/pcbg/ PC Building General

>Assemble your parts list
>How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

If you want help:
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA).
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate.
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?

>G4560 - Budget builds (R5 1400 - if you can't afford better or specifically need 8 threads but not a very powerful CPU
>R5 1500x - Buy the 1600 instead
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; Get a 1600x if you don't OC
>i7-7700k - Only for 144hz
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/mixed use; Not required for just gaming.

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>RX 560 and GTX 1050Ti - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games
>RX570 - 1080p@60hz at high, running most maxed older games at 144+hz.
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@60hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; Go for the RX580 if you can.
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@144hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p.
>GTX 1080 Ti - 1440p@144 hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games; You're kind of going overboard with this one.

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen benefits from high speed RAM

>Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
>NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
>The Ryzen lineup comes with exceptionally good stock coolers. (with the exception of the 1600X) consider using them over any sub 35USD cooler.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/TP-Link-Wireless-PCI-Express-Adapter-TL-WN781ND/dp/B0036AFAEW/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1498610216&sr=8-10&keywords=tp-link wifi card#customerReviews

First for how to build computer for bitcoin

wanna get rich

Invest in gold and commodities instead

Please don't spend money trying to make a e-currency mining build when you have 0 idea what you're getting into, what to do, what is good and such.
For starters you don't even know that what is currently being mined like crazy isn't bitcoin but ETC. Be kind to your wallet and don't make investment in things you know nothing about, you'll just end up losing a massive amount of money.
It already started to crash regardless, /biz/ is in full panic.

Was just baiting
I have an unused 750Ti, would that make any revenue at all? Guess no.

Anyone know what this port is? I'm thinking USB header, but manual and g search shows nothing at all. Manual doesn't even show it existing.

>i7-7700k - Only for 144hz
Upvoted and subscribed to you, Mr. Goldberg!

I got a 750 right now, I will build a new PC in the future, but for the moment, would a 1050ti be a nice upgrade?

Anything you'd recommend as an upgrade to a laptop? already have an SSD and a shit load of ram.

>sold rx 480 at start of mining craze while prices where really high
>upgraded to gtx 1080 before miners moved on to scooping up nvidia gpus
>mfw finally timed something perfectly

I'd leave that alone if I were you.

It's nothing, don't worry about it.

Don't touch that, it's not for you.

I would but i need a usb header for my corsair aio for the link. so if thats a usb header i can use that one.

Don't touch that please.

Why does it bother you? Just leave it be, it isn't causing any issues.

It's for the best if you didn't touch it.

What wifi card should I get for under 20$, unable to connect my pc to router.

If you don't already know what it is you don't need to know.

wtf, not trying to be a dick, but if you can't give an answer then why bother responding?

Eh. Tp link with at least two antennas will do.

Trust me, it's better if you don't touch that.

It doesn't concern you, why are you snooping around your motherboard anyway? Just don't touch it.

that's a very vague question

Please don't bully poor anons

disgruntled ryzen user got 611111111111111111111 get

do not buy ryzen

god wills it

pics or didnt happen faggit


Well.. mobos are mostly shit, even the expensive ones, b-die does work, rest godknowswhy not and 144Hz is wrong. You can easily play esports titles at 144Hz.
>Anus X370
>glued backplate
Whoever thought this is a good idea needs to be shot.

I switched the PSU, RAM, case and mainboard from my first attempt ()

Anything wrong with this one?


I made some adjustments from the previous thread


PSU still feels a bit pricey, any alternatives?

i5 is obsolete, get Ryzen instead.

but its for gaming

mining BTC stopped being a good investment several years back

then get a 7700k if all you care about is gaming.

i5 are complete shit today since ryzen 5 btfoed it.


Don't cheap out on the PSU

Yes, i5 is obsolete regardless. i7 7700K is the only Intel CPU to even consider and that's only for autism builds when all you are about is muh 10fps more while sacrificing everything else.
People who buy Intel in 2017 are either clueless or autistic children from Sup Forums who want 5000 FPS in minecraft.

want make smal omputer

goods ryzen mini atx mother broad>?
Biostar seem sstupid china

I know
What about Etc though?

Any particular reason you don't pick a samsung SSD?

So after I built my first PC I realized any retard can build one. Now, I want to trying and build one with liquid cooling. How difficult is it? Is it hard to maintain? I want to pair a 7700k with my 1080 TI but I'm worried about the Intel house fire meme, I want my temps at most 70 for gayming.

r8? h8?

So, you've popped your PC-building cherry. Congratu-fucking-lations.
Now, learn to keep your system running at its peak, learn to automate tasks, and learn something useful you can do with your newly-built computer. Get your elbow-deep in your computer's anus and feel its heartbeat.
Install a non-Windows OS on it in a separate partition.
Learn how to use virtual machines to test and sandbox shit.
Learn how to render 3D-CGI gay furry midget porn at 4K using variable bitrate to fuck with the furry faggots out there and make them believe God is punishing them during the copious cumshot scenes.
Learn how to install Gentoo properly and compile fucking everything for it so you can upload screenshots of your desktop to Sup Forums and join the neckbeards.

This is just the beginning of this asshole we call a rabbithole.

No dude I mean after I built my PC 4 years ago. And it does dual boot Gentoo. It's time for an upgrade though.

>you spent some money, now do autistic retard shit nobody cares about

You forgot to add a delid kit and liquid metal TIM.

Should I get?
amazon.com/TP-Link-Wireless-PCI-Express-Adapter-TL-WN781ND/dp/B0036AFAEW/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1498610216&sr=8-10&keywords=tp-link wifi card#customerReviews

What else are you supposed to do with a computer? Shitpost on a Mongolian cave painting forum?

If any retard can build one, then any retard can upgrade one on their own. Have fun.


What is there to ask?
Put a bunch of tubes together with a car radiator, a some fans, and a fish tank pump. A child with down syndrome can do this.

I have two of these old green memory.
Can i overclock my computer?


Sorry about that.

I'm looking for an adapter to convert 3 pin fan to 4 pin. It would need to have a voltage regulator to watch the pwm duty cycle and adjust the vcc in the fan.
Does anyone make those?

Trying to do a budget white and black build
Budget is about 550

thoughts on this?

it comes to 570

What's a good entry GPU I can get right now? I'm just looking for something that can play any title at at least 1080p on any settings without frames dipping below 30. I don't want to drop a ton of cash right now anyways so I figure I'll slum it with a budget card and upgrade when the asscoin bubble bursts. This is the first new PC I've built, but I've assembled PCs before.


Whats your budget?
Also its a really bad time to buy gpu's due t the mining thing

trips checked

A friend of mine wants me to buy his GTX 970, and he's offering it to me. The problem that I have with buying ti is that his PSU packed it in, and his computer kept shutting off when he put it under load. I helped him build a new computer recently to replace it. Would the PSU just turning off hurt the component itself?

I'd like to avoid it if it's going to die when I buy it

>i have two oranges
>will it rain tomorrow?

Yeah I know. That's why I'm hoping to pick up something cheap but capable now that isn't being targeted by buttsniffers and upgrade later. Definitely no more than $200. I'd really like to spend somewhere between $100 and $150 at most. Like I said, all I really care about is that I can play any games on it without pretending it's '98 again and I play video games at 680x420. Settings can take a backseat until I upgrade.

Just buy a 1060

What country, cos im sure you can get a way better deal

>Just buy a 1060
I can buy the 970 for 1/4 the cost of a 1060.



Is the 970 still performing well in 2017 gaymen?

\way better card for your price

Those pins are there for a reason, just don't touch them

What are some good B350M boards?

MSI Gaming Pro a good pick?

Pretty solid user. Go for it.

What's the best Matx am4 motherboard if I wanna do some mild overclocking? Asrock pro4 looks like the only decent one, and there's not really any x370 matx.

This much cancer, why haven't you guys killed yourself yet?

Looks like a header for asus to run tests if ever an rma. Its close to usb2, but its not. Thats about far as I got into it. Not usb2 as you needed OP.

I think in terms of performance it goes 970 > 1060 > 980 or something like that, so not tea bag

I think it's a COM port for serial?

it's not as easy as slapping a rig together; stop pretending otherwise

So first time pc build, I got a replacement motherboard for the one that was giving me the red CPU led every time and now everything is working fine.

Installing windows now, is there a Sup Forumsuide to optimizing? Strip down and update or update first and strip down?

>upgraded to a 980ti for $280 USD
>performs as well as a 1070 for 3/4 of the price

What's the best micro ATX motherboard for Ryzen? Cost is no issue, and I won't be overclocking.

but i paid 300 for my 1070
oem box but oh well

Any feed back is welcome. I'm going for something I can upgrade in the future without having to redo everything. Will I run into space issues with the case if I want a larger GPU in the future?

i'm a fucking leaf so 980tis are usually $330 USD and the 1070s even worse

so i'm happy

Isn't the meme that you shouldn't evar buy the older Nvidias bc they get gimped fast in a gen or two?

Somebody PLEASE tell me what the best 1080ti card is, I can't spend more than 730 USD

i dont think there are any bad ones that aren't a founders. just get what ever is a good deal

yes but even so my 770 sli rig was handling everything so long as i wasn't hitting 2GB vram

except i started hitting 2GB more often than not, hence the upgrade

my fiance wants to upgrade and his aunt just died so he's getting some money to get an Xp or a 1080ti and i'll get his 980ti

the long term goal is 980ti sli

Founder's edition is bad ?

yeah its the loudest one

not him but aftermarket 'stock' 1080ti's (non-founder's) generally outperform the officially licensed founder's editions

this is because OEMs can use better coolers and are allowed to have it factory OC'd out of the box


where the fuck did i even remotely imply subhuman disgusting female
i'm masterrace homosexual, nigger


How is this looking, planning to start purchasing tomorrow

>fell for the ryzen meme
Why is microsoft so desperate for people to use win10? It's kind of sad at this point

they're trying to unify their mobile and desktop OSes

what we get after 10 aims to be that

So the computer labs in my school all have PC's with i7 4770's. How likely is it that I would be caught if I went in there one night and opened up one of the computers and took the CPU out and closed the case back up?


Anybody? Tips for new Windows install?

There's so many garbage articles out there it's hard to find something good

Yeah. You gonna need a CPU fan

by the way isn't memeing
some of the Ryzen chips don't actually ship with stock (or any kind of) fans