Its been 4 years since he started working at Oculus and still...nothing...Not even a peep of brilliance Hell...

Its been 4 years since he started working at Oculus and still...nothing...Not even a peep of brilliance Hell, the only thing he's done in this time is become a convicted thief. Is he /done/?

Other urls found in this thread:

he was done at the end of doom 3 and thats stretching it

He cares about whether he gets to work on interesting code. Just so happens that the interesting stuff he's been working on in recent years - VR - is a pointless flop, from a commercial perspective. I don't think he has any fucks to give about that though, he already has his garage full of Ferraris, he'll only do something different if he gets bored with it.

VR was always a forced meme and it's finally dead. People just don't want that shit, especially with those prices and extremely high requirements.

Idubbbz lol

And shit implementation. Is there one good game for VR besides maybe SUPERHOT?

He's a video game developer, not a hardware engineer or a driver programmer.

He was hired for marketing purposes, nothing else.

makes you wonder what the fuck palmer luckey even did besides get lucky

everything I've read about him in the lawsuit and deposition transcriptions shows that he knows shit about software and the extent of his hardware knowledge is on par with muhammud the clock boy

I don't disagree that it's horesetrash, but it's nothing close to dead, with the HTC Vice and Android VR (whatever the fuck that is) VR is more alive than it ever was. The trend will probably last the next half-decade, and if it becomes usable by then, it'll be in everything.

I have my bets on AR being bigger than VR though.

give him time, it took awhile for him to come up with the Slap Chop and ShamWow

fucking guy, all he did was get bought out for a billion dollars and do that stupid photoshoot.

Really, how clueless can you be?

Didn't he turn into some weird ultra-conservative who openly hates minorities because his gold digger gf happens to be a "conservative" Twitter troll who used to live off of gifts fat middle-aged Republicans dads were sending her before she found her current meal ticket?

He made the news a few weeks ago for starting a company that uses drones and VR to monitor the borders

Not to mention he's a huge weeb with shit taste. Just look at all the posts he makes about SAO. How much of a man child do you have to be to enjoy that juvenile trash.

>madposting because you fell for the meme
"VR" is shit and it flopped hard. It's not even actual VR, it's just a screen taped to your head with some awful controls. The high point of "VR" already passed.

He's a code thief and a liar. He had to google "How to wipe a harddrive" when zenimax was coming down on him.

Can you point me to the deposition transcripts where Palmer Luckey proved himself to be a retard?

I just got my DK2 today. Mainly planned to use it with DCS World. And holy fuck, I was sick after only minutes. Not sick of it, but I felt sick.

The resolution is so fucking low, I had no clue it was that bad. The only semi clear picture is the middle, but still its almost impossible to read even text. Dont even think about spotting fighters or ground targets.

Luckily i only paid $150 for it, which is the cheapest I've seen it here in Norway used.

The technology I have to say tho, is awsome.

When they make high res models of that stuff in the future, its gonna be bliss for plane sims.

>the only thing he's done in this time is become a convicted thief.
kek.. I lost all respect for him after what he did came out. guy stole shit and tried to eliminate evidence and did it BADLY. he couldn't even wipe his HDD properly and even left google search terms for forensic experts to find. what a tool.

just collecting some paychecks for a new tesla

The consumer version has a better display. I was still a bit disappointed after getting mine, after watching recordings of people playing on Youtube I was expecting it to look as good as that but it still has a screen door effect. That said I still find it immersive and after a while you get used to it and don't care as much, it only becomes an issue for reading fine text or seeing fine details but games made for VR tend to avoid that.

they both stole my i dea, if anyone at google wants evidence I posted the same invention in 2010 on youtube before my accounts got closed, ciarepairs,eliteblast,infamousgorn.

video title was an ideaa for a virtual reality device, I went over the design and every feature. If someone at google can unban those accounts or get access to the videos you will know that these guys are frauds.

my contact e-mail is [email protected].

if anyone can help me/ moot whoever, and we can fight them I will give you millions.

>I never tried how jawdropping VR is.

It's the most amazing shit to happen since Mario 64.

I think the interesting stuff he can do for 3D engines is done, better graphics and optimizations don't matter much anymore.

Carmack is a confirmed god, if it's possible to make VR viable he can do it.

VR is already awesome, we just need to find a way to make the human mind not puke when fully utilizing it.

What VR did you try? Shit like oculus rift isn't jawdropping in any way, it's literally just a stereo screen and some motion sensors, like that user just said.

DK2 is a piece of shit compared to everything recent. That's your problems, hands down.

Even that is pretty impressive though user like wtf did you think VR would be? It's virtual reality not a way to genetically disperse your being into another realm.

Kids these days literally don't appreciate technology because it's handed to them daily on a silver platter.

Have you tried VR outside some shitty android cardboard shit? I have the feeling this thread is a bunch of people who have never tried VR giving their opinion on VR.

It's as pathetic as a virgin giving their opinion on sex.

Well a friend of mine just got a cv1, I'll test it out one of these days. But he said there wasn't that much of a differance.

He made shitloads millions.

Why would he still care about VR when he can fuck supermodels irl all day every day?

What happened to Hololens?

John Carmack is nothing but a view on top of the shoulders of giants. Too many people drink the Carmack Koolaid and act like the guy is god because he was part of a team that made a great game 25 years ago.

He's also never one to correct people who falsely credit him for the invention of the inverse square root. Need all that credit where ever you can get it.

The tracking is very impressive, both for the headset and the controllers. The controllers also have a huge amount of potential being able to detect finger positions and even whether you have a finger on a button but not actually pressing it. You talk about it like it's just a HMD with some Wiimotes.

ITT retards that don't know what he's actually been up to. You could, you know, look it up?
He's been in the mobile division of Oculus, working on Gear VR with Samsung. This year he's mostly working on 360 video implementations and getting those working good on mobile hardware. The most recent Oculus Home update on Gear VR is also mostly his work, improving quality and rendering through a different technique of projection mapping. Here's a talk about what he's up to lately, and mostly the video stuff:

Was that so hard? Think next time before you say something stupid.

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Fortune

>not taking your code home
Code monkeys do this all the fukken time. That doesn't mean it gets copypasted into another business' project, and most monkeys have enough sense not to do this.

60 F P S O N C O N S O L E S




DK1 to DK2 was 100% improvement. DK2 to CV1 was 50% improvement.

>closed source VR tied to a specific phone manufacturer
>defending this

>one company decided to burden the risk of trying something new and developing decent mobile VR
>not allowed to get rewarded for it
Good luck funding all that VR development with your open sores. If it does turn out successful, it'll be a piece of cake for other companies to follow suit and copy with little effort.

Carmack was never a completely original genius, but he was for a long stretch of time the only guy to really identify the best ideas out of academia and then tune the fuck out of them to the point that the algorithms could run playable fast on consumer hardware.

2D ray casting, floor/ceiling texture. filling, BSP trees, etc. weren't exactly things people expected could be run in real time on a 386.

>closed source software tied to samsung hardware
mate pls


I own a vive and am extremely excited with the direction VR is headed. I've put hundreds of hours into it and my only reservation is that content isn't coming out fast enough. It's coming, just too slowly.

All the salty nerds in here who have a hate-on for VR are literally retarded. You're the type of people who were all "Hurrr airplanes are just a fad. No one actually wants to fly."

still no one WANTS to fly now because its a pain in the ass and you cant truly be comfy


Flight sims and racing sims

Which is where something like the cost of vr and having extra peripherals isnt an issue

That's why so many rich people are pilots, right?

We had VR in the 90s, devices weren't much different than today, a bit more clunky maybe and gave you a headache.

Go invent another clock, Muhammad.

like .0001% of rich people are pilots. Pilots are for the working class

>it's literally just a stereo screen and some motion sensors
Holy shit user.

Super Mario 64 was just a bit of geometry back then too.

>and gave you a headache
Here's why VR now works and didn't back then. They did not have motion-tracking with low-enough latency and the screens were a blurry mess.

it worked then. I used it with a omni tread and everything. It had starfox quality graphics which are about the same as we get now from the gear vr.

Are you baiting?

> wahhh it's too expensive
> it's just a fad, i didn't want it anyway

Have fun being left in the past, peasants. brb gotta go fap to some room scale hentai

>starfox quality graphics
sure user

what did you mean by this?

You were implying VR games have Starfox graphics.
Have some web 1.0 and read.

That game looks much worse than modern VR games. What about it?

>expecting a vidya game from 1994 to have comparable graphics to modern ones
What did he mean by this?

I have an Avegant Glyph. Instead of strapping a screen to your face, it supposedly projects the image onto a bunch of mirrors, and then reflects it back onto your eyes. It supports head tracking, which works with basically any game that supports the mouse for camera movement. It can be plugged into anything with an HDMI port. It's nice.

What's wrong with being a conservative, jerk off? Kys yourself

>a convicted thief
>He's a code thief and a liar. He had to google "How to wipe a harddrive" when zenimax was coming down on him.
>guy stole shit and tried to eliminate evidence and did it BADLY. he couldn't even wipe his HDD properly and even left google search terms for forensic experts to find. what a tool.

what the fuck are you Sup Forumstards talking about? he didn't do any of those things, they also claimed he searched on google how to wipe a hdd in a macbook to which he responded “I am not a Mac user unless under duress.”

Nothing wrong with being a conservative.

Everything wrong with being a wet noodle who just espouses everything his gf believes in.

just because he understands optimization and profiling doesn't mean he's a genius
he's smarter than 99% of the people writing these shitty fucking games, granted, but he's not special.

>Star Citizen won't ever have official VR support
>Evochrons VR is spotty because SteamVR API is still in alpha
>Elite Dangerous is dogshit
Dead in the water. PhoneVR has taken over VRporn. All the other games have that shit teleportation system.

He's supposed to be a genius because he optimized code to not actually calculate some complex formula but made a simpler estimate using a constant.

There was better shit in arcades

there is a lot of fuckery going on in this thread and i will try and clear it up

same as the 90's the technology isnt there yet

i can find the link but there was a very deep Q&A he gave a few years ago talking about how he was complaining to the screen manufacturer LG that they weren't doing things right - it took repeated conversations for LG to realise the error of their ways and then they started listening to John... Yep he even got PHD in screen tech to change their thinking

He mentioned for VR to be truely immersive we need frame rates at 1000's hz and to achieve that we will need new screen tech that does 10x interlacing which will require a new fabrication process

The man is awesome and pushing the envelope like that takes time.... so how about you stop shitposting and go off and build your own fully immersive display tech eh?

1000Hz is bullshit, it's certainly possible to be immersed even at 90Hz and no one would be able to tell the difference much beyond say 200Hz (just a random number before you link some research article stating otherwise, my point is there's no need to go so high). Regarding the displays the biggest issue right now is resolution, whilst it would be possible to go higher the panel cost would be significantly higher as would the cost of the hardware needed to drive it.

Other than the screen other issues are movement related (tracking it large areas, needing a large unobstructed area to use it in or an expensive omnidirectional treadmill, and the tether) and whilst the controllers are decent some sort of motion tracking glove would be better and then peripherals to go with them (a gun for example).

>shit teleportation system.
This is the single worst thing about current VR.
I can live with the lower than necessary resolution but the teleporting is unforgivable.

>Regarding the displays the biggest issue right now is resolution, whilst it would be possible to go higher the panel cost would be significantly higher as would the cost of the hardware needed to drive it.
You can still render images internally at a lower resolution while reaping the benefits of a more pixel-dense display, and there's also the promise of foveated rendering.

i think you're refering to Samsung, not LG. He talks in this link about only getting to 120hz, but i have no doubt he would like to push the refresh rate to something even higher.

you're right, tracking is still a issue but those things are getting fixed as the time passes.

>still waiting on vr quake 3 arena

It's such a fucking cop-out. Just because you're too much of a fucking sputz to come up with locomotion systems that aren't garbage doesn't mean it's acceptable to just blink the player around like they're some kind of MMO player with the patience of a gnat.

as i said it was a new way of thinking

he was talking about new display tech doing 2000x2000 + @ 1000hz using 10x and 20x interlacing magic

he is so far ahead of the curve we try and find arguments in things we dont comprehend

but seriouisly vr for me died the day facebook got involved... if anything blame them

I thought I read somewhere that putting a virtual nose in the centre of the display helped with the sick feeling, but I haven't got the money to follow VR seriously, so I just don't.

his autism probably made him scrapped his work and start all over again.


thanks bro thats what i was looking for

no one should be allowed to comment in this thread unless they watch this whole video

the mans a intellectual powerhouse

I guess, but then couldn't the same be achieved by making the pixels larger to eliminate the dead space between them? The screen door effect is part of what breaks the immersion.

Well, the issue can currently be solved simply by adding more tracking sensors. I don't really know how they can get around that, if there's a way to expand the range/coverage of the sensors or if it will require a new way of tracking like radar.

>he is so far ahead of the curve we try and find arguments in things we dont comprehend
It's not about my lack of comprehension, 1000Hz simply isn't necessary. There have been studies done showing that something around 220-240Hz is enough.

That's an interesting one. Whilst we do always see our own noses (assuming we have one or it's not a tiny deformed nubbin) our brain automatically filters it out, same goes for the blind spot where our optic nerve attaches at the back of the eye. I wonder if having something that we don't consciously notice would be of any help or if we'd even be able to tune out a false nose.

that's what he actually did lol
>Carmack admitted in testimony that he had copied thousands of e-mails to a personal hard drive on his last day at ZeniMax, but he maintained that he rewrote any code used on the Rift and Gear VR headsets from scratch.

sure no problem.

>if there's a way to expand the range/coverage of the sensors or if it will require a new way of tracking like radar.
that's an interesting idea, i think both companies (oculus and vive) are in a weird position right now, since they tackle the same problem with a different approach, but if somebody could use both tracking systems at the same time, i think they could get rid entirely of the tracking problems, using a radar like you say could give better results too.

Nobody said he wasn't smart, but it's ridiculous how hard you're sucking his dick right now.

The dude isn't particularly ethical, but neither is ZeniMax or the draconian terms of their contracts.

>more tracking sensors
V2 of Valve's Lighthouse tech at least allows the use of more sensors by sending sync on the same lasers used for triangulation. It's a far more elegant solution than it sounds, improving performance, expanding coverage, and driving costs of manufacturing down by a lot. SteamVR hardware is going to hit second gen long before Oculus gets their research prototypes to trade shows.

People shitting on VR don't understand how challenging of a medium it is to get right since you've got to get every part of the stack, from concept to UI to art to hardware to software down perfectly. Since you can't cut corners without making your product unusable, shit takes a lot longer. Gen 2 will be cheaper than Gen 1 and shouldn't increase performance requirements much. Gen 3 will probably be a huge leap in visual fidelity (with the associated leap in performance requiments).

I found the nigger from /r/vive.

A lot of people on the second wave VR really just wanted a cheap, goodnuff HMD to up the immersion factor, not the holodeck. It's noble that these companies are aiming for the next level experience but it seems like they haven't solidified a costumer base just yet.

25% improvement
Better motion capture but the screen gone for shit

I played Arizona sunshine at a friend's place, it's fun as fuck.


yes, and when i was 9 i imagined a spaceship going to pluto. if in 30 year we finally have one, i will complain about it because i thought of it first. please off yourself muhammed