>tfw the only solution to all my dev problems is to embrace enginedev
>tfw I've tried every framework and engine there is but always complain about everyone
>tfw all engines are dog shit made to retards
>tfw time to learn and master CS just to make 2D games without bloat and high performance
Tfw the only solution to all my dev problems is to embrace enginedev
>OP ends up making a bloated 2d engine
>learn cs
>other engines are shit
Do you were trying to make a game without programming?
>tfw time to learn and master CS
>just to make 2D games without bloat and high performance
What the fuck are you trying to do in 2D that you need "high performance" and to "master CS" to do it?
I know how to code, but I'm sick of being stuck using bloat, poor documentation, poor performance, boat again for small 2D shit, having to pay licence, not really learning nothing about math and gamedevelopment, feeling like a kid using toys, almost nobody answering my questions why the engine does X, weird workflows, etc.
a bunch of complains.
unity simple apk is 20 MB, unaceptable for small 2D games.
even godot is 8 MB, still too big.
compare that to SDL same shit, which is less than half a MB.
...So? Disk space is hardly in short supply nowadays and any large number of textures or sounds will dwarf your binaries in no time.
I'm sick of not learning nothing.
That's a perfectly good reason to develop a game engine, I've done it and it's certainly an excellent learning experience. I just don't get your attempts to justify it as absolutely *crucial* for practical reasons.
I'm not planing on making an engine.
why everyfaggot considers the only way to make a game is to make an unity clone or use unity first.
>why everyfaggot considers the only way to make a game is to make an unity clone or use unity first.
Because while you are fully able to just write an engineless game where the game code interfaces directly with the screen/filesystem/network/etc., you'd be stupid to do so. You will end up with unmaintainable spaghetti and absolutely no code you can reuse in future projects.
>a small 2D engine has to be able to compete with unity and unreal to be usable
...I never said that. I took you saying
>I'm not planing on making an engine.
literally. Sorry for actually trusting the words that come out of your mouth.
I'm not planing on wasting my time making an unity clone.
I simply plan on coding what I need and reusing code that I may reuse, not masturbating making features I wont need for X game.
>Spaghetti code
Remember to watch out for these, they're actually codewords for 'I have a sub 100 IQ'.
Libgdx has a small footprint. Not an engine, more like a framework though
I've used it, is fine.
but is useless if I don't know math.
You really only need highschool 1st-year-tier trigonometry for rotating stuff.
you need linear algebra for making stuff like mode 07 on the snes.
>making new engine cuz math too hard
Learn the math it will benefit you later on.
t. doesn't do any real development