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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Daily reminder C++ obsoletes all other languages other than ML and Lisp families.
rewriting C++ in OCaml
Worth a read.
C++ killed the art of programming.
>Why do people want this? I don't get it.
>Why do people want this? I don't get it.
It results in MUCH cleaner,elegant, and expressive code. Especially when working with ranges.
Although C++'s would probably use :: like Rust, so itd look gross.
>Interviewer: So how exactly did you do it?
Stroustrup: It was only supposed to be a joke, I never thought people would take the book seriously. Anyone with half a brain can see that object-oriented programming is counter-intuitive, illogical and inefficient..
>Well, one day, when I was sitting in my office, I thought of this little scheme, which would redress the balance a little. I thought ‘I wonder what would happen, if there were a language so complicated, so difficult to learn, that nobody would ever be able to swamp the market with programmers? Actually, I got some of the ideas from X10, you know, X windows. That was such a bitch of a graphics system, that it only just ran on those Sun 3/60 things.. They had all the ingredients for what I wanted. A really ridiculously complex syntax, obscure functions, and pseudo-OO structure. Even now, nobody writes raw X-windows code. Motif is the only way to go if you want to retain your sanity..
What a nice guy. He saved us from the pajeet.
You know thats a fake interview right?
you know you are lying right?
This one's real:
C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot
of substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much
easier to generate total and utter crap with it. Quite frankly, even if
the choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out,
that in itself would be a huge reason to use C.
>Bjarne hates Linux
>Linus hates C++
I see a pattern
Linus is great, but C is shit.
C++ killed programming
user didn't you read the leaks back then? Every source that 'debunks' this references exchanges that are way later.
damage control at it finest
sepplesfag truly are worst kind faggots
>implying i use pajeetware
Regardless of who says it it's completely true for anything but the simplest programs. And oop people tend to plead that there are no big programs that are done in 'good' poo. But even if this were simply developer incompetence you must ask why large oop programs aren't as easy to do as imperative programs.
>But even if this were simply developer incompetence you must ask why large oop programs aren't as easy to do as imperative programs.
Because that's completely untrue, lol
>"debunking" satire
wow thanks internet you couldn't be even dumber than I thought
rate this.
Got it out of the uni library today, because my prof said it is good.
Will I become a power programmer now?
Well when retards unironically believe it, it needs to be done.
Please help me Sup Forums
- Been a python programmer hobby/professionally for 6 years
- Read K&R, literally too stupid to do anything right in C beyond their exercises
- Decide to learn Go, get familiar with the syntax
How do I learn all this stuff that feels naturally for me in Python?
For nearly any problem it doesn't take long to come up with a proper strategy (OOP, comprehensions, using namedtuple or enum or whatever standard library module that fits the job perfectly). In Go I have to think/google for hours and come up with what feels like a hacky solution.
Is there any way to learn the 'mindset' of a new programming language?
Python kills your brain
Can I un-kill it?
Yes, a good dose of Idris may fix you
>thinking he will even get past functions when he can barely do C
Just keep at C mang. and stop using python, seriously.
Reminder that not everything is a function.
Youre right, there can also be obscene macro hacks :^)
Some things are free variables
Reminder that C++ is the best language even though it's ugly and dirty. Java is also quite good even though it's even more disgusting.
Reminder that real programming is never pretty and clean. Faggots who write "cute," "comfy," or "elegant" code are good programmers, but they're also smelly NEETs who sleep with dolls of little girls.
Reminder that real programming is functional, object-oriented, imperative, AND declarative, and uses recursion AND iteration, and there's no rhyme or reason, nor any other kind of decency, as to what's used when for what.
Reminder that if you don't hate your code, hate the language you work with, hate your boss, and hate your life, you're almost certainly not making anything useful.
Reminder that efficiency matters more than abstraction, readability to your superiors who are stupid and know nothing about programming matters more than either, and your little programmer fee fees and "time" are lowest possible priority.
Reminder that programming is a job. Not a hobby. Not a field of study. A fucking job.
C++ killed programming.
If by "bad" you mean disgusting then yes I agree. But reminder that this is not actually bad because the needs of the industry outweigh the needs of the programmer.
Programming's been dead from the start you fat faggot.
>Brainlet C++ code monkey
There's no strict dichotomy between nice and useful, in real life there are degrees. On the large project I'm working on, there are components in different languages. The C components are much nicer to work on than the Java components.
>code monkey
Reminder that code monkeys are the only kinds of programmers the world will ever need and any skill beyond that is wasted.
I'm competent in many """better""" languages that are worlds more advanced and more expressive. They're """"great"""" -- in the sense that if I ever programmed for a hobby, I'd definitely use them instead. But why the FUCK would I ever PROGRAM for a FUCKING HOBBY.
Because I don't sell programming as a fast food product.
lol ur gay
Are programmers math rejects? I feel like I started programming because I was to dum for math
>Because I don't have a job. I'm so sheltered by the state that I haven't yet learned that "wage slave" isn't a real insult because there are only three kinds of people: "wage slaves," "welfare babies," and "corporate fatcats."
>Because I don't have a job.
What makes you say that, indian code monkey?
>code monkey
Reminder that this is the only kind of job in software development that exists. If this is not what you do, you do not develop software.
What even is blend? Why push it so hard?
These C++ ""programmers"" make me cringe
Yeah, I don't "develop" software like a tamed monkey. Is that too hard to fathom?
>c++ is the best
>presents Java as the second option
Yep. You're certifiably retarded user. I won't bother reading more.
What else do you expect from a monkey?
>Why push it so hard?
What are you talking about? They don't give a shit about Blend. I'm not sure why the one user keeps spamming that same screenshot in these threads.
Blend is basically a WYSIWYG GUI editor on crack for GUI frameworks like WPF, plus web stuff. It's good for what it does, but the WYSIWYG editor built-in to Visual Studio runs on the same tech and is perfectly adequate.
The only cringeworthy faggots here are the pathetic slobbering NEETs who actually have little enough going on in their lives that they have enough attention span left over to consider programming as something to actually enjoy.
if you're favourite project isn't named after you're waifu why did you even become a programmer
He is right though
Honestly it's cool and all to idolize and glamourize the fancy math and physics that's going on out there but you have to realize that only the genetically and economically blessed 0.001% get to do cutting edge research in pure theory. In this day and age there is no reason to not incorporate automated computations into your work. Unless you can prove your problem is undecidable you better had some sort of simulations or plots to go with it.
Indeed, you're more like a wild sloth.
It's a truth that becomes self evident as soon as you step out of your protective bubble and let the world use you and drain you like everyone else has to do to survive.
Is there anything more cringeworthy than seeing a low wage code monkey calling others NEETs?
Who let this angry brainlet in?
A "low wage code monkey" is the opposite of a NEET.
Corporate fatcats are also basically NEETs, because they don't really have "jobs" so much as petty theft gigs.
>Reminder that real programming is never pretty and clean.
This is a funny way to call yourself a brainlet
Reminder that contributing to open source is a corporate slavery in the nutshell.
Allow me to rephrase, because you cunts don't seem to understand.
Reminder that real programming is whatever your boss says it is no matter how much you hate it, and if that situation does not apply to you, you are a piece of shit.
Corporate fatcats have tons of interchangable code monkeys like you, that only makes them superior.
>google a problem for calc 2 class
>sites title is calc 3 exercises
hmmmm rly made me tink
More like NEETdom in a nutshell.
Bitch please.
Just like a disgusting rich slob to say superiority is defined by what you "have."
>real programming is whatever your boss says
Yeah, some people are hired just for that. They are not allowd to innovate because they are bad at that.
I'm sorry you have a very wrong perception of the so-called "real" programming. You will never make it.
Sorry, I don't read posts with buzzwords. Please rephrase
Oh my! Did I strike a nerve there?
brainlet C++ pajeet BTFO
May be your office has a dep called "R&D"? That's a place where low quality "programmers" such as yourself aren't allowed in..
>They are not allowd to innovate because they are bad at that.
We are not allowed to innovate because rich people are thieves and are allowed to take whatever """"""job"""""" they want for themselves so of course they'll pick something shit-easy like being an """""""""""""""""""""""idea guy."""""""""""""""""""""""
Because of corporate greed, there is literally no overlap between programming and deciding what needs to be programmed, except among the self-employed, who are basically just NEETs.
But user, I think he is a freelancing monkey
Oh my, you replied to the post again. Looks like I really hit too close to home there, brainlet monkey.
Please explain. That was the first time I replied to it.
Not surprised there
Friendly reminder that programming is a means to an end.
Programming is the application of useful knowledge to efficient methods of giving computers instructions.
If you're programming, and you don't also have a background in another useful field, you're the definition of a code monkey.
>another failure blames "rich people"
void ErrCnt(list::iterator it){
// i need an if statement which does:
// if (it != end of the list it belongs to)
How do I do this without passing the list as an argument?
>waah rich people are bad because they never promoted me waah
What a sore looser. Sad.
It's simply the truth though.
>rich people are thieves
Fuck off, commie
>It's simply the truth
It absolutely is not.
No, rich people are bad because they use loopholes to fucking steal from everyone.
>Boss assigns you to make a program that does some thing
>You decide what language to use, what libraries to use, and how to write it.
If your job isn't like this you should get a new job.
You will never make it, brainlet loooooser
im making a app so people can know how ghey they are through monitoring they app usage . its not going to track web activity just what apps you use and how often and the updates will add new shit to the list of ghey as fuck apps
each day when you start it up it will show a ghey image of varying severity depending on the previous days activity (going by internal clock not 24 hours later). starts with some boy wearing a dress and ends with full on ghey pron stills all of the images are given the caption "you". for the sifrst day it updates your gheyness every 30 minutes
That wasn't actually a response.
Jobs like this don't exist unless they're """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""jobs""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" and only accept people who were born into large inheritances that can be traced back to railroad bullshit.
Don't you people have trashcans to be knocking over?
What part of the world do you live in where jobs like that don't exist? I'm a goddamn intern at a (small) American engineering consultancy company and they let me use whatever I want.
Define "rich"
Define "bad"
Define "steal"
Programming in Power Query M™
>define "steal"
double taxation
No, because I can afford to live a barely reasonable quality of life because I actually work, unlike you faggots who drink lattes all day and fart fucking DIRECTLY into your chairs and get paid massive amounts for this and nothing else.
If I did have to eat out of trashcans, I'd still be glad I don't have to eat literal shit like your asses do when you go brown-nosing around the office.
>I'm a goddamn intern at a (small) American engineering consultancy company and they let me use whatever I want.
You must be one of those """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" from the west coast.
That reminds me about the time I farted in the office, smell was military grade bioweapon. I thought it was alright because I was alone.
>mfw our hr qt pie comes right after that to get something and asks "what is that smell"