Thoughts on the Rossmann?

thoughts on the Rossmann?

Reminds me of romanoff
> starts masturbating

isn't he like 4 feet tall



He's ok I guess. I'm not a big fan of computer repair videos in general though.

>tfw can't find the pic of him standing

you gotta be small to work with those boards

/our guy/. The resident pajeets hired by Apple to damage control on here will say otherwise though.

But he's right tho

He needs some juicy apple dick. Mmmmmmm


Boring and autistic

Genuinely fun to have a stream of playing in the background. 10/10 for not being a mouth breathing, socially awkward autist. Incredible respect for what he does with component repair, because I've known firsthand shops that will lie through their teeth about that shit.

Also, I've never once cringed while watching Rossman like I have with, say, the 8bitguy. Different subjects, but you get my point: That guy can't even walk without looking like a gargoyle.

iPad Rehab seems nice, I've only seen a little bit of one of her videos where she was cleaning blood off of the traces of an iPhone of a murder victim. Seems pretty chill.

yawn inducing

LOUIS "Reballing is bullshit" ROSSMANN

keeps reminding me that the stormfag memes are bullshit
good man
I really need to stop lurking on Sup Forums

Dropped watching him when he stopped making normal videos in favor of shitty long unedited livestreams

I would unironically suck his dick.



Seems like he'd be a cool dude to sit around and shoot the shit with.

>every single video is 20 mins+


>(((Rossmann))) convincing you that what you learned on Sup Forums is wrong


have you got the attention span of a child or something?

this so much
what the fuck happened to society that I've missed that there are so many people who make money with fucking five to fifteen minute tech reviews and even political and societal commentary with hundreds of thousands of views and just as many subscribers


his latest rant on social anxiety is superb
i am genuinely loving the guy
but i hope he stops uploading4 h videos nobody cares about