How do i fix a stripped screw???

how do i fix a stripped screw???


Give it back, Ahmed

it's my own fucking laptop

Dremel a notch into it, and use a flathead

Put a rubber band over the head of it and insert the screwdriver over it.

If the torque is really high on it, do this

This. The rubber band trick save me once.

Tiny drop of strong glue in the hole and use a screwdriver don't don't care much about.

do this as last resort, make sure the small metal filings dont short stuff out

Hold it with, and twist?

Drilling through it is the easiest way.

Put it on the oven at 425°f for 15-20 minutes. This will break the screw loose so that you can twist it out by hand. Make sure you let it cool before you take it out of the oven though.

pliers twist it with needle nose pliers and go buy another screw at the hardware store. my bet is you'll forget to bring the screw with you to the store.. my goodness you people are fucking inept.

In the future, laptop screws are not designed to be taken out and put back in. Throw them away and use new ones if you take them out.

Tiny pair of vice grips you can use it to create a gripping surface they are almost always made of stronger metal than what you are trying to grip. You basically warp the screw by pinching it really hard then twist it like you would a normal screw. and then re-adjust the vice grips when you hit the side of the heatsink. I've done this with hard drive screws, and it works.

Locking pliers are way better for removing stripped/stuck screws than regular pliers, especially when there's sensitive hardware right next to the screw.

Something like this happened to me once

>using pleb tier tools
>not using a poultry shears for every fix

Put a dab of super glue on top amd before it driws make an impression of the acrew tip by gentle inserting it. It will then harden with a poorly designed, but functional enough, opening that you can then insert a screw driver and remove.

You can also use a very small electric hand saw and slice a small atrip into it and use a flat head screw driver.

Dremel saw, thats the name i was thinking off!

This. I've worked miracles with this technique before. Also WD40 can help as well.

Learn to use the correct sized screwdrivers

Fix it with a nut and bolt