Be me, long term chrome user

>be me, long term chrome user
>can't into firefox, too many sites bugging out, seems like it's for fosstards
>try ricing vivaldi, not working properly, too many workarounds
>friend keeps telling me to use opera
>finally fucking do it

>imported all of my chrome history in seconds, no longer have to use facebook's crappy site to use messenger and spam close and reopen whenever it crashes
>pages seem a lot smoother
>very little required configuration
>looks beautiful

what's your favorite browser, Sup Forums, and why is it opera?


>can't into firefox, too many sites bugging out

Never really had any issues with this, what sites are you talking about?


My only browser for ever. In benchmarks, it used less memory than opera, firefox and chrome together

Firefox nightly

but you do use the superior 12.something version, don't you?

>what's your favorite browser
Opera, too bad it died four years ago

s/opera/chinese botnet/

Chrome. I don't like Opera because clicking on Microsoft links in my emails automatically opens up in Opera even though it isn't my default browser. It can fuck right off.

Change the protocol default babe.


Why use Chrome or Opera bloat when you can use just what you need without botnets and other bullshit?
What does Opera bring that isn't already in Chromium?

>Select some text
>Immediately get a floating "copy" button rather than having to right-click to copy-paste
This is such an underrated feature of Opera. It's the one thing I miss whenever I use a different browser.

Does it also open a search dialogue?

I search texts a lot more often than I copy texts.


Been using it since 2004, I'm just too comfy with it. I know about Chinese botnet, and tried to switch to Vivaldi for a brief stint, but I love Opera too much.

I think I'm stuck for life, Sup Forums

That's besides the point, it shouldn't have done that Jewish stunt during installation.

firefox can't render scrollbars correctly on discord or tweetdeck, but you don't use those sites so why does that matter

And you're sure it's not your e-mail client that fucked up?

Firefox doesn't let you style the scrollbars, true.

I also find it annoying, it can have a big impact on the look of your site/webapp.

No because it does the same thing when I go open Microsoft links on the Technet website through Internet Explorer. IE and Outlook 365 are the culprits of opening Microsoft links in Opera (but not other links)

For some reason it's just Microsoft. Weird as fuck.

don't think this word belongs there

It does! You get two buttons: "Search" and "Copy".

What kind of porn do you watch?
ASCII art or stories?

Explain please? I've been using opera for about a year now so IDK about its past.

I use Chropera too but only because it's the least worst.

I'd love to switch to Vivaldi if it didn't feel like being such a retard at times. Go through a context menu to make a new window? Nigga gtfoh with that shit.

Opera used to be everyone's favourite obscure meme browser, with its own engine. Then, Opera got a new engine, meaning it is now
>basically just a Chrome skin
>potentially going to monitor you
>possible botnet
It's still a nice browser, but many people were opposed to the changes that were needlessly implemented which harmed Opera's meme magic.

It used to be an independent browser.

Now it's Chromium based.

It's "most definitely monitored by the chinese" VPN proxies are too comfy for me to say no to now.

I really like Opera. I don't use it at home, but I've been using "turbo mode" for a long time to keep the sysadmins at work from being able to see what sites I'm visiting. Now I use "VPN mode," but it's actually just a proxy.

Why is it closed source when it's based on an open sourced browser?

Not that user but links2 allows you to open webm, mp3, mp4, etc. with mpv.

Because they add their own closed-source code to the open-source base.
Chrome is proprietary closed source software and it's based on an open source Chromium.