Professional Programmer

Welp boys I fell for the meme. I'm a professional programmer now. I've been working at a large university for about a month now as a in-house developer of university applications. On paper, it's a great job.

Problem is, I'm bored as shit at work. I'm bored to the point of pain.

Every day I come into work and I have 9 hours of sitting at a desk in front of me. I have little human interaction during the day and frankly I'm just fucking bored a lot. I feel despair knowing how much time I have left until I can leave the office and go home.

The boredom stresses me out.

How do you guys cope with this? The job pays well, I'm good at it, and is essentially what I wanted to do for years. It would be silly for me to leave. What's my problem?

Do you guys feel this way at your jobs? How do you cope?

What exactly do you program? What kind of applications are they?

What language?

How did you get the job?

How much experience?


we need more info OP

I cope by revelling in the fact that I get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums. I do 5 hours of actual work a week. the rest of the time is just ingenious ways to waste time

>What exactly do you program? What kind of applications are they?

Web applications.

>What language
Javascript, node.js and angular 2 particularly,

>How did you get the job?
Web application and then interview.

>How much experience?

I was working at a startup for a year before this. Graduated with bachelor last spring.

It's paying 75k which is more than I've been offered anywhere else.

I think part of my problem is most of my coworkers are in their 40s and I feel like I don't relate with them much. Also I may have some depression issues.

Yeah I end up reading hacker news for like 40% of the day.

I work in a cubicle which is not very private so I can't risk browsing Sup Forums. I have to waste my time with shit that at least looks work related.

Have you considered a side-project? Video-game design?

Become an alcoholic, problem solved

Yeah I actually have a decent idea for a side project but I'm exhausted when I get home.

I get home, shower, eat dinner, shitpost on Sup Forums for a bit then go to sleep.

How so?

I'm actually drinking right now.

>I fell for the meme
>Also I may have some depression issues.
Like fucking clockwork.

Do yourself a favor and just get into side projects with desktop-oriented languages or learn Python scripting. Not at home, but at work. If you have so much time to read HN uninterrupted, you have enough time to sock away some time at your projects at work. Consider using the time to read textbooks on other langs/tech via pdf files. That's what I do at my job.

I guess I should focus the thread more it's kind of broad.

I'm really just trying to gauge if my level of boredom at work is abnormal.

Are any of you significantly bored at work everyday? and how do you cope with this?

>I fell for the meme
>Also I may have some depression issues.
>Like fucking clockwork.

What do you mean by this? Is depression common among programmers or something?

>Javascript, node.js and angular 2 particularly,

No wonder. Abandon javashit and return your sanity.

I like node.js though :3

Just drink while you're working. I spend all day welding, watching animu on my phone while fabricating.

And you get drunk?

Haven't you developed a drinking problem yet?

There is a way around this, but It does kind of suck. When you get off work, you must go to the gym. Immediatley. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go to the gym, work out, and come home with enough energy to do things.

I don't get drunk, maybe 2, 3 drinks during a 10 hour shift.

kill yourself

> and frankly I'm just fucking bored a lot. I feel despair knowing how much time I have left until I can leave the office and go home.

Really? Throw javashit away and cure yourself.

Tell your boss and ask him if you can have fun at work browsing reddit or some shit like that

Well no shit, webdeving is boring as shit