PC Building


So I'm building my first PC. Is this a good first build? I don't want anything too crazy, I want to be able to play any vidya game on it though, at least with the console counter-part tier graphics or above. Also probably recording gameplay, maybe livestreaming at some point.

plz help giv tips im autistic n00b

Other urls found in this thread:


>GTX 1050 Ti
>Intel - Core i7-2600K

What the FUCK are you doing?

You tell me


u r very autismos but very cute OP

Building compooter r hard :(

OP I will help you. visit me in the database for further advice

What's your budget?

I will save up any amount of money that I need to buy the right parts and have a PC that suits my needs.

What are your needs?

Just to play any game on the market with probably at least high graphics. Also livestreaming at some point, which I heard is mostly about how many gigs of ram you have.

It's roughly the same price as your original list

Live streaming is mostly cpu-bound

>580 4gb

Hmm I am very autistic with computers but I believe this is better than OPs list.

goodluck getting that radeon faget

That's actually a good price even before the price went up because of mining. OP will obviously have to wait if he wants it at that price.

PC building is confusing, expensive, and autistic. I think I'll conform to plebitude and buy a pre-built one cuz this gey.


Want to talk on discord or something. We can work something out on autismo

You don't even have the money to buy a pre-built one.

Hmm, okay, add me, Chaotic#1257.
We'll see about that you dirty damn frog-poster.