Beat this
Speccy Thread
Was it worth the effort?
Didn't take any effort tho, just dropped it in while waiting for the rest of the parts.
It's not much but it's mine
What do I win?
Do you even game on all these screens at the same time?
I'm waiting for mine to arrive but apart from it i use a curved 49' samsung 4k monitor for movies/series a 16:10 used monitor i got for cheap for productive work and hopefully i'll get this good 4:3 CRT monitor i've used for a very long time to work on this gpu.
I wonder when I'll be forced to upgrade the CPU.
Hopefully not anytime soon, since the cost of mobo+i7/ryzen7+16GB of DDR4 is pretty astonishing, especially when I compare it with how much I spent in 2013 upgrading to this shit here.
Speccy needs to fucking update or die. They don't even recognize Kaby Lake properly.
hi bro
How about YOU update speccy?
beat this, losers
/westmere/ and or /x58/ sound off!
love me some ryzen.
ram's at 2933mhz and using a beta bios.
>2 core i7
Good laptop, runs Half Life
suck it
I'm pretty much the same but with a 3770k, and a mg28u
Just bought this laptop brand new today for $380. Feels pretty good. Havent gotten around to installing win7 and mint
>Skylake architecture
>no GPU
You got jewed
I don't like these summer temps, also waiting for muh-Vega...
Well fuck...
I think you need more storage.
>using a dedicated graphics card on a laptop
I think the tempts are the only good thing this prebuilt has going for it.
>using integrated graphics
get a load of this poorfag
Shitposting machine, dual booting XP and Xubuntu.