


Let me start



>anything popular is a botnet

fucking retarded. half the things on here do not apply to being a botnet. like seriously, how can you be so buttmad to put foobar up there?

>foobar not botnet
You'll see when CSI knockes at your door for listening to animu loli music

I'm pretty sure nobody that's important enough to have a meaningful influence as to the future of these products is stupid enough to wear a tin foil hat as big as 70% of the people's hats on Sup Forums so I wouldn't worry yourself. Just play the game you fag


What's not a botnet according to Sup Forums





Gentoo is a botnet, though... Everything with a package manager is a botnet

Whew that was close

I'm working on reducing leaking my habits/daily data but I'm fine with proprietary software as long as I can properly isolate or sandbox it.



gimme your address

Im OK with this


Literally none except WhatsApp because all my normie friend s are on it

Who /template/ ?

Best you got?

Woah this is unacceptable I must switch to GNU software immediately

do i win anything?

most of them I have to use because of work or friends.

Huh, that was easy.

>ubuntu is le botnet cus of amazon!
>retards think unity and ubuntu are the same thing

>odd number of cells across
>even number of cells down

Well at least you got one of them right this time. And Google should be the free space since they run the captchas on Sup Forums.

>doing the captcha



Thought it was going to be worse.

Windows Phone?

How is uTorrent a botnet, you cuck?

Is there any evidence that PayPal is botnet?

No, I have a Xiaomi. I use outlook for 'serious emails' and have a bunch of throwaway google/gmail accounts so I can upload movies to gdrive and register for bullshit websites.

New versions are ad-supported.

Amazing, considering I'm normie as fuck and don't know any coding languages at all

after all these years of purifying myself, i'm only guilty of using whatsapp because of school. whatsapp is where i get homeworks etc.

feels good man. enjoy your botnet cucks.

mIRC is botnet ? I thought IRC is literally as antibotnet as they come

So many of these are used for work which is even more botnet as I have to use real names/details.


How is linkedin a botnet?

It's proprietary and nags you to pay for the full version after 30 days. Only a fool would pay for an IRC client.

I'm trying to recognize the one that looks like an alien, it's between the whatsapp and JavaScript logo. What is it?


Cool, thanks.

Roast me.



U mean oracle java?

Truly I am the botnet.
I've been meaning to switch from ghostery for a while, though. But doesn't it only share data if you do the ghostrank stuff? I don't.
In any case, which adblocker is better than it?

How are foobar and Utorrent part of the botnet?

Not surprised about Intel but what are the specifics? Those plus steam are the only ones who have me.

I feel like this tells all about my computing life

how do i avoid the botnets if i need them for social/gayming

I'm a "normie" as they call it.

But I still have an airgapped low power sbc for encrypting and signing messages :^)

op you dummie



>not knowing about the bitcoin miner they installed onto your system.

Botnet is a meme word for "Things I dont like, but cant put into words why cause I am a braindead faggot", but at least OP got this one correct.


So how is java a botnet? It's been free as in freedom since 2006.

Actually it means bloated proprietary software that is likely collecting your data or using your resources, but nice try champ.

Not bad

It has proprietary components, and we can't know what they do exactly. Might fuck up RNG? Who knows. Might capture encryption keys from RAM, who knows.

An easy fix would be to switch chrome for "Sw Iron", it also based on chromium but just removed the botnet. It has the same functionality as chrome, but some things like autocomplete are disabled

SystemD, JavaScript, Java, Ubuntu are all open source.

Nice try at damage control, chimp

even the open source java version?

OpenJDK is completely libre, please point out any proprietary components of it

Is Malwarebytes a botnet?

First of all, Javascript is a vehicle for DRM code.
I use systemd, but I'm always uneasy that they've possibly slipped some kind of shit in there that's exploitable (maybe even by accident) because systemd touches almost everything. I like systemd desu but it's a little much.

Again, I use ubuntu. But ubuntu has some proprietary components. Same with java.

It's all or nothing. So deal.


Everything you like is botnet.
No kind of fun computing allowed!

>Same with java.
Again, use OpenJDK it is the stallman approved implementation of java.

meh whatever

>also I use closed source stuff too.


what the fuck are half of those logos anyway. I also don't understand how the hardware itself is botnet, especially my cpu.

forgot pic

- Why is TS Botnet? What should I use instead?
- I use Avira, should I swap to Clamav? It's devil logo makes not trust it.
- Not willing to ditch Steam.
- Says Office 365, but what about KMSpico'd word/excel/pp/access? Libre is terrible.

I'm submitting my anus to ((them)) so I can be a normal good boy.

I actually don't give a shit. But I like software that isn't hard to use and my time is (probably) more valuable than figuring out the dependencies involved with using some other alternative. I want it to be customizable, I want the coreutils I know, and most of all I don't want windows or mac.

Why is libreoffice terrible? Haven't used it that much yet

I just can't get used to it. Been using it for a year until I finally gave up a week ago and went with Office 2013. The interface is ugly, and you have to spend hours editing it so it somewhat resembles word's and excel's, the palettes are garbage, and you also have to edit them. It sucks update-wise, and so on. So far, Office is like Steam, the cost of getting rid of them is not worth it.

barely anything and i still feel dirty

Install TempleOS and God will protect you.

Is discord truly an botnet program? care to explain why it is?

>the whole internet is botnet
hmm well, the only option to escape 'botnet' is not to use interwebs then.

Formatting fucks up really badly sometimes. Kinda sucks when you need to touch up a 500 page document and everything is read completely wrong, all the vectors are the wrong size, way the fuck off the page, etc.

Because it's closed source and Sup Forums is full of cucks

How'd I do?


And not having a processor.

How'd I do?

I'm pretty sure Ghostery has been taken over and recently updated it's privacy policy to include sharing all your metadata with 3rd parties so it's probably better to just remove it.

I would recommend ublock origin for ads and if you really want full control of your browser then umatrix is excellent (once you learn how to use it properly... as it will break most websites at first)


Out of curiosity I went there to see their privacy policy. It still seems to me that data sharing is still an opt-in feature.
> There is no obligation on your part to provide your Personal Data.
> The only way we will collect this Tracker data is if you affirmatively opt-in, and when you do so, the data we collect is limited.

However I will still look at those other extensions, thanks for the recommendations, user.

guess ill die

doesn't gentoo have systemd as well?

You can choose to use it