjie T6 worth getting lads?

Still rocking my Zune HD, full charge still last me a whole week

lmao just use your phone dad

Getting a Classic G7 soon

please take the stickers off your LG

I'll have to install Rockbox 3.14 on my Sansa Clip.
Haven't used it in forever, gonna have to give it another go

I've been using an iPod mini with a 32GB hard drive for 4 years and it's great


best cheap(

user with his Clip+ can at least go to 64GB, you just have to reformat the SD card as something other than exFAT, which most things can't read because lolpatents. I'm not sure if 128/256GB works, things designed for the SDHC standard may not be able to address that much memory, but I'm not an expert.

That lack of Unicode support though

Anyone happen to know if the mSATA mod for an iPod 5.5G is preferable to using a CF card? It seems like it might be cheaper/easier but I really have no idea.

Fiio X1. got it because my phone at the time had no SD slot, but i like not having to charge my phone too much to give it up

How is it?

I have been thinking of getting a PMP.
What type of SD card do you use and does it take long to load up music.

Does it load album art or read metadata well? including Japanese character set?

so due to work requirements i'd like a portable media player, but it cannot have wifi, bluetooth, a FM tuner, or camera. touchscreens a minus.

i fly a fighter jet so sound quality is shot anyway.

what should i get.

Greetings from a user who mostly hangs around /cyb/ threads.
I never really saw this kind of thread before and I wonder if anyone is capable of recommending me a device which is supported by rockbox, a bit sturdy for outside usage and looks simply decent enough. Also a bit like is asking for
>buuhuu read the OP faggot
I am still reading through the OP and the RockBox site, so don't worry about me forgetting to do homework.

*plays doom on my sansa fuze*

Agptek A20 any good? It was only like $30 so it doesn't matter anyway but it'd be nice if it was. I need something for the car.

The FM tuner being not allowed makes it a very difficult search, good luck finding one Maverick.

So other than butchering an iPod or shelling out a gorillion dollars to full kit out a Fiio X5, what's the next best thing for high capacity on the go?

yeah as you can imagine, security's a big thing at work.

What should I get with a budget of
$30-45 CAD? Anything slightly above the price also works.

Got just the thing for you, the Walnut V2 and V2S.


I've heard the UI is kind of laggy so I went with the T5

Are there any cheap chink devices with physical buttons that support opus?


The one acceptable Astell and Kern player

I too worry about my mediaplayer being detected by radar

well trying, and failing, to get it back working. hard resets and now i just see a blank screen over and over. getting close to putting back in the cabinet.
if i do get the menu, doesn't want to sync nor not freeze up.

Some guy recommended me the Walnut V2 when I said I wanted a cheap DAC. Good idea?

Shame you can't use the wheel up top to go through songs or something. Only being able to click through songs one at a time kills it for me. It's such a cool device though.
I would like to be able have some kind of organization on top of individual songs. Playlists, folders, whatever. Clicking a button once per song for any decent collection would be insane.
Cool device either way. Missed opportunity.

great album but those boxes trigger me

All you can eat tofu

a broken as-is ipod

then save up $200 or more to get all the parts to mod it into something usable and higher capacity

Halo 3 zune with 120GB HDD replacement reporting in
would love if there was a better HDD for this baby

Reminder that Sony A1x/A2x is gets rockbox support.

How's the battery on it?

Original BENJIE T1 16GB HiFi Portable Lossless APE FLAC MP3 Player 2.4 Inches Screen Digital Music Player
(from AliExpress Android)

Also look for the benjie n9000 which is smaller and cheaper, but does have a voice recording facility which I'm guessing is also not allowed.

Waiting for a USB-C pmp with a great DAC, Bluetooth, and a serviceable UI.

I miss my Cowon S9/J3. Battery life, EQ, and custom UIs were the best

I work at the dump and found an ipod classic 120gb black one

I sold my 160GB one a while ago because i didn't use it.
Looked at the stuff and it didn't support any file types i use so i just installed rockbox on it and it works beautifully and dont need to use itunes.

Might even replace the battery and put in an ssd if i can be bothered

Shanling M1 has those and may get a rockbox port.

I remembered when everyone shat on the Zune when it came out. Funny it's so supposedly highly prized now

It was a huge meme when it came out for sure, laughing stock of a device.
I remember being a child when the ipod photo and then the ipod photo came out and they were like iPad money, $500 or something. I could have gotten one for christmas but it would have been the ONLY thing I got for christmas. Went for the yugioh cards instead.
I did however end up getting a gen 1 white ipod nano and that was an amazing device. I got in on the early days of a now dead project called Ipod Linux that allowed it to play videos and, of course, doom.

There's a disturbing lack of reviews about pmp.

Unless you're russian, that's it.

What's a good but cheap mp3? I was looking for the agptek 02, how is it sound quality wise?

Is rockbox dying, user? I don't want it to die

Any advice for earphones?

I'm torn between KZ ZST, Senfer UEs, KZ ATE/KZ ATE-S + new foam tips

in the same boat as PMPs

Take a look into "DIY" IEMs/Earphones. You can pretty much just make your own and it's not very difficult. I've also seen sellers offering the end result product on aliexpress.
If you lurk /csg/ and PMP general there is a guy with almost every note worthy chi-fi IEM and he's likely the best source of information on them. How some faggot on Sup Forums ended up with that position is beyond me.

>listening to music on a fighter jet

Are you sure you should be doing that?

One of the more reputable chink DIY store is Daik, but they focus more on full-size.

Received a 120 GB iPod Classic from my sis-in-law (she's moving overseas and is getting rid of some stuff)

Currently have a Clip+ with Rockbox and a 64 GB microSD and it's good enough, listening with VE Monks.

Is it worth switching to the iPod?

She used it a lot while running (training for 10K and some marathons) so im afraid the disk wont resist much. Is it normal hearing some clicks while switching songs? Never used a HDD based iPod before, had a Creative Zen 10 years ago and the HDD just buzzed, didn't clicked

The iPod can last 30h on rockbox, more if you extend the battery.
It's not as portable however.
You can do the SSD of mSD mod.

The Clip+ lasts 22h with 3.14 so that's a negligible gain.

Or I could try to sell the Clip+ now that they are discontinued, has original box, papers and accesories, no visible damage

How else is he going to listen to Kenny Loggins?

it's for really boring "fly from point A to point B" things, or when we're doing some stuff that has us flying in circles doing nothing.

It also has a different sound signature, more detailed and brighter compared to clip's dark sound.
Some DAPs can barely last 8h, that's quite an improvement if you ask me.
You can always replace the stock 500mah battery with a 3000mah, but you'll need the thicker backplate.

>has practice flight coming
>"fuck this boring shit imma get ma tunes on"
>in fighter jet, headset off, headphones on
>"user the weather is getting worse, turn back"
>can't hear shit
>"user get the fuck back"
>keep flying
>tornado right ahead
>o shit
>in the last moments of your life, you are comforted by the fact that you get to rock out on a fighter jet

How much it will be swapping the battery and replacing the hhd with an SSD? Will it be Rockbox compatible or I'll have to reencode muh FLACs into Apple lossless?

If I have to replace the backplate I could also exchange the front fascia and the hold button

Yeah if you do it will look basically just like new. Get the front panel with screen cover already installed though.

Replacing HDD with a SD card is the best choice for battery life, you can look for case and adapters on aliexpress.
For the battery, check ebay or something.

Same here user. My 64gb is still a workhorse.

I want to get something but I just have no idea what to go for.
I want something nice looking and long lasting.

It would be nice if it displays album art and is able to play FLAC and similar formats.

Shanling M1.
M2s if you want something more premium.

Why did they discontinue the Cowon J3? It was basically the perfect device. Mine can't hold a charge anymore unfortunately, and it's pretty beat up so who knows how long until its electronics die too.

why do high price media players always have to look so retarded these days?

need a PMP that:
-plays opus
-can use 128gb microsd
-good battery life, 20+ hours if possible
-non-hiss output for my IEMs
-not A&K retarded expensive

so far all I can think of is getting a clip+ and maybe trying to mod in a bigger battery or just going full-on phone and using an external mini dac/amp to clean up the sound.

help pls?

what is the process by which the classic zune get's the double layered color look? I have not seen it in any other product and I think it looks amazing. it looks like double poly-urethane or something.

What does it look like?

What do you guys think of the Bose QC 35?

I'd like one of these doo-dads but I can't justify another gadget when I derive no pleasure in finding and organizing media, and use Spotify premium instead.

to justify 1K+ pricetag

Let me guess
A PMP that looks like it was designed by Alienware isn't exactly low profile. Enjoy getting your toy stolen by a Tyrone, user

nah lad

Any of you guys tried the Walnut V2/VS or Zishan Z1?

I keep reading the sound quality is amazing for the price but honestly I can't see myself using a screnless pmp.

I have a shitload of music, sometimes groups I know shit all about so navigating would be a nightmare.


nigga I can buy a fucking smartphone for that much

any idea how the cheaper Sony NWZ-E3xx series are? they're on the official supported list. the A1/A2 seems to still not be working.

They are shit compared to this, of course.
They work at least.

Not like you'll find a phone that size with physical controls and similar audio quality anyway.

I wonder if this is still available for sale

meh, phone + dac/amp seems more reasonable. phones do more, they have better battery life usually, with a separate amp/dac they probably sound as good or better and can provide more power depending on what kind.

so what you're loosing is size and physical controls, and using inline IEM controls isn't that limiting to me personally.

it seems PMPs have gotten more expensive, bigger, and with shorter battery life over time, probably because they cater to people who want to listen to he-6 on the train.

Inline controls are lost through a DAC/AMP, so it'd be inconvenient to control.
The stuff that isn't overengineered and/or designed by chinks last 20-40 hours, maybe more.
Of course battery life is gonna be shit if you have desktop-grade DACs and and a giant amp circuit on a 2200mah battery.

yeah I forgot about loosing controls. still, no small PMPs with good battery life and opus support other than clip+ or extremely expensive stuff, and phones.

I'll either get a clip+ or go the phone route. I'm looking at phones that have 20 hours SOT so I'm sure they could play music, even with a dac/amp sucking power, for at least that long. I wish phone makers would just shell out the extra dollar or whatever for non-hiss amps. you would expect that in phones that aren't bottom-barrel cheap but apparently not. maybe I should give up on IEMs and go full mdr-1000x with bluetooth and all that shit.

Portable DAC/AMP have their own battery.
Audio on phones is hit or miss, sometimes even with supposedly high audio quality phones. Remember to get a dac+amp device.
Hell, a iPod classic is still smaller than modern phones, and there are the walkmans still.
Also, carrying 2 devices strapped together might be more annoying that you think.

oh, we have patch cables so we can play it over the radio comms.

Hey guys, i got a question. I bought a broken iPod video 5.5 for 27 bucks few weeks ago, it has cracked faceplate and dead battery. Until now I only change the battery to a 450 mA battery and install rockbox, now how many hours of running time should I expect?
I got varying result with my iPod, my top time is something like 24 hours but my last running time from 100% only last me up to a little more than 9 hours. Also, I played mostly FLAC files.

it should because it's chinese desu

>Portable DAC/AMP have their own battery.

I've been seeing quite a few more that are phone-powered recently, some draw so little power that the effect on battery is negligible, maybe loosing an hour or two off the total time when in use. the downside being you don't get much extra power if any, but that's fine for non-hungry headphones/IEMs at low volumes which is what I tend to use. and they're small enough to not have to strap them to the phone, doubling the thickness, you can just leave them on the line (though if I did that I might want to rig something to lessen the change of it falling off). dragonfly black for example. though those cost about as much if not more than a cheap PMP in itself, though they seem to be able to decode a lot more meme formats. I don't care about that, I just want hiss and possible coloration gone. I think past the point of transparency there is no point in "higher quality" gear/formats.

>Velux window

stuff like FLAC needs more processing power to decode, so it drains the battery faster. depending on software, the difference can be huge. I have a jank homebrew player on my PSP that lets me use mp3engine to play mp3 files with the CPU clocked as low as 20mhz (stock menu clock is 200-300mhz). it pretty much doubles the battery life. if you modded in a bigger battery into the PSP I could see it getting over 20 hours of music. unfortunately it's buggy and crashes or plays long mp3 files (audiobooks) with fucked up audio. maybe I can track down an updated version some day. I think it's called "mp3lite by sakya".

>stuff like FLAC needs more processing power to decode
nah, if anything it only needs more reads from storage. Decoding FLAC is less demanding than mp3 even.
See rockbox.

Tall order desu

it must be the reads that are decreasing battery life then, or maybe it's just the software on the players I've used is not optimized :/. but if reads were the problem, couldn't you just load an album or whatever into RAM when you start playing it? I guess most PMPs don't have enough memory for that.

so with the Fiio X3, should i get the 1st or 2nd gen/what are the benefits and drawbacks of each?

The iPod 5G has 32 or 64 MB of RAM depending on storage capacity.

Just get 2nd

Was using this until a few days ago

What's this, it looks sleek. Mind giving a review on it?

It's great, especially the audio quality.
However it runs hot, battery life is short and the UI lags.
Device is Shanling M2.

Is there any pmp that meets these requirements?
-around 50 usd
-physical controls
-good interface or rockboxable
-relatively small
My clip stopped holding a charge and I would like to try something else.

>every player going for DSD 24bit balanced placebo shit
>not actual useful shit like opus


Used Clip?
