
Are they going to do it?

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Their case is shakey as fuck, and they know they can't win against a giant like Qualcomm, so I doubt it.

Microsoft has been emulating x86 on the x64 OS for years now, why did this only happen now?

That is not even remotely the same thing.

Is qemu illegal???

It's going to run like shit so who cares. Also amr is proprietary botnet cancer.

what happens if M$ threatens to block intel from Windows

I want to marry Akari.

Intell will sue

I think Intel has overestimated their strength in this case. If future builds of Windows 10 are no longer optimised for Intel CPUs but rather AMD and ARM ones instead, What would happen to Intel's performance lead then?

x86 literally keeps MS afloat because muh legacy software

>AMD killing Intel with high core count processors
>IBM killing Intel with tranny size
>Qualcomm going to be killing Intel with low power processors
Is Intel finally finished? They're getting fucked from every hole.

>you will see intel die
>via will arise to take their marketshare

>x86 becomes an open standard

What about x64?

are you retarded or just fresh from Sup Forums

No.Microsoft is actually emulating a Win32 environment on the Win64 for the x86 programs to run, it is called WOW64, the same principal they emulate on ARM. You can look it up on the internet.

Yeah but Microsoft could compile different versions of their OS for different platforms.

Microsoft is not a small player like Transmeta where they will start cowering in fear because of a lawsuit. Their market cap is almost 3 times that of Intel. They have more than $130 billion in their war chest. If it comes to push they can and they will fight this to end ultimately destroying Intel in the process.

oh yeah, they're gonna do it

Well obviously, when you emulate for a market which includes Intel is a different thing than if you emulate for a market which excludes Intel.


where is windows phone revenue in that??

She's a slut that takes nigger dicks every single day.

and 3rd party software can't run ot it anymore
literally the only thing keeping windows marketshare
god Sup Forums is Sup Forums general

Microsoft will just quickly release tools for developers to compile their apps for ARMx64.

Software emulation =/= Hardware emulation
They have nothing to say in this This is going to end like Google vs Oracle

Ryzen isn't good because it has more cores, it's better than the previous attempts because its IPC is comparable to Intel's offerings instead of being a total joke like Piledriver was

>pajeet tech

I'm talking about the new 16/32 core processors that Intel is claiming they can shit out a fucking i9 processor to compete with even though Intel's 22 core Xeon costs 10 thousand dollars.

Ok but it goes both ways though.
And also t.loonixneckbeard delusion to a degree.

They've dug themselves in a hole by considering it. They might as well keep digging for the hell of it.

Where is VIA Technologies in all of this?

literally dead?

What's the difference?

Skip to 1:20.


>windows phone revenue

You meant net loss, right?

Most American hardware companies are dead, IBM went servers only, Motorola was murdered and sold in pieces, of the big ones Micron is the only one left.

Your RAM, hard drives, motherboards and basically everything that is not the CPU/GPU is made and designed by an Asian company.

The only component that the Koreans and Chinese haven't taken over in Desktops/Servers is the CPUs because of the restrictive x86 licenses.

VIA is the north korea of the tech market, nobody know why or how the fuck it still exist but at the same time it feel weird if it isn't there.