Tfw they died so we could play snake and send nudes.
Tfw they died so we could play snake and send nudes
And so we could reply to every question with "Install Gentoo" on Sup Forums
>me buying a smartphone directly contributed to there being less niggers in the world
wtf I love smartphones now
Install Gentoo
>phoneposters are cancer that kills both Sup Forums and real people
I licked a negro once
Mine the coal, pay the toll
>real people
let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Yes I remember thinking "nigger" was subversive to say
Middle school was one hell of a time
>nigger I have no relation to dies somewhere
>nigger I have no relation to
if you're an amerimongrel that may not be as true as you hope.
My family line is pasta-niggers that came here well after slavery, so no africa-nigger blood in my veins. I wasn't even talking about blood relation anyway, I was talking about personal.
>fairphone is working on a phone that doesnt use conflict minerals
Well they already killed eachother to get the minerals
They don't realise that if we stop buying conflict minerals even more people will die of starvation and the resulting rise in crime as the criminals turn to the people. There's no winning. They need to provide an alternative for the country
>They don't realise that if we stop buying conflict minerals even more people will die of starvation
You do standup every Saturday?
Wasn't a question
Because you're a fucking joke
Not that there's a shortage of congolese.
Congo is literally the richest country on earth in terms of resources but they are still a shithole.
>Buying something that you know was stolen
>Buying something that you know was produced using slave labour
And I enjoy every minute of it
slavery has been a way of life for africa since at least the 700s
One thing threatens the business interests of the corporations, the other doesn't.
They havnt really ever recovered from King Leopold II
Install Gentoo