Just got hit from this piece of shit. Any advice on how to get it out from my system?

Just got hit from this piece of shit. Any advice on how to get it out from my system?

suicide and switch to linux, faggot

how did you get infected?

delete system32

You're fucked bud. On the bright side it indeed does go away after you enter the key so at least it's not lying to you.

petya only encrypts the first megabyte of any file, so you'll be alright


Browsing interwebz without a condom

no, seriously. did you run some shady file or what?

i'm really curious, since wcry and petya seem to have infected a shit ton of machines. if you actually have to run cool_song.mp3.exe or open some office document from an unknown source that's quite the accomplishment. i always think you can't be this stupid.

i can understand not patching your system in time, but why would you run a shady file? like ever?

Linux has several of those decryption malwares too.
It doesn't matter if you're stupid.

Normies, literary dumbasses.
I haven't caught anything since ever, even when running ridiculously outdated systems.

The "hurr update" is only when you are dumb, it can save you from your mistake, but even then, it's not needed in the first place.


>He thinks he needs to execute a program to become infected in Windows

It does, but rip your files.

how did you get it?

i have important shit on my computer.

It exploits vulnerable services running on open ports, then it check other machines on the local network.
So behind a router it's unlikely you'll get hit unless you download something dodgy first, or someone else does and does the above on your unpatched machine.

that would just be encrypted too
manual offline backups monthly

If you don't have backups then your shit is not important

>not answering the question
fuck off retard

Just restore your backups, faggot.

Wipe the disk, take out your external hard drive, and restore the at least monthly physical backup people are supposed to do but don't. Otherwise, learn for next time. Sorry

On physical media. I do it monthly

On a second hard drive?

Say I have my installation on a 50gb SSD, and all my files on a separate HDD, then get this, and fresh fresh install on the SSD, my files on the other drives shouldn't be encrypted, right?

Go back in time and install the vaccine.

install gentoo

Veeam endpoint backup is free, it doesnt' recognize the file extension and leaves it along.
I use it on a clients network. They got hit hard, even encrypted shit in their dropbox, but the backups restored perfect and all was happy... especially me

can macs get this? what to do to not get this?

im gonna go back my important shit up...

>an military grade

Macs can't run any programs at all, so you are fine.

System restore

First check to see if you can Ctrl+Alt+Delete to see if you can open task manager and kill the program, and if you can then see if your files are still accessible. If not, then pull the hard drive and stick it in a different PC or boot from a live media to see if it actually encrypted your stuff or if it just locked the user account. If your stuff is encrypted, it's lost. If you pay, you may or may not get it back and it's not a risk worth taking.

If all else fails, you have two options. You can reinstall Winshit and wait for the next butt fucking or you can install a GNU/Linux or BSD distribution and enjoy the stability and security that comes with it. It costs nothing and is widely used in servers, super computers, government PCs, robotics, a wide array of embedded devices, and even on space stations and nuclear submarines. Basically anything that needs to be highly dependable and secure runs GNU/Linux. I suggest Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE if it's your first time.

Didn't the companies that got their Linux servers infected have them running kernel version 2? I mean it wouldn't have even happened if they bothered to update their shit once a decade.

I make weekly backups. It's good enough for me, and I only backup my work related stuff and all of my source code, so less than 50GB worth. I highly recommend it though.

They can, but OS X is in a similar spot to GNU/Linux security-wise. I uses a lot of FreeBSD and GNU components and Apple is great about putting out regular updates. Most people shit on Apple because their mobile software and hardware is absolutely abhorrent and their desktop stuff is overpriced, soldered, generic x86 shit.

>If you pay, you may or may not get it back and it's not a risk worth taking.
I'm not saying it's something he SHOULD do, but apparently there's actually a very good chance of getting your files back upon payment with most ransomware.

How do all y'all you do your backups?
A separate machine separated from the internet? A snazzy NAS unit? or go full l33t hax0rm@n and burn them on CD's with stegnagrophy

Honestly I'm too lazy to use dd or any kind of backup utility so I copy and paste my home directories into an external hard drive. It's super easy and I keep all of my themes and fonts in my documents directory, so reinstalling my OS exactly how it is now would be a breeze.

How does this sound for a backup plan?

Purchasing two 3TB hard drives and a 5.25" hot swap bay for my PC.
Using an existing HDD in the PC for daily backups.
First purchased HDD used for weekly backups, which is stored in a drawer away from the system.
Second HDD used for monthly backups, which I encrypt and keep at a friend's place.

I can't afford those big TB cloud services, so I think this will give me good balance of having an on-site and off-site backup.

Best ransomware coming through.

encrypted hard drive in an external enclosure periodically connected over usb and a script to mount and rsync stuff over from my file server


I read today that Petya can't be fixed because the payment address has been shut down. Also, it's more than just ransomware with encryption, it deletes an X amount of files, leaving your machine unbootable.

Fair enough. I think it's pretty practical considering how damn cheap storage is and if you have USB3 it isn't like waiting for paint to dry.