What is Sup Forums's favorite GUI text editor?

what is Sup Forums's favorite GUI text editor?


Anything from Jetbrains.

pic related. Version 9.0 fixed the slowdowns, and now you can wirelessly build on devices.

Feels great.

atom with prettier

visual studio is shit

Why would you need a GUI for a text editor?

Thats good to hear. I was thinking of messing around with swift, but Xcode8 sucks pretty bad.

because not everyone likes CLI text editors


You don't need xcode to mess with swift.

Not that user.
Visual studio code is a really dumbed down ide. It's basically on the level of Atom. Trying to go from the real visual studio to visual studio code is painful.
That said, I use vim for an ide.

>It's basically on the level of Atom.
If Atom actually used electron well.

vim isn't an ide, it's an editor. it has extremely little IDE intelligence unless you haul on some really intense extensions.


font name pl0x

someone fix the Vim plugin in this shit.. its bugged as fuck!!!!!!!!

otherwise, no complaints

I like IDEA for scala development, the community edition works for everything that I need. Every other language I don't use an IDE



IDEA is not a text editor, it's a full-scale IDE(and probably the one with the most features for Java)


Swift is opensource now, you can compile and run Swift on Linux

gvim is the only reasonable answer
But really, for editing text and viewing code you are ok even with something like Mousepad,


i really like sublime text 3

and its more or less free as in gratis, thanks to wikileaks

Atom or visual studio.

I used to use vim and probably would again for certain jobs if I bothered to reacclimate to it.

Typing speed is rarely a bottleneck though ;)

Gedit. Doesn't have so many features as VSC, but it's much faster at basic stuff, so I like it. Has syntax highlight for a ton of languages out of the box, unlike VSC.

I like kate.
Easy to extend with javascript for simple things and C++ for more advanced things

What doesn't work for you? I've only used VScode for a few days but think the vim plugin is pretty okay

A GUI lets you view the text while you are writing.
Using a text editor without a GUI is horribly outdated and there is no reason to do that today.

Which GUI you want in your text editor is a different question.

the vim extension (the most popular one) bugs out in multicursor mode.

it starts flashing like retarded and deletes random words inbetween the cursors.

Oh right. In like 5 years of using vim I never used multicursor, so I have no idea. Is it even a vim feature?



>It's basically on the level of Atom
It is a fork of Atom.

Sublime, the minimap got me..


It's probably SF Mono.

VS Code has that too.

i use vim as i can edit text extremely effectively by utilizing every keystroke required for quicker edits

Tried VS Code, went back to Sublime. Phtml breaks VS Code theming so I can't use it. Also feels so heavy and sluggish compared to Sublime.

Sublime 3 is still god

no, its native vscode feature which gets hijacked by the vim extension and is bugged now

sublime text

>view the text while you are writing
What are you talking about?