New Material Design Based Sup Forums

I'm designing a new Sup Forums that's eventually replacing this. It'll follow Google's Material Design principles.

Any features you want to request?

You're making an imageboard or an app to view an imageboard?


>Any features you want to request?
Everything on Clover

>Any features you want to request?
GPL licencing.

>>Any features you want to request?
I want to request that you realize that material design is shitty.

>Any features you want to request?
Yes, for it to not follow Google's Material Design principles.

>new Sup Forums
the imageboard ecosystem is dead make something new you dumb shit.

Make it like facebook!
With lots of funny memes!
Thanks very much

>t. pajeet

This, implement upvotes so normal people can be praised for coming here

BSD licencing

Make it a textboard

yes. go fuck yourself.

Sup Forums but with hashtags
>but they'd be abused

make it work with emacs

Reddit and Imgur integration! Oh, and ability to view archive catalog, clover for some reason doesn't do this.

Pls make an iOS app. We already have Clover for Android. I swear the only thing that's keeping me from buying an iPhone se is a Sup Forums app.
>t. Handlet who still uses a 1st gen moto g

Are you incapable of using the website? You know it’s responsive for mobile right.

this is all i need to know

Yes, a button that shots a bullet on your head when someone presses.

A dedicated app is far superior.Also no ads.

It's shit. And Applefags have ads iirc

you have to go back


Add something in essence to reddit text formatting

Only because they are too fucking stupid to hide them with the built in Sup Forums css options.

God, android's font rendering is fucking beautiful.

is there any way to make it into IOS?, I have an ipad and it would be awesome to shitpost from bed. Also it is a fact that a big chunk of the posters use iPhones.

I knwo that there are may restrictions. is there a way to bypass this? maybe put all red boards under a disclaimer or something?

>like Sup Forums but 100% phoneposters instead of 50%
rather kill myself desu

don't forget the stickers and video ads every 2 seconds

phone shit
material design shit

whats wrong with you

remake clover, be less of a faggot than floens.
And no, before you start posting about what you think, we don't give a shit, clover was/is decent so aim to do that or become a bigger faggot than floens

Fuck you

Fucking faggot floens doesn't do shit.

If it's a whole new image board website, please add a /prog/ board and add a word filter to ban posts that use the words Windows 10, Apple, superior, better, good, upgrade, and best.

If it's just another client for Android, just don't. Fork Clover.

>just fork Clover.
This. All I want is Clover with a (you) count. Maybe I'll do that.

Clover is already based on material design. Why the fuck do we need something else?

I wanna see Burichan colors

Using apps for anything a browser can do

Autism 101

An alternative viewing mode that lines up replies underneath each other like reddit, but this should be easily changed.