I don't even understand why linux is a thing.
Can't you see that windows is better?
>windows has more programs
>windows has more games
>windows comes with your computer.
I rest my case.
I don't even understand why linux is a thing.
Can't you see that windows is better?
>windows has more programs
>windows has more games
>windows comes with your computer.
I rest my case.
>windows comes with your computer
Nothing "better" about an operating system that exists to show you a web browser and very little else (games).
By that metric Android is a better OS than Windows
I agree android is way better than windows.
Most people just use a phone why even buy a computer
I don't even understand why Windows is a thing
Can't you see that GNU/Linux is better?
>GNU/Linux has all the same programs, sometimes more
>GNU/Linux has plenty of games
>GNU/Linux is easier to install and free
>GNU/Linux doesn't spy on you
>GNU/Linux is free as in freedom as well as in price
I rest my case.
the purpose of internet explorer is to download firefox
>GNU/Linux has all the same programs,
>GNU/Linux has plenty of games
>GNU/Linux is easier to install and free
>GNU/Linux doesn't spy on you
It's 2017. The correct line now is: the purpose of edge is to download chrome
I mean lets get real for a moment. You install windows 10 in about 45 minutes and for most linuxes its about the same but remember. Biggest base linuxes are about 1 gigabytes or 2 while windows 10 can be more than 5 gigabytes of data. And what happens when you open them. On the linux there are about 2 functional buttons, 3 are nonfunctional and in those two buttons there are some pictures to play with. Maybe slide down or up. On windows though, you feel like a god. Its professional its fast, its all functional. You have a godlike user interface. The thing that the linux does not have. You have those two buttons in the linux, but you still search google for codes to write in terminal. Linux is free because its not worth a penny. Nobody would sell a paper without taking the money. Just not sure why people still buy android while windows phone does 10 times more. Trust me. When you work with windows you know some genius ground breaker dedicated himself to give you an operational os
>windows comes with your computer.
only if you're a cuck who pays for the botnet
Everything works just fine whenever I install Arch. Maybe you're just retarded, or maybe you're just an Indian. That would explain your terrible English.
>45 minute install times
What the fuck are you even talking about. I'm sure there are more things to point out but I found your mess of a post so unpalatable I had to stop reading.
Work on improving yourself.
>he installs a gui
Windows also has a better package manager than gnu/linux.... OH WAIT IT DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING HAVE ONE
>open web browser
>google search program
>open fishy site
>accidentally click a bunch of fake download buttons
>install shovelware installers
>have virus now
>Windows users will literally defend this
>GNU/Linux has all the same programs, sometimes more
Quality over quantity
>GNU/Linux has plenty of games
Quality over quantity
>GNU/Linux is easier to install and free
No it is not
>GNU/Linux doesn't spy on you
They can spy on you thru hardware when they want, (Intel ME and AMD TrustZone)
>GNU/Linux is free as in freedom as well as in price
Never paid single penny for Windows in my life.
>ITT 14 yr old gaymers who are all about the gooey
>windows has more programs
Linux has everything I want. What is your point?
>windows has more games
>windows comes with your computer.
Are you retarded? Unless you are buying prebuild (aka. overpriced garbage) no OS comes with your PC.
How about:
Security (look at the news)
Are you retarded? everything you "loled" at is factually correct.
>Person who has never used Linux talks about Linux looking like a computer illiterate idiot.
Seriously stop spouting memes.
When will you fags give it a rest?
>Quality over quantity
>Quality over quantity
So linux is superior here?
>No it is not
It is. Installing debian/ubuntu is something everyone can do. It is by no means harder then installing windows.
>They can spy on you thru hardware when they want, (Intel ME and AMD TrustZone)
And? The OS doesn't though. Which is the entire point.
>Never paid single penny for Windows in my life.
What? You never build your own PC? And the laptop you bought is probably $50 cheaper when buying without an OS.
>Security (look at the news)
Microsoft has the largest OS market share, obviously it's going to be the that is most attacked. Additionally, say what you want about Microsoft, but their security program is leagues ahead of Linux.
>obviously it's going to be the that is most attacked
Yes, exactly it is the most insecure operating system.
Why would you use something if you know that it has the highest chance to get attacked.
>but their security program is leagues ahead of Linux.
Again, look at the news. We now had multiple catastrophic infection on windows.
If you call that "ahead" of linux, then you are plain wrong.
not an answer
retarded answer
its not easier than installing windows
entire point is spying, if i am being spyed anyhow i would like to be spyed with a better operating system
they sell laptops without operating systems, do you even go outside?
Windows is a better spyware
Linux was invented in 1991.
At the time you had DOS and Windows 3.2.
Both were pretty shit.
Then Microsoft decided to make Windows 95, which was the worst piece of crap ever made.
So yeah, Linux was necessary.
>I don't even understand why linux is a thing.
That's because you're fucking retarded.
>retarded answer
You claimed "quality over quantity". undoubtedly Linux has less games then Windows.
>its not easier than installing windows
It is. Installing Windows is just as simple as installing Ubuntu.
For both OSs you need to do the exact same steps. Select language, keymap, choose disk -> install.
>entire point is spying, if i am being spyed anyhow i would like to be spyed with a better operating system
Are you retarded?
>they sell laptops without operating systems, do you even go outside?
Exactly. Do you pirate your windows, because that is flat out retarded and exposes you to every security risk imaginable.
let this be bait please, I fucking beg you, this isn't Sup Forums tier, this isn't leddit tier, this is pure facebook tier
>their security program is leagues ahead of Linux.
Linux is secure by design:
Like Unix, it was designed as a multi-user system that needs to restrict access based on who is logged in.
Windows is insecure by design:
It's designed for a single user and no network connection.
It needs a whole patchwork of hacks to A) make it work in a networked multi user environment and B) to stop those hacks from creating security holes.
Note that Windows for home use is pretty safe, especially without any remote access stuff turned on.
Shit becomes unsafe when a system administrator needs to perform remote tasks on a fleet of Windows clients. - it was never designed to handle this.
>It's designed for a single user and no network connection.
are you this retarded? don't talk about something you don't even know fuck off and leave this place.
Most people means normies user, as you might know, normies are a majority in the world. Technology minded individuals are rare
>every single fucking day
>of every single fucking week
>of every single fucking month
>of every single fucking year
>drooling manchildren need to reply to obvious bait because the copypaste said "genuinely curious"
If one makes the presumption that the modern IT is all about the internet, then you have to ask yourself
'Does Linux even have a choice in this matter ?'
A modern computing system is not one that is run from the command line - it is a system that is tied in with the internet Cloud. Just have a look at Windows 10 with Cortana and OneDrive for an example of this done right.
You need the outlook to connect in with the mass of email flowing around us every day. And then there is document collaboration - the sharing of Wordfiles and Excels between users across state boundries ! Voice over IP, cloud enabled 'Surface' computing, and voice command interfaces - all tied together with .NET and the OneDrive.
The driving force behind this internet is the Microsoft Sharepoint Server - a central peice of systems software which connects all these end points together, in a synergistic kaleidoscope that achieves both balance and symmetry.
The smart Vendors know that in order to get ahead in the future IT, that means integrating with the Cloud.
Linux has nothing on the Cloud.
Linux looks very interesting, even if some of the screen colours and menu options appear to be a little out of the ordinary.
But you are missing a vital point, a point which takes some experience and depth of knowledge in the field of computers. You see, when a computer boots up, it needs to load various drivers and then load various services. This happens long before the operating system and other applications are available.
Linux is a marvellous operating system in its own right, and even comes in several different flavours. However, as good as these flavours are, they first need Microsoft Windows to load the services prior to use.
In Linux, the open office might be the default for editing your wordfiles, and you might prefer ubuntu brown over the grassy knoll of the windows desktop, but mark my words young man - without the windows drivers sitting below the visible surface, allowing the linus to talk to the hardware, it is without worth.
And so, by choosing your linux as an alternative to windows on the desktop, you still need a windows licence to run this operating system through the windows drivers to talk to the hardware. Linux is only a code, it cannot perform the low level function.
My point being, young man, that unless you intend to pirate and steal the Windows drivers and services, how is using the linux going to save money ? Well ? It seems that no linux fan can ever provide a straight answer to that question !
May as well just stay legal, run the Windows drivers, and run Office on the desktop instead of the linus.
It's 2017 and Windows still grants full admin rights to a first created user and allows to log in with that account.
>windows drivers
Is this a pasta? Do you have mental disease? Did it really worth a (You)?
Onedrive is an abomination
>The driving force behind this (presumably the) internet is Microsoft sharepoint server
no, the backbone of the internet is redhat and other unix servers, an internet server requires posix compliance which windows does not do
>they first need Microsoft Windows to load the services
The fuck are you on? you realize you can use linux without needing windows at all and it is the init system which loads the "services" or daemons as they are known, not a different OS
>Windows drivers
Windows doesn't write the drivers that linux uses; it doesn't even write its own drivers. These are done by the hardware manufacturers or the open source community for both systems.
> Steal windows drivers and services
What a bunch of bollocks
> Linux can't perform the "low level function"
But that is exactly what it does, as a kernel it interacts with firmware (nothing to do with windows) and hardware to perform tasks. This is exactly the same as what the NT kernel does.
> stay legal ...
I smell a samefag between
If you aren't a same fag then
You make an alright argument that is misinformed
You should eliminate yourself from the genepool
I've read this post three time and I've concluded that either:
1) You're a Pajeet which should start to poo in the loo and shut the fuck up
2) you're a generative neural network trained on shitposting
3) you're literally mentally retarded and have both a delusion ("genius ground breakers" behind Winshit) and a creepy fetish ("buttons")
Best part: in all 3 cases you should not be on this site
It's like 15 year old slashdot pasta
Great, Windows works for you. As a programmer and someone who doesn't play video games, you can understand that I'm in a similar situation where Linux has the software I need.
Command line get you efficiency.
Windows is not command line friendly.
So you will do the same thing every time.
On linux, all you need to do is setting up a script and run.