What OS you anons use and why?

What OS you anons use and why?

Win 10 because muh games
Debian because I'm used to it

Windows XP
because it just werks

antergos cause it´s literally the most comfy and reliable thing for work i have ever seen.
and w7 for gaymes

windows 7 because muh gaymes
mint for mild shitposting and media machines because it just werks



this, winXP and 95/98 are most comfy
some linux distros are breddy comfy too but these old windows OSes are just too good

- Windows XP because it's the greatest OS ever (still useful after almost 16 years. beat that)
- Windows 7 for compatibility
- Windows 8.1 because it's fast and modern

ITT: Sup Forums manchildren

Manjaro GNU/Linux. Well I am now going to try out FreeBSD 11

Ubuntu because repositories, apt-get and Unity.

macOS because it just werks™

the world's most advanced os

easy to install
it's fast and capable with anything I have
easy maintaining packages with use flags
see no other distros advantages over gentoo

Wangblow 10 for muh games and dev work.
Centos on my server.
Fedora for everything else

I'm probably going to install gentoo on my thinkpad for shits and giggles and if i like it i'll start migrating my stuff to it.

easy to install
fast, easy, and fun to configure

would probably prefer gentoo if i didnt have a laptop with thermal issues

the world's most advanced TRAP

the world's most GAYEST os lol xd

shut up kisumi


Win 8.1 basically because of Office 2016 and AutoCAD. I work with my computer


post comic

the title is right there

Xubuntu because it's damn near perfect for my needs

facebook machine os

Solaris 10 because it's fun

Windows and OS X, because I'm not some nerd virgin

Slackware cause muh UNIX

forgot neofetch

Windows 10, because it just works.

arch/win10 dual boot
as of late, i dont boot arch that often and consider wiping its partition and expanding win10 one.

visual studio is just TOO good

get a trip so i can filter you

Debian 9.0

Debian cuz I don't wanna bother with too many updates and recompiling stuff every week and Ubuntu cuz that just works. I'm mainly doing uni(ce and cs) related work and unix system and network programming