What does Sup Forums think about Nixie Pixel?

What does Sup Forums think about Nixie Pixel?

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Cancer, literally

A good cocksleeeve and a fuck toy who can wikipedia and pronounce Linux correctly

He has nice eyes


Typical nerzd grill who watches a lot of big bang theory

wow, so fucking sexist

Obvious daddy issues, probably kinky af

Is it some sort of new hipster device?
Like a Google Pixel but with Nixie tubes?


I thought she died?

Cancer doesn't die so easily

I miss her OP

kill yourself

She did this stream the other day:

Apparently she has some disease called ankylosaurus spawndermititus, or something, and that's why she disappeared with a bunch of people's money. Now she wants to make some kind of anarchist internet community base on Tron, or something? Also, she's not perfect and has undiagnosed ADD.



I can't handle this autistic rambling, holy shit.
>yfw she becomes the next Terry Davis and spends decades writing "NoGodsNoMasterOS"

If "Nixie Pixel" is the name of the chick in the pic and she has anything to do with "tech" or "coding" then she can screw right off.

how big is the benis

She knows linux though
and she made videos to try to make it cool and accessible for people
but I can understand why you might want to keep it the exclusive domain of virgin neckbeards for the rest of time

Didn't she die or something?

I think >her eyes would look beautiful looking up from my genital area

omg lit

Makes a great onahole

I had totally forgotten about her. Is that pic new? She looks younger that I remember her.

She's kind of cute, but not as attractive as that one Australian kid's mum.

Chill. She's fucking alive. I'm glad.
I talked to her on Discord for a bit :3

I wanna skullfuck her eye socket.

>TFW no one remembers when Sup Forums was guro.

Just another kid seeking attention on the internet

it ain't rose

>What does Sup Forums think about Nixie Pixel?
prime material to get BLACKED

y do u want women to be BLACKED user?

i dont

it is not about what i want

it is about what must be done

y is it something that MUST be done user?

the reason why humans have large penises relative to their body size is because of sexual selection by females. since humans walk on two legs, the female vagina is deep and the anterior fornix and posterior fornix can only be reached by a LARGE BLACK DICK.
while other great apes have micro dicks, we humans evolved to have larger ones purely for pleasure. ever since humans started wearing clothes and became monogamic and conservative, females couldn't know if their future husband would have a sizeable penis, nor could she compare with others. this led to DICKLETS successfully having kids and tarnishing the human gene. since the black man was running around the jungle naked until very recently, they still possess large penises, and we MUST give them our women in order to fix our genes and ensure humanity will be proud of their ability to please females.

hmmmmm post more pls

how did you find that video?

I hope she gets well soon. She has health issues.

yes moar plz

I bet her twat gets creamy when she fucks.

ugly nasty nympho confirmed

Typical girl.
Her videos focus more on herself than on the actual content

She gained a little weight

such a hot milf.

Ugly ((("""content creator"""))) with ZERO amount of chest meat, not interesting


she got cancer from using leenux

>pronounce Linux correctly
it's actually pronounced 'lie-nux' like how you would say Linus' name

>What does Sup Forums think about Nixie Pixel?
literally who?

e-celebs are degeneracy


I like her.
>started like maybe a decade ago when you could only browse forums to see "nvm, I fixed it!" or watch her explain it
>she made videos that are instructional and actually show you how to do it step by step, not just writing half-assed instructions on a webpage
>unlike any other Linux related video, she wasn't an ugly nerd but a young girl with cleavage and a pleasant voice
I still think there's not enough content around like she produced, I want her back full time. The current Sup Forums doesn't even seem to recognize her, that's how Sup Forums this is.

In her defense she never used her cleavage to get views.

Hard to use something you dont have.

>excited to talk to a girl youtuber
Sorry kid, you have to be at least 18 to visit this site.

>what is IRC
fucking millennials...

we talking about the same girl?


how does she have a receding hairline???

That's what they're supposed to do m8

>That's what they're supposed to do m8

My high school biology book.