Now that the dust has settled

Where did everything go so wrong, Sup Forumsentoomen?

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VLC is gay.

I use IINA under macOS.

What are you talking about? VLC is still the best

MPV is better. The seek is smoother, videos don't glitch-out after being paused for a while (pic related), and it doesn't have an intrusive UI.

>it was never was an movie player exclusively
>it eventually bloated into a media jukebox
>it is shit compared to other players
>it visually never left the win98-era
vlc was pretty ok in the xp-era, but never managed to transcend into the modern era. it's still very visible that vlc was first and foremost a solution for streaming/receiving video. vlc is in itself not bad for your average user that just wants something that werks, but for high-end users it's simply not powerful enough.

Vlc ui is anything but intrusive. Its literally classic tier practical ui.

What's wrong?

I use Android VLC to stream over SMB on a regular basis.

>practical ui.
>video player
Video players don't need such a thing. It's a waste of space.

Idk where the fuck this MPV shit came from. VLC is an institution. Too many kids on this board smfh.

Not everyone wants or cares to learn commands line and keyboard shortcuts just to watch a movie.
If a person uses a monitor then it makes sense that you can display selectable options and other information on that monitor. Once its all done the playback starts and ui dissapears. Literally cant get any better ui than that.

>dl mpv
>click video file to play
>double click or press f for fullscreen
>right click or use spacebar to play/pause
>use mouse, osc, or + - for volume
Is this too hard for vlc tards?

>learns commands to watch a movie
Just what the hell do you do during a movie that would require you to do that? MPV also has a simple and small UI which disappears unless your cursor is in the bottom 3rd of the window. Play/pause/subs/audiotrack. What else would you need? I prefer using it and the only keyboard command I know is Q=quit, and I've never used anything UI-wise because right clicking pauses the video. The only other thing I ever had to do was change the delay of subs.

>watch a movie
>play a video game within the UI of any player
Pick 1. All you need to do is start a movie, or if you're doing something on the same monitor resize the screen. And that's fucking it. You're acting as if no other player has keyboard shortcuts and as if shortcuts are a bad thing.

how do i go to a certain time in the video?

What if I want to enable/disable subtitles? I am sure its just one click on a keyboard but which button? so just for that I need to read a manual, maybe there is a button for a manual too... Or I can use intuitive gui and quickly find subtitle option enable/disable. Its much quicker and simplier. What if I need to change some other option in settings? Again read through manuals or just go to settings and change it.

There's a dedicated "change subtitles" button in the UI, same goes with disabling subtitles and audio tracks.
Common shortcuts are intuitive or already in the GUI. For everything else a simple cheatsheet of 10 most common commands is more than enough.

But I am not. If you find mpv better then use mpv. I havent watched a movie/used a video player of any kind in three months, next time I watch something I will just doubleclick the file and then double click again for full screen in vlc.

damn this looks slick

use the left or right arrows or use your mouse. there is a small on screen controller that shows when you hover

use the on screen contoller. or press j

cool I do the same with mpv. but I have it set to open in fullscreen so I just click on the file.

It doesn't change the facts that
>MPV performs better
>MPV doesn't have an NSA backdoor, unlike VLC

>play video in VLC
>press ctrl+h to hide the UI

PotPlayer ftw

vlc is garbage

>complaining about keyboard shortcuts
>but you can do this with shortcuts!
I don't want to use a manual to make VLC behave the way I want :^). And it doesn't change the fact that the image fucks itself for a few seconds after the video is paused or sometimes randomly.

Not that I'm recommending it but it may interest you to learn that vlc has a cli variant, cvlc.

>I don't want to use a manual to make VLC behave the way I want

Then you should expect a UI? What the fuck do you want? Or are you just a mindless MPV fanboy?

It came from Linux.

Am I the only one using it for music?

I hope so

Its impossible to tell the difference. Also nsa backdoor is a moot point. Most software these is either insecure by design or just poorly written, most commercial software these days has a backdoor, your os most likely has a backdoor. Using vlc or mpv on a already compromised machine makes no difference.

I'm sure it can be compiled for Lelnux, but it won't look as good desu.

>Once its all done the playback starts and ui dissapears
That's what VLC does when in fullscreen, retard.

What difference does it make if the gui is visible when not in full screen? Its not like its overlayed on top of the video?

Wrong? It is objectively the best media player out there. Just because you are too stupid to configure it properly doesn't make it bad.


he jelly

t cycle-values speed 1 1.5

how do I do this in vlc?


SMB and DLNA support is great on Android

VLC IS horrible on Mac OS. Shit won't play audio through anything but the built in speakers. How do you fuck this up in 2017? Works great on Linux and Wangdows, though.

>use the left or right arrows or use your mouse. there is a small on screen controller that shows when you hover
Oh, so use a UI then?

...yea, problem?

its okay, poorfags like you still have hackintosh

>welcome to vlc! information will be shared about media you're playing by default uncheck to disable.

right around there

VLC stopped being able to properly handle .mp4 files after an update 2 or 3 years ago. SMPlayer is an okay alternative I guess. I'd use mpv, but no playlist functionality.

>I'd use mpv, but no playlist functionality.

i hate that goddamn shit
completely ruins it for me.

VLC has skins, for those who really want a goodlooking VLC player


let me explain
>no full hardware acceleration
>buggy hardware color conversion
>low quality subtitle rendering
>always resamples audio, resulting in pitch changes

and this is how mpv should be made

Look at the mac shills lining up to defend their poor shopping skills.

Yeah, who wants an interface? That lets us tell it what to do and we don't want to be authoritarian fascists.

has some points on user interface, original design goals (streaming). the media jukebox aspect can be ignored mostly.

what most people don't mention, but I think is important, is VLC lacks some of the post-processing that makes other modern media players more visually appealing. I mean as a fall-back, it'll play anything and support more formats (except maybe mplayer, with all its codecs), and it's fairly robust and very portable across many platforms.
I also suspect other media players make better hardware acceleration API calls, or are better assembly-optimized

P.S: I have it as a second player, usually for slow-motion or accelerated playback, or to gamma-correct a dark video.

Oh good lord...
>use the on screen controller
So we're talking about how there's too much interface, yet we have a damn virtual remote control sitting in its place. Yeah, so minimalist.

The fuck are you talking about?
all media players should have a progress bar

Progress bar? Did you reply to the wrong person?

It's optional, you can use your keyboard and/or mouse

>I also suspect other media players make better hardware acceleration API calls, or are better assembly-optimized
or do deinterlacing when the source requires it.
VLC doesn't

Is there anything good for Android? VLC had become buggy for me, and I can't find any other players

MX with custom codec pack?

>desktop version has a "resume" feature
>but not the android version (Stable or Beta)
>no way to actually kill/swipe/close the app
>if something is playing it literally will keep playing or reappear

Nowhere. It's a brilliant.

how about the icon is
>a fucking road cone

Cause when I think movies and music I think of fucking roadworks RATATATATATTATATAT

looks nice but I can't be bothered to build it myself. give me a fucking dmg

Are you retarded? Just click download