Which thumb do you use for spacebar>?
Which thumb do you use for spacebar>?
You don't, you reach up and tap it with your index
my left thumb. my index finger on the trackpoint.
my palm
both, at the same time.
Whichever index finger is closer
index finger masterrace
Not putting any of my fingers in the vicinity of that disgusting laptop before you clean it up.
My toe.
Are you a even white?
Yeah I use index too.
right thumb for non gaming and left thumb for gaming
the one i used to finger your mommy.
I use my index finger. Easier for me actually.
left usually
Right hand usually but if I'n writing hella fast I use the hand closest to the soacebar, if a tie i alternate the hand I used last for a key to the other for the spacebar
I think I had a stroke while writing this
maybe stroke it and type when you're done, ok champ?
Right thumb
My left hand is busy
>Precision M70
Mein Neger
haha, same..