When will you stop buying games that ABUSE women?

When will you stop buying games that ABUSE women?

when you go back to Sup Forums


I dont buy games but I do ABUSE women.

fuck off kike

Bitches love punishment, so like never

you seem to have confused Sup Forums with Sup Forums my friend

I'm gonna have to take measures

>buying games


Single mother create 100000 times more abusers than whole video game industry.

I abuse other women (waifus of neckbeards) using a women who was added to the game to pander SJWs. That's the power of attraction.

I stopped buying games due to a combination of reasons. Namely, I'm old and games aint what they used to be.

I dont have time to play games really. It feels like a waste of time. I'd rather be doing something more productive.

yeah like posting on Sup Forums lol

Where can I find these games that abuse women?

Yeah, sure thing man

>not buying material girl

Post sauce



> buying games
When will this meme stop?

when will you stop discriminating me for my preferences?
>check your privilage

...when they stop being the only thing that can give me an erection without boner meds.


havent bought a game in a decade


It's pretty clear that she wants to be abused, preferably sexually, so men playing games instead of abusing her is unacceptable.