I haven't seen one for a while. I'll start.
Screenfetch/Neofetch Thread
>I haven't seen one for a while
then you haven't been lurking enough.
these people are taking away my city pop please dont
eunha best gril
shut up kisumi
Isn't it mandatory to have one every 2 fucking hours?
im not kisumi i am mr straight guy
Hmm ~desu
>let me just put this Discord window up to fill space for my epic tiling WM but I'm too embarrassed to show its contents
why such a small picture
>use a linux distro to fit in with Sup Forums
>still manage to make your desktop look like rainmeter-tier trash
plz tell me how to into mac rice
theres one everyday
most just use iterm and macfeh with nothing else, so get those
nice desktop
princess how is ur gf doing
thank u
oh yeah my gfs lol
yeah ur gfs lol
Why are virtual reality computers so expensive I just want to have a virtual screen to play old vidya on and maybe something like Morrowind VR
old, but you get the gist
VR isn't worth it, it makes you nauseous and gives you a headache if you use it for too long
I am getting an iPhone for free today
High quality as always
But I want a VR theater and I want VR out of body experiences, and I want to play Morrowind with VR especially.
the vr theater seems cool until you actually use it, its hard to explain. All the games take a performance hit and the "virtual screen" while is emulated as 1080p or whatever your native resolution is, seems much lower then that, you can actually see the pixels.
I wouldn't have to worry about performance much. I'd be getting a 1080/1180 at the least.
VR Theaters are about feeling like you're looking at a large screen. Seeing the pixels isn't as much of an issue on the Vive, and even less of an issue when you're watching something like a movie. There should be a sweet spot where you can at least get a 720p frame displayed ~1:1 within your field of view.
your icon theme and terminal font are broken
I can definitely see it still being worthwhile if you don't have any space, but otherwise you're better off getting an actual big screen.
No I just resized the window
I have a 27" screen and it's not big enough. A projector is going to be shittier and more expensive than a VR headset as well.
The only screen worth upgrading to from what I have now would be Dell's 8k monitor which is too expensive.
It's hard to explain like I said, part of it is also that it just feels shitty in the theater mode. For all I know you might enjoy it though, MW will probably be your best use for it.
stealing everything from this one. No love.
Nice Atom
wat is owo?
I don't have screenfetch on windows 10 sorry
I feel inadequate.
Still W I D E rules.
just install id :D
a screenfetch thread that is not just a bunch of literal screenfetches but desktops?
Nice screenfetches anons
to people who loves their dashboard type stuff,
what's the point of having your disk space in your face? are you constantly running out of space?
same with ram, and why show all 4 cores of cpu instead of just the average, or better just show the load average which is something that is actually meaningful.
5.7 GHz ???
very nice/10
Hello, plebs.
cute fedoras
needs more anime
where'd you get that wallpaper?
nice one!
how did you center the taskbar icons?
bug with clock speed identifiers on linucks. The actual OC is 4.4GHz
I made it. :3
just google how on windows, its kinda dumb desu