How can one mis(/ab)use google drive or other cloud services?
Last year a gentooman was trying to upload data to youtube by somehow putting it in videos. Anyone knows if he was successful?
How can one mis(/ab)use google drive or other cloud services?
Last year a gentooman was trying to upload data to youtube by somehow putting it in videos. Anyone knows if he was successful?
Most likely not, they rencode everything.
considering he was trying to duplicate and already proven and known about method, who cares if HE was successful? it already works
Sauce? How can I do it?
Google drive has 15gb of free space.
Perhaps one could make a script that registers accounts for google services and then maxes out the google drive storage?
Although, google implements captcha so automation would be hard.
Maybe dropbox doesn't?
One of the chinese botnets offers like 10tb or something absurd
if you have to ask, and post retarded faggotry like this, you wouldn't know what to do what what i'd post.
go back to wherever you came from, kid
That's uh, a lot of space.
For encoding in video, how did it work?
>turn data into pixels
>fit x pixels per frame
>string frames together
what are you talking about?
embedding data into pictures/videos?
user used to do it all the time on this site.
well they would do it to jpgs.
sauce on girl?
its me, took the pic 2 days ago
You might be able to create files straight from google's scripting service. Not sure though.
OP here. Can confirm. Its him.
dats koo mayne
Google allows you to store 50,000 MP3s of unlimited length
I remember years back there used to be some mad abusive way to take advantage of Google Cache for storage.
They found out and nuked it though.
Also take advantage of things based on file count, not file size, like mentions.
Anyone know any more that do silly things like that?
The dude in OP that was mentioned about encoding shit to Youtube, it is doable.
You just need to make sure you do it properly and in a non-noisy way.
Google automatically detect noisy content above a certain threshold and send humans to investigate. (shits put on a queue, of course)
Encoding data in structures of some sort will help.
Since it is a video, you could make some faggy artistic looking video, slap some random free music on it and be done.
google says "jumpsuited"
she has armpit hair
Put in enough redundancy and you can recover the data.
One of my friends uses a seedbox to torrent porn and has a script to automatically transfer completed downloads to his Google drive.
Everyone at my university got unlimited (or at least a huge amount of) storage on Google drive along with their email accounts, so he has about 2TB of porn on there.
>not liking armpit hair on girls
Wtf is wrong with you
What kind of faggot are you? You had the chance to inform people and stand out as one of the few cases where someone posted useful info on Sup Forums but you chose to shitpost instead. Either post the stuff you started talking about or fuck off. Nobody cares about your self-aggrandizing non-answers.
honestly it's too much hassle. storage is getting cheaper everyday.