Which is the best GUI editor?
Which is the best GUI editor?
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The one that isn't a glorified web browser
unironically this. I use it on windows 8.1 though.
VS Code has better plugins and Intellisense and integrated debugging that is far better than the other two. Atom is the worst and does nothing well.
>when editing TEXT
wew lad
If you have to ask what the best text editor is, no project you will work on in 5-10 years time will near the complexity to slow down even the "slow" electron-based editors.
With that in mind, go with vscode because it's open source and has a good plugin community + MS intellisense shit
I use vscode every day and I can't think of a single complaint. Used to use sublime text, no complaints there really, but vscode has amazing auto-completion / introspection
Are you sure what are you asking?
Emacs. It uses a GUI.
Fucking notepad? Gedit? It amazes me to see people who need a shiny text editor with internet connection and facebook sharing and 4 sign in pages. I can see if you need something like a special snowflake API or whatever but OP is probably doing some little 10 line python code to download images off a website.
Electron is shit, Sublime is non-free, VStudio is probably the best you are going to get if you are autistic.
I use Sublime, personally. not because it's 100% the best, but because I've used it for about 3-5 years, and I'm used to it. I say just use whatever you're used to, as long as it isn't fucking notepad.
VS Code
Not even a pajeet shill but VS Code is pretty fucking baller
>GUI editor
Qt Designer.
Unless you're talking about GUI Text Editors. In that case, Sublime Text is the best one in your pic related.
Atom Text Editor.
I use Atom. It suits my needs better than any of the others so I use it.
GUI editors are a fad. use ed.
but it's so slow
VS Code
The emacs keybindings are burned into me now. I can't stop using it. Might try some of the microemacs variants since I mostly use an IDE for programming but I wanna keep the ssh features.
Atom is easily the worst
Qt. PyCharm. Done notepad++, DevC++, Sublime a few times but usually stick with Qt; the recentish integration with CMake is pretty comfy and I can do kind of a lot of Linux-y compiling on a Windows machine pretty easy these days. That may have something to do with sucking less at putting toolchains / library dependencies and a nonretarded PATH together though.
Text only I use vim, or because Raspian stock is dildos, nano. Have not taken the time to get slick at all those vi hotkeys, I'm sure they're fantastic but I don't really care.
of those three, for overall speed and workflow go with sublime + vintage mode enabled
for best autocompletion, vs code
for a pretty settings ui, atom
atom and vs code are both electron shit though.
are you playing music in your editor? that's a hell of an ide
One could mostly do the same in sublime or emacs or vim
Who cares what Sup Forums thinks? Try them and use the one you like.
This, fuck Sup Forums
I unironically use atom.
Fight me.
you'd be moving so slow you wouldn't be able to hit me
That's a trivial question.
More importantly: what's the best color scheme?
>Electron is shit,
>VS Code is okay
So this is the power of Sup Forums
you got me there buddy
they are all shit. vscode is best but the vim extension is bugged as fuck, specially in multicursor..
and atom, doesnt recognise symbols and doesnt provide definitions.
shame p9port's version of it is so unstable, it needs a POSIX compatible rewrite, and should use actual files in the home directory instead of making you mount p9 shit
People actually use atom? I tried it for a few days and said no thank you. It's a piece of shit. I would rather use sublime for python, scala and assembly, visual studio for c++, and intelliJ for Java.
Fight me on this. Fuck all you emacs and vim shitters. I'll use vim to edit some phthon, Scala, or assembly on the fly from the terminal if it's just a minor fix, but when you're writing thought out code you want to have sublime or something where you can have intellisense added.
perfectly stable on my machine
Black on a white or yellow background like in acme.
You don't need anything more than Kate/gedit
sublime because it has the best syntax highlighting. Unmatched by literally everything except my custom configs for kate & nano.
recently i'm coming around on vim, though i still have a long way to go i think i'm starting to get it
i installed vimium for chrome too and that's nice
>Text editor
>Can't fit entirely inside my L3 cache
Into the trash it goes.
Whats wrong with eclipse?
>free open source
>not a web browser
>avaliable multiplatform
Atom, because I charge by the hour.
I went from Sublime -> gvim -> emacs, and I don't think I'm looking back...
Kakoune rules!
mine is the best, duh
VS Code by far
>invisible comments
>barely any distinction between reserved words/functions/variables
exactly what i like
>have a json with ~50k list entries in it
>open it in Atom to make a few edits
>have almost a second delay for every input
>open up search and replace
>stops responding
I really wanted to like Atom and it's fine if you edit files with less than 300 lines of code, but it's actually trash.
>he needs syntax highlighting for understanding code
Good luck at reading books brainlet.
>GUI editor
No reason for this. Just write your own editor.
I went Notepad>sublime>leafpad>emacs>mg>emacs mg is a terminal version of emacs but a major problem is that you cant copy-paste from sources other than mg itself
>Non free
You mean it has a nag every 5-10 saves
here, have a license, courtesy of CIA
Visual C++ is honestly godtier. Hate microshaft™ but best gui editor is honestly visual c++ :/
Looks good senpai desu.
This. Eclipse is great.
notepad.exe desu senpai
Visual Studio Code. Even if it's bloatware, it's still better than Sublime. More features, easier to work with, better support, open source, more active developer community.
None of them is a GUI editor.
>Atom is the worst and does nothing well.
Works for me. And it's funny because the two are based on electron. But VSCode is way more slow
Atom has some weird issues on my machine, it freezes often.
Sublime is closed source, paid, and has worse plugin support than Atom or VS-Code.
VS-Code is the best for when you don't need a full blown IDE.
Sublime is closed source garbage
VS-Code is Microsoft garbage
Atom is just garbage.
Why is a good editor so hard to create?
I'm a webdev so it doesn't matter what I use. I use sublime because it has the color scheme that I like and I only use plugins that I really need. I don't give a shit about integrated functions like the ones in atom or VSCode.
Is it time for a Sup Forums editor?
I'll design the logo.
except for that fact that Electron IS shit and Visual Studio IS the best.
Sup Forums knows what its talking about when it says this.
they are already ranked in your picture correctly, from left to right
it fucked up my files with autosave bullshit and i had to rewrite my linked list implementation
Sublime and atom are both pretty good, never tried vscode but my visual studio experience put me off it
VStudio Code is in my opinion the best.
How to tell if someone isn't productive at all:
They use Ubuntu Sans as their font and assume desktop icons are necessary for computing
came here to reply this
>not just using nano
Who needs desktop icons if there's a taskbar.
Even if you wanted to say "text editor" instead of GUI
And what about taskbars, dmenu, shortcuts, etc ?
Nothing. Less bloated than Visual Studio at least. Also not running Electron.
I'll write the core rendering libraries in vulkan.
Do you like Go?
I use Geany on Loonix and Windows as well. I think I'm the only person on this planet who uses Geany.
Sublime text