Apartments in Melbourne over million dollars with nbn (fibre / VDSL for faggot foreigners)

>Apartments in Melbourne over million dollars with nbn (fibre / VDSL for faggot foreigners)
>ZERO results


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Why the fuck do you need fibre connection?
I'm an Europoor with fibre connectivity but the old one I had 20Mbps up/down was entirely livable and I did not notice a massive difference.

because Australian ADSL2 is shit in 2017. I am only getting reasonable speeds on NBN (50/20)

who are you quoting

a realestate website you faggot meme artist

Sucks to be you. My apartment in the best part of town was 100k USD and I pay 100 USD for 240mbps interneet.

You also pay 100k to have a doctor's appointment LMAO

>mfw universal healthcare

Why not buy one under 1 million dollars?

HA! Enjoy your shitty DSL while I enjoy my superior eVDSL 300/100 profile.

FTTH 1000/200 is also coming next year.

>getting onto botnet fibre

>I want to live in one of the most interesting places in the world
>A place so beautiful that it is one of the world's biggest tourist destinations
>Also get to slip another shrimp on the barbie
Mate, if the internet speed is your worst problem, then you are living the dream life. Billions (literally) would love to trade places with you.

go away nbn shill

know your place, abbo

you're a nigger mate :(

what did whitey mean by this?

who the fuck moves TO australia?

>get """upgraded""" from ASDL to VDSL under nbn
>slightly better speeds, but it completely drops out at random
haha thanks malcolm

Because properties under a million dollars in the city are the equivalent to 350k houses in the suburbs. Poorfags will know what I mean

>wrestle with alligators
>box with kangaroos
>play handegg without armour
>evade dropbears
>play "is it a small tree or a large spider?" when driving
>bite the shark back
>say "g'day mate" in Ace Ventura accent
Australia is pretty cool.
People are (again, literally) DYING to get to Australia.

>I had 20Mbps up/down was entirely livable

Fucking Eurotrash standards, holy shit.

That's barely 2.5MB/s

>tourist destination
ayyyy what planet are you from?


You can watch youtube and netflix with that, what else do you need?

Just don't get sick you cuck

Yeah better suck my cock

>million dollars
you have to search in mandarin for those

This post is comically lleddit even before you notice that he's a tripfag

European ISPs have been offering 100/100 lines for €50 for almost a decade you dunce. Uncapped, unlike ameriturd internet. Now we have gigabit lines for that price and free (0€) basic connections. Some shithole like Romania has better internet than the whole of USA.

>Some shithole like Romania has better internet than the whole of USA.
Some shithole that's smaller and more densely populated than almost every US state?

have you ever seen an american? EVERY area is densely populated

No excuse for not having it in small, densely populated US areas

life's a bitch, I know

here I am shitposting from a 50 USD laptop using 2mbps internet and having eggs with stale bread because that's literally all the food I have left and I can totally relate to your very serious problem.

I hope life stops punishing you this hard.

Does New Zealand have that problem?

In smaller cities and villages as well?

People with anything less than 10Gbps FTTH connection please fuck off